When you meet Pigsy

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L/n = Last name
F/c = Favourite colour

Your grandpa and grandma had been training you for weeks, for what? The annual cooking competition. People from all over the city come for restaurants to battle it out, for food of course. You work at your family restaurant, The (L/n)'s. Your parents unfortunately died at a young age so your grandparents looked after you. You were a grown woman now, and yet your grandparents stilled pressured you like you were still a child. But there was one thing that made your family stand out from the crowd. You were demons. Your grandma was a magenta demon, your grandpa was a aqua demon and you were a (f/c) demon. You all had large horns and gave off mean vibes, but more than a minute conversation people would figure out you weren't at all frightening.

You and your grandparents arrived at the stadium for the restaurant battle. You and them climbed your way through the ranks, beating chefs and restaurants with your amazing food. You were now in the semi finals, one restaurant left and the title was yours. You were pumped, so were your grandparents. You walk into the stadium for the final time and the crowd cheered and roared. "Alrighty cooking fans! This is the final round! Who ever wins this takes home the trophy and the title of 'Best Restaurant'! Let's get ready!" The male announcer cheered from the centre of the stage. "On this side of the stadium we have the lovely old couple with a fiery passion for food! The L/n's!". The three of you walk out of stage. You frowned at the announcer. He had completely been forgetting that you were there, even though you signed up as a 3 tier group.

"And on this side we have the small shop with lip smacking good flavours! Pigsy's Noodle Shop!". From the other side of the stadium you saw a teen boy, a man in glasses and a pig man. Your grandparents glared at Pigsy and he returned the glare. But he looked confused upon seeing you. You gave a unsure wave and smiled. He frowned but waved back, still confused. Your grandma pulled you down to her small level by your chef collar. "What are you doing young lady. He is the enemy, you don't make friends with the enemy" she scolded. "I only waved" you said with a shrug.


The battle begun, you were all doing your own thing. Grandma on vegetables, Grandpa on meat and you were on the details and preparations. You looked up from your dish to the other side of the stage. You could see MK cutting up some vegetables and Tang stirring something at a vigorous pace. You watched as Pigsy poured oil into his pan and let it go up in flames. He grinned at the small flame. But then he saw you staring at him, he smiled and waved to you again. You blushed and did the same but you pursed your lips at the sight of the now massive flame. Smoke trailed out from it.

"Pigsy! Your food!" you yelled out. Pigsy gave a hum of confusion and screamed at the sight of the flame. He started to move back and forth with the pan, Tang and MK now started to scream at the massive flame, not really doing much to help. "Oh! That's a tough burn for Pigsy's Noodle Shop!" the announcer said as he jumped up behind you. You glared at him, he was getting on your nerves the more he talked. "Now let's look back onto The L/n's side. What have you got cooking up?" he questioned as he held the mic to your grandpa. "Well we have a delicate set of meat and vegetables that we are preparing" your grandpa said in a soft voice. "It's a family recipe, we hope that the judges love it" your grandma says softly as she interlocks her elbows with her husband's. The crowd aww's, "Now ain't that just sweet! Say! I know you have plenty of experience but uh...what's with her?".

The announcer pointed to you. You just gave a confused look, "Oh. I uh, I'm their granddaughter". "Mmm, you sure? You seem like you don't know your way around the kitchen. And all L/n's know their way around" the announcer taunted. You saw red, "Is that so" you said through gritted teeth. "Look I'm sorry. It's just that you don't look as experienced, I mean by the time you have left you won't even make it! Your going at snail's pace! Haha!" the announcer joked. You balled up your fists as you growl. Your grandparents just stare, very unsure of what to do. It was very rare for you to get mad. The announcer continued to laugh at you but he suddenly fell forward and onto the kitchen bench, a loud clank was heard. You saw a pan next to the announcer's head.

You look over at the other kitchen's table to see Pigsy dusting off his hands. "Tch, loud mouths are the worst" he muttered, before turning back around to his food. You blush slightly at this, did Pigsy just stand up for you? You smiled towards him, he peered over to you a little. You swear you saw something red on his face, but he quickly turned back to his food. You smiled wider and pushed the now unconscious announcer off the bench. Continuing on with your dish with more confidence.


Time was up and the judges had to choose. Only they couldn't, they liked both the dishes. So in the end it was tie. Your grandparents were upset with coming to a tie but you were more than happy. As the crowd cheered, you walked over to Pigsy, Tang and MK. You tapped him on the shoulder and he spun around. "Hey uh. I just wanted to say great food and thanks for knocking that dude out" you said sticking your hand out for a shake. Pigsy smirk and scoffed, "Thank you and he was being a bit of a prick hehe". "Hehe yeah. Oh right! My name is Y/n!" you chuckled as you shook hands. "I'm Pigsy. And that's MK and Tang" he said pointing over to the two other boys. "Y/n!" your grandpa yelled out. You look back to see them waiting. "Oh, goodbye. I do hope to see you again!" you said as you dashed off. "You too!" Pigsy yelled back. He smiled, he wouldn't say it out loud but he found you quite interesting for a sweet demon.

Hope you enjoyed!

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