When you meet Red Son

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Red Son banged his head against his desk, groaning and mopping about. None of his plans seemed to work. Every time to try to get the staff off MK he seemed to outsmart him with strength and speed. Sure Red Son had the brains, but that didn't help in a fist fight as much. His parents were frustrated at him for failing multiple times, again and again. He needed a better strategy, was it possible to even catch him off guard? That could work, getting him when he least expects it!


Red Son was able to track down MK's delivery points and every time he would get the jump on him, he'd either miss entirely or MK just brushed it off like it was nothing. This was his finally delivery point, if Red Son didn't get it right this time, he is doomed for a lecture from his parents. MK danced his way to the front door, he had earphones in. Rang the doorbell, the customer paid and MK danced his way back to the delivery van. This was his chance!

He appeared behind the teen in a flaming whirlpool of fire. And just as he was about to grab him, he suddenly ducked down. Then Red Son was slammed in the face, by a trash can lid?! Red Son fell to the floor and held his head. "Oh look a penny!" MK says as he stands up right and grabs the penny from off the ground.

That's why he bent down?! A stupid penny! Red Son looked around and found you, holding another trash can lid. Ready to throw at him if necessary. MK also noticed you, "Hey sis!" he says waving his hand happily. "Wait... sister?!?" Red Son shrieked.

"Do you need help with your stalker or..." you questioned, referring to Red Son. MK turned back around and gasped. "Red Son! What are you doing here?" MK says in shock. "Oh well I was just strolling through the neighbourhood and I saw you and I- I'M TRYING TO STEAL THE STUPID STAFF! GOD, ARE ALL YOU PEASANTS THIS PATHETIC!" Red Son shrieked as he stood up, ready to fight. MK dashed to your side, "Do you think you can distract him?" he whispered. "No probl-lemo" you said with a smirk.

MK hoped into the van and sped away, Red Son was ready to flow him but you yelled out. "Oi red guy! Aren't you going to chase me instead?". Red Son gave you a small glare and walked further by you. "I don't want to waste my energy on the likes of you, peasant!" he simply said.

"Ok then, I bet everyone WON'T freak out when they figured that I defeated a demon. I mean look at me, a girl who managed to catch you off guard. Ha!" you said with a smirk. That was the tipping point, he turned back to face you and you were ready for what could happen.


Literally nothing could prepare you for this moment! 45 minutes, 45 minutes of running for your life while you have a fire demon flying above you throwing fire balls at you. You were tired, you wanted to stop but you just couldn't, not when he was closing in. Where was MK? Did have a plan? Did he leave you for dead?! You had no idea, but you had faith in your brother. You would try your best to stay out of the public, affairs of them getting hurt. So you would be running through alleyways and rooftops.

Red Son threw insult to insult at you, but he also wondered. Weren't you tired? Most people wouldn't be able to run this fast for so long. He too was feeling puffed out, but masked that up as best as he could. You ran down another alleyway, where a billboard for a sign was. Red Son was too focused on you to look up to see we're he was flying. You dashed down the alleyway, and he followed. But slammed into the sign, his head hurt. He fell down onto the ground, landing on his feet but he landed a little to hard and twisted his ankle.

You finally had a break, you were catching your breath when you heard a string of colourful curse words. You look over at Red Son who was on the pavement holding his leg, he looked like he was in pain. Now you started to feel bad, I mean he did chase you for 45 minutes throwing fire at you, but still.

MK told you about Red Son before, how he was always mad or angered by the smallest of things. Screw it! Your gonna help him! You walked over to him, he just held his leg and stared off at nothing. You took ahold of his ankle and placed it down.

"What are you doing! Get your filthy peasant hands off me!" Red Son yelled, coming to realisation that you were touching him. "Relax, I'm just trying to help you" you said in a small but frustrated voice. Red Son calmed down a bit, and let you do your work.

You placed his leg down and checked over it, Red Son just stared at you. He was burning holes into the side of your brain. Why were you so nice to him? "Do you do this often?" Red Son questioned. You shrugged your shoulders, "MK is always coming home with scratches, bruises and if I'm lucky a couple of missing teeth". Red Son chuckled silently at the joke.

You two talked while you dealt with his ankle. It was actually a nice conversation, even though he was the son of DBK, it was nice to see you chuckle at your jokes and quick witted remarks. "Do... do you mind telling me your name?" Red Son hesitantly questions, you just smile. "My name's Y/n".

Red Son stared at you, "Is something wrong with my name?". "What! Nonononono! It's just... I've never heard a pretty name like that" Red Son says whispering the last part. But you caught it, you smiled even more when he said that.

But unfortunately the moment was ruined, MK suddenly appeared at the end of the alleyway, along with Mei, Sandy and the cat Mo. You were glad that they were here, but it took them this long? "Hands off my sister Red Son!" MK yelled, waving the staff about. You were about to explain what happened to MK, but you felt heat against your face and hands.

You turn to Red Son and he is gone, in a whizz of flames. You felt bad, he was still hurt and you had no idea where he was. You were also a little angry at MK for showing up late and scaring him away. You just hoped he was alright wherever he was.

Sorry that it took me a while to get Red Son out of the way
I hoped I'd get it done by last week
Oh well, hope you enjoyed

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