I Love You

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Ever since the whole burning tree incident, you and Red Son would talk and talk on your phones about anything. Red Son would always rant on about your brother and how stupid he was and you would just talk about your day and what you did with the others. It was nice, even though he was technically the enemy. Red Son would still 'check up on you' when you'd work. You even manage to spot him on a rooftop or hiding in a alleyway once or twice. And you would always pull a stupid face, showing him that he wasn't that sneaky. He also may or may not have snuck into your room once or twice just to have some friendly advice and company.


Just like any other day, you were helping out around the noodle shop. MK was doing deliveries, Mei was with Sandy on the boat, Tang was eating in his usual spot and Pigsy was making his noodles. You grabbed some bowls on the window sill and took them over to couple who thanked you for the food. It was a pretty normal day, not to busy and all seemed ok...for now. Pigsy was stirring his noodles in a massive pot as he hummed happily. He threw a pinch of seasoning and some salt and continued on with his work. But suddenly something came flying through the window and into the pot. Pigsy shrieked as the noodles and water splashed on to him and about the kitchen. Tang perked his head up to see what the fuss was about.

"MK!!" Pigsy yelled, in obvious anger. "Pigsy, he isn't here" Tang said with a frown. Pigsy gave a apologetic frown, "Oh". You ran around the side door and to him, "What happened to you?". "Ugh, I don't know. Something flew through the window and into my noodle pot. Now I have to start all over again" Pigsy says calmly yet sad over his noodles. "You clean yourself up, I'll deal with this mess" you said as you slowly push Pigsy out.

He sighed and snagged a rag from the working bench, "Alright, thanks Y/n". You gave a smile to him and turned to the pot. Noodles and water dripped all around the window sill, not a good look. You grabbed a spoon and fished out the object, a rock? It was a rock with a note attached to it.

You removed the note and carefully opened it, the ink was smudge due to the water but you got some words. Y/n, fountain, night, fancy. You gave a small groan, that was all you could see. You looked back out the window and into the street. People simply walked on by, until you looked up. Up on a rooftop you saw a familiar looking flaming head of hair. You recognised that high pony tail from anywhere. Red Son peered over the rooftops ledge, you caught a glance over him before he disappeared. You gave a sympathetic sigh to him, he was had a interesting way of getting your attention. You had to give that to him.


Night fell and you dressed yourself up and went off to the park. You slowly noticed that no one else was in the park, the street lamps were on but it still felt a bit spooky. You made it to the fountain and found a surprising sight. There was a table with a white cloth over it, 2 chairs. A array of foods, drinks and sweets and lanterns hanging in the trees. You were slightly taken aback by how romantic and scenic it was.

"Y/n?", you quickly whipped around and saw Red Son. He had a confident yet nervous look. He wore more formal clothes in comparison to his usual style. "Thank you for coming...Would you l-like to take a seat?" he says offering a hand. You smiled and gladly held it as he directed you to the table.

You both sat down in silence, Red Son was sweating and looked like he needed some guidance. You lead the conversation,"So, you threw a rock through a window to get my attention?". Red Son's mood quickly changed into a more comforting one. "Well yes. I couldn't just walk in and ask you to come. And messaging you seemed too much of a under sell". You smiled, "And a rock was your selling point?". "Hey! It got your attention and it worked" Red Son said as he folded his arms. You laughed at him he returned a smile, he knew you were laughing at him but any laugh from you was a good one.


You ate, drank, talked and had a lovely time. And refreshingly no talk of your brother was mentioned. It was filled with warm food, fun laughs and may or may not couple of wheezes. It was getting quite late and you knew MK would search the entire city for you. "Sorry Red Son, I have to go" you said as you look at your watch. Red Son quickly got out of his seat and had a red tint to him. "Let me walk you out!". "To the park entrance, ooor?". Red Son frowned at his own thought process, "Let me walk you out, to the entrance" he said slightly embarrassed. He took your hand you both walk hand in hand down the park's walkway. You could hear muttering, Red Son was muttering himself so you stopped walking catching him off guard.

"Red Son. Are you doing ok?". Red Son was looking at everything but you, "Of course, everything is perfectly great! W-why do you ask?". You frowned, "Red, take a look at yourself. Your stuttering, you can't look me in the eyes and you have being giddy for quite some time". Red Son sighed and finally looked at you. "Well-I...Y/n, you have no idea how much you have helped me", Red Son slowly held both your hands in his, "My father always told me that we were the highest people of power. That it didn't matter what we did because the humans were so weak to stop us. But you, heh, you are so much stronger than me. You have a strong mindset, strong goals, strong feelings. It's all so powerful...but what makes you all the more speaking is, you broke me. I never really saw humans as equals and only as peasants. But you, you are absolutely no peasant".

You were just speechless, you could only whisper. "Red Son, are you saying you like me?". Red Son gave a smile, "Like is such a strong word, I prefer love". You gave a wide smile, "I love you too Red". You both stared at one another before Red Son gave a small cough, "So what do we do now?". "Hmm, not sure. We could kiss.". "Oh, very well then".

Suddenly Red Son grabbed ahold of you and kissed you, it was soft sweet and to the point. He hugged you as you melted into the kiss. It felt like hours had gone by but you both pulled back with a dreamy look. But suddenly Red Son's glasses became crooked and he started to freak out. "I-I JUST KISS YOU! OH MY GOSH, THAT REALLY JUST HAPPENED!", his hair went ablaze and you just simply hugged him as he tried to calm himself. You could tell this was going to a tough, yet very loving relationship

I know this book has been slowing down
A bit but I get on track soon
Hope you enjoyed!

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