When you meet Nezha

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You loved your brother like any good sister would, except when he ticked you the wrong way. You were Y/n, sister to Sun Wukong. Though he was the Monkey King you were largely overshadowed by his brightness, due to you being the younger sister and all. However, you knew that there were some legends about you that were true but they were pretty much painted in the exact same Sun's were. Like powers and abilities, matching. Sun had lost you a few months ago, when Lady Bone Demon took over the city, you went into hiding but mange to keep in contact with the gang. But Sun and his friends made everything right again, eventually.


You lay a top your cloud and stared up and out of the crack in the mountain's upper side, wondering to yourself. The mountain was in slight disarray but nobody could really tell. You thought about all of the stories Sun and MK told you, meeting some people you haven't heard in centuries. Monkey King had told you about his plan to steal a map, for what you had no clue. But you were curious, the map couldn't have been left unattended for your brother to just steal it. Every time you would question it he would simply talk about how powerless and high up the supposed keeper was. You felt bad, you felt bad for everyone who was a part of Monkey King's plans and fools from the past. And you were the one to take the fall and apologise.

You sighed and hopped off your cloud as Monkey King came over with some meat buns on a tray. "You doing good there sis? Why are you so gloomy?". You take a bite out of one of the buns, "I'm not sure. Maybe it's because I'm having trouble dealing with your antics". "Pffth, come on sis! Are you still stuck up about those people?". "Yes! Of course I am, why aren't you is a better question" you yelp as you shove the rest of your bun in your mouth. "Ever heard of forgive and forget Y/n" he said with a shrug as he walked away again. You frowned and groaned, but it got you thinking. That could actually work. And so you got to work.


You made it to the Celestial Realm, you went about the skies giving gifts, letters and personalised apologise to all of the beings you deemed deserve one. And finally you stood out the front of the temple, the place where the Map to the Rings of Samadhi once resided. Your tail swished about with nervousness, you were unsure about this apology. But it was worth a shot, you opened the doors and they yawned open. You stepped in and looked about the temple in awe. It was able to stand tall again after Monkey King had destroyed it. Everything was the exact same but no map and no keeper in sight. You frowned, "Maybe he's on a lunch break?" You half joked and questioned to yourself.

"Who dares enter this temple!" A voice yells, causing you to stumble about. You look up to see the keeper, in his pink and red attire. He leaped down from above and pointed his spear at you, "Who are you?". Your mouth formed a straight line as you tried to calm yourself. "Sun Y/n". "You are a Sun, as in a descendant of Sun Wukong?" he says as he frowns and points the spear closer to your face. "No! I'm his little sister! I came here to make amend!". "Amend? For what? Him stealing the map, destroying the temple and leaving me here?!" he says getting angered quickly.

"Yes! Please just let me talk!" you yell out as you wave your hands about drastically. "Make it quick" he scoffed as he put's his spear away from your face. "Look. I understand my brother had done some pretty bad things, to you and to others. But he's fine". "And how do I know you aren't the same?" he stated. "Ever heard of this little thing called trust, Lotus Prince" you said with a raised brow and smirk. "So your aware of me?". "Yep. I'm aware you can't trust to many people. My brother literally swooped in and stole the only thing you had value for-". He was getting aggravated by your little tangent "YOUR POINT, Y/n". You straighten up again and smiled.

"I know it isn't much but it's my form of a apology, from him to me". You pull out a small bag from behind you and hand it to the keeper. He hesitates but takes the bag and pulls out the item. His face morphs into one of confusion, "A peach...". "Yes a peach". "You call this a apology" he says as he throws the bag over his shoulder. "Well yeah. Peaches are one of me and Sun's favourite food. Sure he did steal some of the sacred peaches all those centuries ago, but he kept some. And he kept the seed, making his own garden of peaches. Where he bestowed that trust to me, to look after the garden". The keepers face softened as he looked at you.

You smiled, you knew you were getting through to him. "But! You could just disregard everything I said and go about you day like I was never here! Bye bye!" you says as you spun back around and leave the keeper. "W-What?!" he stuttered out. "My work here is done. I apologised, you accepted it and we can go on our merry ways" you said with a shrug. "I-I did not accept your apology!" the keeper yelled out in a flushed mess. "Mmmm you sure? That face gave you away" you teased. The keeper scoffed as he looked off.

"Hey" you said grabbing the keepers attention. "For what it's worth I don't think your not weak, you just need to build up on your speaking skills rather than power" you said with a wink. You transform into your bird form and quickly flew away. The Lotus Prince stood still, unsure of what to make up of the meeting. He looked at the peach and hummed, he inspects and turned at the peach checking for anything suspicious. Nothing, just a normal peach. Nezha quirked his lip as he thought. You seemed a lot more genuine than Sun, interesting was the best way to describe his dilemma.

Hope you enjoyed!

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