Red Son's thoughts on you

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After Red Son returned back home, he got a scolding from his parents, got properly healed up and went to his bed. He sighed as he flopped down. He was tired, sore and confused about what just happened. But mainly his thoughts were on you. How you manage to catch the jump on him, out run him and help him all in the span of a hour. But something still fizzled his brain, you were MK's sister, Noodle Boy's twin sister. He was positive he misheard it the first time, but you did look strangely alike and MK did say it you were his sis like twice.

He frowned, you were both so different yet so alike. You both had attitudes, you both seem to tick him off easily. But you would help him, MK would never do that he would probably just rub it in Red Son's face and walk off. He pondered on that question, why help him? Yeah he was injured, but you could have just ran away. Red Son flipped over on to his back, you were so confusing yet intriguing. Like you were secretly asking him to make peace with you. Make peace with him, ha! Never... but the thought lingered on.

Red Son sat up and yawned, he was getting quite sleepy. He had a shower, got dressed in his pjs and brushed his red hair. But as he looked in the mirror, it was like your name was still ringing in his head. Y/n, Y/n, Y/n! Red Son groaned and slammed the comb on the dresser, marching over to his bed. But as he stomped over he struck a nerve in his ankle, causing pain to rush back in. He bent down in pain and hissed, it wasn't the best but he had worst. He frowned as he thought of you, smiling, kneeling down to him and helping him.

Was he going soft for you, a rando he didn't even know? Red Son let out a low groan as he got back up and hopped into bed. He switched off the lamp and settled in to the comfort of his bed. His breath became slow as he relaxed, slipping into his personal dream world. His family, ruling the world and taking control of everything, along side by side with you. What!?! Red Son sat up and stared at his wall. Why would he want to rule the world with you?!? He faced palmed, "Stupid peasant girl" he grumbled. He fell back down on his back and frowned. Peasant girl... you weren't a peasant girl.

Red Son looked back at today and remembered all the times he called you a peasant, he meant to call MK a peasant all the time. But calling you a peasant didn't seem right. He had very few people he could turn to in times of need. His parents, the bull clones... ehhh, not so much, but you seem nice and genuine when you wanted to help him. Guilt started to settle in, he had trusting issues, maybe he could work on them. He flipped over onto his side and stared at a formal picture of him and his parents. His face softened at the sight of them, kind of like when you helped him. He made a promise to himself, a promise to meet you again. Have a talk but most of all say sorry, and maybe just maybe make a new proper friend.

Hope you enjoyed!

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