Season 3 Arch (100k Special) Part 2

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👑🍑Monkey King (Sun Wukong)🍑👑

Every since Sun had saved you from the Lady Bone Demon you were stuck with him, Mei and everyone else. You had to admit, if it wasn't a end of the world type adventure it would have been amazing. But as of recent you had noticed Sun was becoming a little antsy, maybe even unsure. But you had a bigger problem to deal with, being Mei and the Samadi fire. You followed along with Red Son to help her. You didn't know the fire boy well but you had a mutual respect for him. You were so concerned about everyone, MK, Mei, the civilians, Sun and even yourself.


You stared out into the vast forest, it was peaceful and very scenic. Mei was eating a full bowl of fruit while Red Son sat their and 'talked' to her. You hadn't seen Sun for a couple of days. Worry filled you, "Is your sister always like this?" Red Son whispered to Mei. "Hmm? Oh! No not usually. She is just concerned about Monkey King" Mei says as she stares at you. "Why would she?". "They are boyfriend and girlfriend" Mei said with a blank face as she stuffed more fruit into her mouth. "What?!" Red Son yelled. You perked up and turned around, "Ok you two. I think that's enough talking for one day". Mei just smiled as she sets the bowl of fruit down, Red Son just stared at you. "Ok Mei. Remember what Ao Guang said 'the Samadi fire can not be contained', but what he didn't mention was that your Dragon heritage can protect you from it".

You danced your hands about as a green light starts to show, almost acting like water. "Your Dragon side can help you. It it just finding a line between destruction and life. A balance of the two, conjoining into a whole" you explain. You press your hands downwards as your eyes glow green and from behind you, your own dragon appears. It was massive, it coils it's body about as it stares down at Mei and Red Son. But slowly the dragon disappears into a green haze and your eyes return back to normal. Mei's mouth is wide in shock. "You could just, do that this whole time?!". You smile as you look off, "You may have the Dragon Blade Mei, but I have my own set of dragon secrets". "No fair!" Mei yells as she throws a pile of grapes at you. You easily catch it and start eating the grapes. Red Son huffs, "She is right. If you can not get ahold of your Dragon side then you cannot control the Samadhi fire. Let's continue".


You had decided to give Red Son and Mei some training time alone. You were watering some of the flowers inside when you heard the 2 teens yelling about something. You went outside and see them staring at MK, "MK!" you cheered. "Y/n!" MK yelled as he climbed the stairs and hug you. It was nice to see a familiar face. "What are you doing here?". "Oh right! It's the Lady Bone Demon! She is after the Samadhi Fire!" MK yells as he turn back to Red Son and Mei. "What?! And you came here!" Red Son yelled. Suddenly, the sky turns into a dark blue and a lighting strike is heard. You and MK run down the steps to the other 2. From the sky comes a figure rocketing to the ground, it was none other than Sun.

But his armour was different and his eyes glowed a bright blue. You just stared at him in disbelief, this was messed up. "Sun?" you said concerned. But MK stuck a hand out, "No. Not anymore" MK states. The sudden sound a female laughter echoes out into the sky. "Aww now isn't this adorable. A reunion. I do believe we have never met before Y/n. I had possessed Red Son's father before, but your love, Sun Wukong, is so much better. I hope you can understand" LBD voice echoed out, Red Son growled at the mention of his father. "We have to get out of here now" Red Son yelps as he turns to the others. But suddenly Sun appeared, ready to punch him and was able to hit a clean blow.

Red Son flew back into the temple with a loud blow. Mei had a ring of red surrounding her, "Bring her to me!" LBD's voice rang out. Sun charged at Mei, but you stepped in and held out your weapon. He stopped and stared at you with his new blue eyes. "Sun. Come on I know this isn't you. Fight it! We need you!" you says. Sun's eyes dim slightly and his mouth goes slightly agape. You mouth slowly forms a smile, "Sorry. It's no use~" LBD calls out. Sun then sweeps you away and you crash into the temple railings. You groan as you slowly black out.

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