Meeting up again

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You couldn't stop thinking about MK. Those pickup lines did a big number on you, and you lately found yourself thinking of him. Just randomly, while training, at dinner, while helping Red Son with his plots, even when DBK was talking to you. Your mother thought you were in some kind of sick trances but you had to reassure her it was alright. Even Red Son was catching you randomly questioning him about MK.

Making up questions like, "How well do you think he can fight at his full strength?" or "He is pretty cool isn't he?" or even "How much hair gel does he use to make his hair that spiky?". It was getting annoying for him. You knew that this little game of wondering couldn't go on forever, so one day as you walk around town you spot MK at Pigsy's Noodle Shop. Realising he works there he headed back home and set up a plan.

You opened the idea to order for your family, a take out night. You always had big feasts, so why not just turn it down for a bit and unwind. Your mother seemed to like the idea, not so much your brother.

"You aren't going to order from Pigsy's are you?" he questioned you with a glare. "Nope, I found a different place that has much better food" you simply said with a innocent smile. Red Son grumbled, the thing with you was he could never tell if you were lying or not.

They all placed down their orders and you called up Pigsy's, reading off your families orders and setting up a place to take the food. Your mother sent you out to get the food and get back and you happily agreed. As you go to the meeting spot you could see your brother glaring, he knew something was up. He just didn't know what, but you knew he will stop at nothing to figure what's going on. You teleported to the rooftop and waited for a while.


As MK drove he was listening to some music through his head phones. He hopped his head silently as he drove. The place he was asked to deliver to was a alleyway, strange but he took the job anyway. Or else Pigsy would have his head. He reached the alleyway and parked. Hopping out of the vehicle he put his headphones around his neck and took the food out. The alleyway was suspicious to say the least.

"Hello! Um I'm from Pigsy's Noodles and I have a order" MK said pointing to the order. Then from the shadows you emerged. "MK" you said in a low voice. He was surprised but happy none the less, he did get to see you again. "Y/n!" MK said trying to tackle you into a hug. But you side step out of the way. "I assume you have the food I ordered" you questioned, not really caring about MK's situation.

MK jumped up off the ground and smiled like nothing happened, "Yep! Here ya go, that'll be $60". You smiled back as you dug around in your wallet, "Soooo all that for your family?" MK questioned rocking on his heels. "Yes, my father has a big structure. Big structure means big appetite" you said jokingly as you hand over the money.

MK snickered, "You know, your a lot more nicer than Red Son". "Well, I try not to be as crude as he is. He does have emotions he just has a hard time showing them". MK pocketed the money and stared at you, you simply looked over the mountain of noodles and snack in the plastic bag. You looked up to see MK staring at you, with a innocent smile. "What? Do I have something on my face?" you questioned trying to look at your face.

"Ah! No no! Hehe, it's just that uhh... I lost my phone number... mind if I have yours?" MK says with a large toothy smile, unsure of his flirt. You just stared, then suddenly your hair bursted into flames, you squeaked and covered your face which was covered in a red blush. MK started to regret his decision, "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to offend you!" MK said with the same amount of blush.

You showed your face and then in a whirl of flames you disappeared. MK didn't have time to react, you were just gone. He felt horrible, it felt like he ruined his one chance and gaining trust with the enemy. He looked at the gravel floor in sadness. But he saw a white slip of paper. He grabbed it and read over it. A set of numbers? A phone number? Your phone number?! He jumped in joy and did a little dance, so you didn't hate his one liners. Great!


You reached the entrance of your front door. You went inside and slammed it shut. Out of breath at the whole situation, your hair still slightly ablaze. As you calmed down you saw two bull clones staring at you, they were meant to be guarding the door, but you just stumbled in. They quickly straightened up once realising it was you, fear rose in them for slouching and staring at you. You simply just walked down the hall and into the throne room. But as you were ready to turn the corner you got a notification, a text. You dug through your pocket and red over it.

"So I take it that you want to talk?" it read. You giggled, you knew for a fact that it was MK. You texted back, "Yes, let's maybe keep the talks on the down low". Your phone dinged with another text, "You got it babe ♡". You frowned slightly and blushed, idiot. You put your phone away and walked into the throne room for dinner.

I legit had no idea how to write this

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