Meeting up again

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Your mum breathed in the fresh air, "Isn't it a lovely day Y/n?". You grumbled, "Yep perfect day". You were back in the city with your mother, just walking about. You had some plans for today, but helping your mum with her errands wasn't one of them. Yet here you were. "Okay, we just need to find those pineapples and air freshener and we can head home" you mum said with a gleeful smile. You were going to interject, saying you were bored and wanted to just head home, but something caught your eye. A small gathering of people yelling at someone, and saying your name? "H-hey mum, can I catch up with you later?".

"Hmm, oh very well! Just make sure to be at the fountain in 40 minutes, and don't be late this time!". With that you went off to see what the commotion was about. You wiggled your way through the crowd, apologising, as you tried to get to the centre. Once you reached the centre you mange to breath. Yet when you looked up you were confused, "Tang?". Tang was standing there holding a arrow like sign for Pigsy's Noodle Shop reading, "Free noodles for the name Y/n!", he looked terrified. Tang looked at you and his once concerned face lit up. "Y/n, whew thank the gods I found you! We gotta go!" Tang said as he took your hand. "Why?". Tang pointed back and cringed at the crowd, they didn't seem to pleased. "Oh", you didn't even bother arguing with Tang as he ran away with you, the crowd yelling about there noodles and scurrying after you.


Right now, you were hiding with Tang in a alleyway, you rounded the corner. The crowd of people had been following you both for a while now and thankfully you lost them. "We're ok now Tang. T-tang?", you looked to your side and see Tang still hyperventilating and wheezing, you could tell he wasn't that athletic. "G-give me a-a moment" he stuttered out, leaning on the sign. He finally fixed himself up and looked at you, "You ok, I-I'm sorry if it was too much". "What? Oh no! It's where are my free noodles?" you questioned with a smile, rocking on your heels. "Oh the noodles? Yeeeeeeah, sorry that isn't going to happen. The day that Pigsy sells 'free' noodles it'll be the end of all humanity" Tang joked as he threw the sign in a garbage can, only it didn't quite fit.

"Sooo, then why would you have a sign saying free noodles to everyone named Y/n?". Tang let out a grumpy sigh, "It was the only thing Pigsy could think of, only to make me look like a fool... B-besides that, I-I wanted to talk to you". "Ok?" you said as you put you hands on your hips. "You know how you came to the shop after bumping into me?". "Well yeah, my arms hurt after that, sorry again" you said, cringing at the feeling. "Yes well. You forgot this", Tang said adjusting his glasses, reaching behind him and taking a book out. It was your book that you left!

"Oh my gosh, thank you Tang! I thought I had left it at the market!" you said happily as you hugged the book. But then the gears in your mind started turning, "Tang. You do realised you could have called me, right?". "Eh?", Tang said, his eyes going wide and his back hunching over. "Ummm. Yeah? My number is in the book, you could see it couldn't you?". You opened the book to the back, where yes your name and address were, but also your phone number. He'd seen the first two lines, and forgot about the last one, being your number.

Tang's eye twitched, "Uhhh Tang, are you ok?". Tang raised a finger, "Would you give me a moment?". But before you could answer he ran to the back of the alleyway and screamed into a trash can. You hugged your book in surprise at Tang's muffled screams. He soon stopped and walked back over to you, random items of trash scattering his head. "Sorry about that Y/n. But I am going to have a stern chat to Pigsy later" Tang said as he frowned and put his hands behind his back. "It's ok, you didn't know" you said as you swiped away a napkin from his head, a rag from his shoulder  and a apple core stuck in his scarf. Tang mumbled a thanks, but after that it went quiet.

"Sooo, astrology eh?" Tang says breaking the silence. "Hm? Oh yes, my dad has always been interested in the stars and I kinda hopped on his train" you said rubbing your neck, slightly embarrassed. "I hope you don't mind, but I did a little skim reading and I must say it looks interesting" Tang says with a smile, his once down mood gone. "Yeah especially the, celestial spheres of xīng guān" you both said in unison, making you both chuckle. "Well maybe I could show you some more?". "More?". "Yeah I mean, on the highest shelf at the library there are tons of books of astrology" you explained. "Huh, I'll keep that in mind" he said with a nod, you swear his smile was growing the more you talked.

You opened the book and tore out the page where your information was kept. "Here" you said handing the page over to him. He stared at the page before taking it from your hand and stuffing it in his pocket. "Thanks... hey do you know them?". You look behind to see what he was talking about, and you see your mum at the fountain. Tapping her foot and looking concerned and angered. "Eek! Y-yes, sorry I have to go. Call me ok?" you said. He was a little taken back by your words, but nodded. "Yes of course!". Before you dashed off you quickly gave him a hug, you felt him go stiff but settle in. You detached yourself and ran off to your mum. Tang watched as you ran off, not noticing his dopey smile and blush on his face. He let out a happy sigh, the things you did to him.

Sorry I haven't been on here as much!
Other things have been coming and going
Updates may be a bit slower
Hope you enjoyed!

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