Things You Do

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- Tang was by your side for everything ever since the confession

- He was a lot less slow and mellow and seemed to be more chirpy and happy with you

- The gang really adore the little cute couple that you are

- You often find yourself smiling none stop when you are around him

- Noodle and library dates!

- You practically treat MK like a aunt now, a cool younger aunt

- Tang will try and do things to impress you but they sometimes back fire

- He loves having late night chats with you, about anything and everything

- Now that you're dating he does go back to his old habits of...cheapness

- But you usually get him squared up right again

- Tang will lend you his scarf while he is still wearing it

- Yea, you that type of cute couple

- Sandy always brings you over for tea with Tang, but you always end up on the floor playing with Mo

- He really wants hugs, he just can't verbally say he wants them

- Really bad flirts are on the table, he is trying his best

- Pigsy isn't a very good flirt artist to be learning from

- Whenever Tang is unsure he also goes to Pigsy or MK

- He squeaks every time you scare him and you find it adorable

- He brings you tea/coffee or whatever to drink before you go to sleep

- He is not good at flirting but he always has kind and generous words to say to you

- He has to make sure you remember to catch the train back home, since you live in the country side

Sorry it's been a while
Hope you enjoyed!

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