When you meet MK

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Once again like every other day, your brother Red Son, had failed to get the staff and was beaten once again by 'Noodle Boy'. As DBK yelled at his son for failing once again, you couldn't help but wonder. Was this noodle boy really that strong? He was Monkey King's successor so he had to be. Red Son finally walked out from the throne room and into his lab, where you waited for him.

"What are you doing here Y/n?" he hissed, the two of you didn't have the best relationship. You were obviously the favourite twin, ever since you were born. But you still thought of him as a equal, no matter how much praise you got compared to him.

"Well, I wanted to talk. About 'Noodle Boy'" you said making quotation marks with your hands. He let a long and annoyed sigh as he sat down in his swivelling chair.

"Fine! What do you need to know?". "Well I was wondering. Why don't I come along and help you get the staff?" You said with a raised brow. "Ha! You! That's...that's" Red Son was going to insult you but then he actually thought. Double teaming with him, you and some bull clones could work. MK and his team didn't even know about you. So the surprise could be used as a slight diversion.

"Actually...yes, that could work! With the two of us together, we could over throw those peasants and bring the staff back to father! Haha, you are a genius sister!" Red Son said with evil happy laugh. You simply just rolled your eyes, he needed the credit and of course you would help your brother. Despite his antics and attitude. And with that the two of you began plotting out your attack for tomorrow's evening.


You, Red Son and some bull clones were sitting up a top a rooftop. The bull clones were chilling, you were looking out at the city bored out of your mind while Red Son was looking through some binoculars at the ground below. Until in the park, he spotted some figures.

"Haha! Right on sight! Come on!" the sound of his voice started you out of your trance. As you, Red Son and the bull clones hopped down off the rooftop and into the little park area. When you stood back up, you assessed the people. A female with black hair and green highlights was on her phone, a big muscular blue guy was sitting on a bench playing with a blue cat that had a orange mohawk, and finally a male with spiky black hair and a orange jacket just about to take a bite out a hot dog. Before he was interrupted by you, your brother and the bull clones.

"Noodle Boy!" Red Son said in a dark tone. MK shoved the hot dog into his mouth and pulled his staff from his ear, ready to fight. "Red Son" MK said with crumbs and chunks of hot dog flying from his mouth as he spoke. "Hold up a moment!" Mei said waving her arms about.

"Who is that?" she says with a suspicious look, pointing a finger to you. "Oh! I am Y/n. Red Son's twin sister. Daughter to Princess Iron Fan & DBK" you said as you try and sound intimidating.

Introductions weren't your most favourite thing in the world. The three of them just stared, Mei had a wide smile displayed on her face. "Dude, Red Son! You have a twin sister and you didn't tell us she was hot, literally!" MK said with enthusiasm. That caught you very off guard, your hair bursted up into flames, "What?!". "Did you just flirt with my sister Noodle Boy!" Red Son said in anger, his own hair bursting up into flames.

"Well I mean duh! Look at her she is so pretty!" MK said with a gleeful smile and directing a wink at you. Did he even know he was flirting with you?! Your face grew red from the blush and your hair wasn't going to settle down anytime soon. "Enough! That staff will be mine...ours! Get them!" Red Son yelled. And with that the battle began.

The big blue man known as Sandy took on some bull clones, your brother took on Mei along with some bull clones, an you were left with MK, no bull clones to help you. As you two fought he would slip in a flirt, and he made the fight look playful.

"So, I only realise now that beauty actually does runs in the Demon Bull Family!" "Are you a parking ticket because you have got fine written all over you!" "Are you a Cheeto because your flaming hot!". The pick up lines were getting to you, and it didn't help with the smirk he would give off. So you built up enough of your fire energy and punched him in the face.

He lost his grip of the staff and you simply picked it up. You turned it around a bit before looking down at MK who just stared in shock. "You're a imbecile MK, but I'll Ramen-ber you" you said with a small smirk. The look on his face was to die for, he just stared at you wide eyed. You were about to call for Red Son, but you were kicked in the face by Mei causing you to drop the staff. You held your cheek and grumbled, "This ain't over yet, you filthy peasants!" Red Son yells.

You look over to him to see him beated badly, and with that he used his fire powers to teleport away. As do the bull clones, one by one. You get up and hold your sore cheek. You just stare at MK, who gave a light blush. You too gave a light blush and smile and with that you disappear into a fiery haze, leaving Mei, Sandy & MK to think about what in the world just happened.


This is my first proper time writing a story like this, I hoped you enjoyed it

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