People Find Out

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You and Macaque had made plans tonight, your regular movie date night. Spent with junk food, movies galore and having a great time with your monkey bf. Macaque was going to come by with some snacks, while you were all set in your pyjamas and looking through all of the movies. You were debating what you should watch horror, romantic, comedy and bit of it all. You were kind of getting frustrated at not finding anything. But you were thankfully brought out of your trance by the familiar knock from the window.

You get up and open the curtains to see Macaque, but you stared at him. He had a bag of snacks but he was also wearing his own set of pyjamas. Black slippers, maroon pants and a dark grey shirt reading 'I'm Perfectly Awesome!'? He could see the look in your eyes that you were holding the urge to laugh. You let him in and he gave a small frown, "Hey, you are not the fashion police. Got that?". "I didn't say anything" you snicker, "Whatever" he mumbled with a smile as he kisses your cheek. You smile and return back to your place on the floor, sorting through the movies. Macaque was in the kitchen sorting out the snacks.

But the sound of your door bell ringing caused Macaque to perk up. "Were you expecting someone?". "Hmm? Oh no, I just got us take out" you said as you shrugged. "Huh, ok. Did you-". "Yes I got you your favourite. Now can you pick it up. The money is on the counter" you says as you continue to look down at the movies. Macaque threw his hands up in a joking manner of defence and chuckled, "Woah ok then, someone's seems hangry". He walked down to your front door and counted the money up, he opened the door. He stared at the delivery guy, or rather teen. Macaque's eyes widened at the teen. The teen stared at him too, he let out a long gasp as he pointed at Macaque.

Macaque quickly slammed the door shut and barricaded it with his body and arms. "Did something happen?" you says as you peer over, sitting on the couch. "Uhh no! But where exactly did you order from?" Macaque says rather firmly. "Pigsy's Noodle Shop, I saw a flyer at work today and I figured we could try them out" you say as you stare at Macaque, who has not moved from his spot. Suddenly a yell was heard and a banging from the other side of the door, "Macaque! Let me in! If you don't let me in I will...hmm, I don't yet but it will be something big!" the teens voice yelled out. You frowned, "Do you know him?", Macaque just gave a disappointed look at the floor.

"That's it! I'm busting this door down! 1...2...3!" The voice yelled out, but on '3' Macaque stepped aside and opened the door and the delivery boy dashed through your house. And fell down behind the couch, you spring into action and grab the plastic bag before you stare down at him confusion. Macaque shuts the door and pinches in between his eyes, "Kid, what are you doing here?" he questioned in a annoyed sigh. "Me? I was doing my deliveries! What are yooou doing here is a better question" MK yelled out as he pointed to Macaque. "So DO you both know each other?" you pipe up as you lean your elbows on the back of the couch. MK jumped up and had a concerned look on his face, "You've taken a hostage!? You probably robbed her house and stole her pyjamas!" MK yelled as he pointed at you.

You stifled a laugh at MK's comment and Macaque gave a angered sigh as he walked back over to the couch. "No I haven't kid this Y/n. Y/n this is MK, a pain in the head" Macaque said mumbling the last part. "Nice to meet you" you says as you stick your hand out for a shake, MK shakes it but stares at you confused. "Wait sooo. You are not a hostage of his? You aren't in any form of trouble?". "Nope I don't think so" you say jokingly as you turn around and sit down on the couch. You start taking out the noodles from the bag and smell them with delight. MK shuffled over, "So then what is Macaque doing here?". "I'm-...I'm..." Macaque was trying to find his words. But as MK saw the tiniest hint of red of his cheeks and the red on your cheeks, he pieces it together and let's out a guttural gasp.

"YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!". Macaque just stares at him dumb founded, you give a reassuring smile to Macaque. You gave a shrug and a smile and MK has stars in his eyes. "Oh my gosh! This is so weird! What is Macaque like when he is with you? Does he let you pet him? Have you had your first kiss?! Tell me!" MK yelled as he questioned you bopping up and down like a child how has had too much sugar. You just gave a smile, but were slightly uncomfortable by all the questions. Macaque grabbed his collar and pulled him away from you and towards him. "Kid listen. She stays out of this", "Ok" MK says with a shrug. "I'm serious MK. Pretend like this was another ordinary night and forget this ever happened".

MK however stuck his phone up and took a picture of Macaque. "Sorry I can't help it, you look so weird in those pjs". Macaque's eyes turned into a neon purple as he let out a noticeable growl, MK's face dropped. But you thankfully got in between the two and started to push MK out the door. "Ok! Thank you MK for deriving us our dinner. Here is a tip and I believe you should be getting on your way again!" you cheer as you hand MK some extra bucks. MK smiled again and waved to you, "Thank you! Enjoy your meal!". You finally close the door and let out a pitiful sigh, you look back up at Macaque to see he has calmed down.

You walk back over to him and put your hands on your hips. "So, he is a 'friend' of yours?". "Friend is a hard word to place. I'd like to call him a work in progress". "Hmm ok, whatever that means" you said unsure. "Also are these pjs that weird?". "No. It's just that you of all people are wearing them" you says with a small grin. "Hang on, what does that mean?!" Macaque says taken aback. You laughed as you went back to the couch, "It's fine. Let's just have a nice night with no more distractions". "Very well then" Macaque says with a smile. The rest of the night was spent having a good time with movies, snack, noodles and Macaque.

And the noodles lived in your stomach
Untouched, Un-destroyed and un-burned
The End...(lol I'm aware of what I put the noodles through)
Hope you enjoyed!

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