People Find Out

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If people knew about your relationship, they would jump at the chance to ridicule it. But everything was under wraps. Red Son was pretty good at evading his parents suspicions and you would just make the same and practical excuse. You made a little agreement for Red Son not to beat MK to death. And he agreed, on the basis that he could beat him up a little bit. But aside from that everything was going amazing. Every chance he would he would come by your apartment when MK was out. Always having comforting and sweet moments.


Red Son decided to take you out tonight. With people about. He brought you to the city centre where a little food and market stall was on. It was a lovely cool night and people were laughing, chatting and eating. Some children ran by you and Red Son. You both held hands as you look through the hall of tents. "Where should we start?" you said with a smile as you turn to Red Son. "Hmm, how about we have some fun and then grab some food?". "Sounds like a plan Red". The two of you walk about the streets and look at all the little games and stores. Red Son would sometimes nit-pick at the quality but he was just giving 'criticism'.

You had your fun at some games, and even won a few prizes. Red Son bought you a little charm and claimed it as a good luck charm. You were both laughing and running about, not a care in the world. Some people hosting their stalls were ticked off by both of your antics. But Red Son would give them a bit of heat to back them off. The two of you mange to break off from the markets and find a bench near a tree. You both still chuckle at everything that just happened. You both relaxed and started to unwind after all the fun. "Want me to grab some food?" Red Son says with his genuine smile. "Yeah if that's alright" you said as you hugged the white bear that Red Son had won for you.

"Okay then, what are you thinking?" Red Son says as he get's back up. "I'm going to have to get noodles" you say as you pretend to think. "Of course. Why am I not surprised?" Red Son says as he rolls his eyes in a playful manner. "And for that I'm going to get you extra spicy" he says as he walks back off into the market. You just smile and shake your head, he was so sweet to you. You decided to scroll through your phone while you waited for him to return, still hugging the white bear as it sat in your lap. You heard your stomach rumble and you groan softly. "Where is he?" you murmur to yourself.

"Y/n?" a voice called out. Your head perked up at the voice and you look to see MK and Mei. MK happily smiled and waved to you. Mei was happily slurping her soda with a smile as the two walk over too you. "What are you doing here? I thought you said you were going shopping!" MK chirped. That was your excuse, you obviously didn't tell them the truth. You started to sweat, "Oh uh yeah! I'm just relaxing for a bit before, uhh shopping", not your best excuse on top of another excuse. "Oh yeah I totally understand that sis! I mean look how nice this place is!" MK says as he directs your attention back to the market. "Yeah it is". "Noodle Boy?!" another voice yelled.

The 3 of you turn and see Red Son holding a bowl of noodles in each hand. MK yelled back, "Red Son?!". Red Son's hands went up in flames, so did the noodles. You frowned softly, no noodles. MK pulled out his staff from his ear, "What are you doing here?". "Huh?! What am I doing here? What are YOU doing here?!" Red Son says as his hands and hair start to go ablaze. "Oh boy" Mei muttered, knowing nothing good was going to come out of this. You quickly gave the bear to Mei and stood in between MK and Red Son. You faced MK, "MK listen! He isn't doing anything bad, just calm down". MK frowned and set his staff down. Red Son calmed his hair and fire down and frowned back at MK.

You look back at Red Son and smile, he gives one back. "Apologies for the noodles hehe" Red Son says in a nervous manner. "No worries. We can grab some more later" you say as you walk over to him and place your hands on your hips. Mei stared at the two of you, the odd feeling that there was something loomed in her mind. "Waaait. Are you two a...y'know a thing?" Mei said as she raised a brow. This caught you both off, and you both blush. "Well I mean yeah" you said with a shrug. "YOU WHAT?! WITH HIM?!" MK yelled in shock, his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. Mei took a sip of her soda before smiling. "Aww, that's actually kinda cute" She cooed. "Exactly. And WE were enjoying our date. Until you two idiots showed up" Red Son says with a frown as he wraps his arm around your waist and pulling you in.

You perk your lip up, he was getting use to PDA, hooray! MK was spluttering out questions and a garbled mess of words. Mei just gave a pitiful frown and went over to you. "I think it's best if you two get going". "Yeah, good idea" you says as you take back the bear. You take Red Son's hand and quickly speed walk away. "I'd say that went pretty well" Red Son exclaimed. "You thought that went well?". "Well yes, Noodle Boy can't do anything about us, so" he says with a smile and a shrug. You lean into him and smile, chuckling to yourself.

But the moment was quickly ruined by MK yelling back at you, "When you get back home Y/n! We are going to have a looong chat!". "You're not my dad MK!" you look over a yell back. Mei was holding MK back with a tired expression, "I'm the closest thing you'll ever have as a dad!" MK yelled back as he flailed his arms about. You turn back and smirk, "Actually that title belongs to Pigsy...". Red Son snorted at your comments. You both walk off into the market place once again, smelling the air and off to find food again. Hopefully without anymore interruptions.

Hope you enjoyed!

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