I Love You

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It had been a good half a year and it had been amazing. You and Macaque became really close. He claimed your apartment as a second home, you helped him in anyway you could, you laughed together and you could understand one another. He would still call you Bright eyes from time to time and he always found a way to tease you. It would get annoying, but you strangely liked the attention. It made you feel giddy and warm, in the best way possible. It was always a treat to be around him, even if danger was a constant in his life.


Macaque winced as you stitched up his forearm, again he got into trouble and gotten himself hurt. "Please hold still Macaque, it'll only make it harder" you said with a sad sigh. Macaque frowned and took another bite of his pastry. This afternoon you manage to snag some treats from the Moka Pot, before your shift ended. You did learn that Macaque had a bit of a sweet tooth, so you got some pastries for the two of you to share. Only to come home and find Macaque in a bloody and bruised mess. You didn't really need to know why he was like this but yet here you were.

You cut the string and put a wet cloth over, letting it settle. "Do you need anything else?" you questioned with a sad look. "Dunno, is more pastries possible?" Macaque says with a his mouth stuffed of food. You frowned at him, "What?" he says swallowing. "What? What?! I was terrified! I come home and I find you bloody and beaten up! You should be glad I came at the right time, you wouldn't have been able to heal yourself!" you yell as you get up from the couch. Macaque's face dropped in sadness. He did feel guilty. You got into the kitchen and yell out, "I'm going to the store to buy some milk!".

"But don't we have milk?" Macaque questioned, as he hoisted himself to look over at the kitchen. Then he just freezes, your pouring a good bottle of milk down the sink. You reserved everything, what was going on? And you stared at him when you did it, he hated the look, it made him feel like you were staring into his soul. You then threw the bottle in the bin, go to the front door and leave. Just like that, and Macaque once again felt awful. You had to see him in bad shape almost every week, and he understood that it was taking a toll on you. He flopped back down and groaned, why did he do this to you?


You were literally stomping all the way to the store, sure it was a far way to walk to but your anger pushed it down. You mumbled and rambled to yourself about Macaque and his idiotic behaviour. Did he even care about how you feel, how much of a toll this was taking on your day to day life? You decided to take a short cut through a alleyway, it long and dark, but your anger once again pushed that down. But through your anger you felt something, fear? Was someone here, watching you?

You turn around and see nothing, just some bins, the graffiti tagged walls and the street side from when you entered. You sighed, thankful that nothing was there. But as you turn around you bump into something, you were about to apologise but your heart sunk. Someone was here, were they here for you? You look up and see the all to familiar face, "Macaque?!". Macaque stared down at you, his face seemingly stern. "Wh- you can't be here! Your wounds, they-". "Y/n my wounds aren't my biggest concern right now it's you" Macaque said with a frown, showing off his fangs.

You felt weak and shrunk down, his stern voice was a scary sight to behold. But you still felt anger, "A-and why would you care, you're always getting hurt and you probably don't care how I feel". Macaque's gaze softened, "I do, I really do it's just- I- well you..." Macaque gave up his sentence with a deep sigh. He really did care about how you feel, and he knew it was a lot of stress for you to wonder if he was ok or not. "Y/n I understand how you must feel. Not knowing if I will be ok, but it's just so I can protect you". You crossed your arms and looked up at the monkey, "Protect me? From what?".

"There are plenty of people that know me and possibly want my head. And I pretty much thought that you would think of me like that to, I mean I broke into your house hehehe" Macaque said with a chuckle, you shook your head but smiled. "But it's just that, I've never really had someone to double back on. Someone to talk to and someone who understands me... someone who trusts me. I've always been a second place, a nobody, a shadow to another... but you make me feel like I'm worth more. You make me feel like I can take down anything and I want to, just to protect you" Macaque said in a calm tone, adding on a smile.

You were touched, he fought to protect you. Yes, you knew that Macaque was some higher being, obviously. But still, just to hear those words from him made your heart flutter with excitement. You even mentally forgave him. But you thought more about his words, could he... be in love with you? "Bright eyes? Are you ok, did I go to far?" Macaque questions with a unsure look. You may or may not have just spaced out, "Y-yeah no, I-I'm ok Macaque!" you responded far more louder than you wanted to, causing Macaque chuckle. "We're you thinking of something?" he says with a devilish smirk, you froze, stupid monkey!

"No! Well maybe, but it's none of your concern" you huffed. Macaque tilted his head, "Oh? Is that so?". His golden eyes boar right through you, causing you to shake. But you summoned as much courage as you could muster and spoke. "Macaque... do you like me?". "Course I like you Bright eyes! Why wouldn't I?". "No I mean like... ugh oh god, like like?" you mumbled. "Oh! You mean love, oh yeah totally" he says with a shrug. "Wha-" you were about to speak up but Macaque beat you to it. He sweep kicked your feet, causing you to fall back only to be caught by him. You just stared at one another, you both know we're this was going, so you both kiss.

It made your heart explode, Macaque slowly lifted you back onto your feet as his tail wrapped slowly around your waist. It felt perfect and just right, but you needed to breath so you broke the kiss, much to Macaque's dismay. "I take it that you like like me too?" Macaque questioned, you sheepishly nodded. "Cool, I'll keep that in mind" he jokingly said with a nod. You chuckled and held his hand, his tail dropping from your waist. "Shall we go grab some milk?", you had completely forgotten about the milk and you groaned earning a cackle from Macaque, "Did I kiss you into a different head space?". You chew on the inside of your cheek, saying nothing while dragging him to the shops, hand in hand, happy.

Sorry it's been a while
Hope you enjoyed!

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