Things You Do

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- Ever since you both confessed to one another, your whole relationship had to be hidden

- His friends couldn't know and your family couldn't know

- There have been cases where he would blurt out little things about you but he usually covers them up with a stupid excuse

- He has taught you quite a few things, how to play video games, how to skateboard and even a few techniques Monkey King taught him

- You both agreed that you wouldn't steal the staff and he wouldn't hurt your twin brother, Red Son (he still teases and jokes about with him still)

- You always go to his little apartment whenever you see each other, since if you were seen in say the park someone would tell

- You like to show of you fire abilities to him and he is always in awe, he never get's tired of it

- Flirting

- None stop flirting from this guy

- Every chance he get's, he's gonna flirt with you

- He says "I only do it to see that cute blush", which causes you to blush even more

- MK has a tough time with opening up to people, give him his time and he is bound to open up to you

- He knows your there, he just isn't sure if he should unload all his bottled up emotions so fast

- You both have competitions, like who can eat the most noodles, who can find the most blue birds, who can sneak into Pigsy's kitchen without getting caught

- They always lead to MK getting sick or badly bruised

- One his most favourite things about you is his laugh

- Ever since he first met you, seeing you laugh made his eyes go wide and his cheeks go red

- It doesn't matter if your laugh at him or with him he just loves to hear it

- And if you snort when you laugh, his love for you increases 10 fold

- You one time stole Red Son's jacket and pretend to mock him and it sent MK into a serve coughing fit

- He LOVES to kiss your cheeks, he thinks it's adorable seeing you getting flustered over a peck or 2

- Whenever it is cold, your his personal heater

- You are always big spoon in times like those

- He one time tried to roast s'mores on your hair and it ended up badly burning and you having marshmallow goop in your hair (he still apologies about that to this day)

- He one time came home from work and found you snuggled up on his bed in his jacket

- He nearly screamed and clutched his chest in pure joy, praying that you were dreaming of him

- You were

- He loves to share a tender moment with you

- Weather it be just reading a comic together, ranting about life or just sitting in silence, he just likes your warm welcoming presences

Hope you enjoyed!

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