Meeting up again

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F/n = Friend's name

It had been a good week since you met Macaque, and you were concerned. Would you see him again? You were in park, listening to people chat and the children play about while you were on a bench catching up on your latest book. F/n had recommended it to you, and you were strangely hooked on the plot. It had something to do with a playboy and a animal trainer falling for the same girl. It was weird but also fun to read.

You would occasionally look up towards the park to watch the kids play on the swings and climbing equipment as their parents sat on benches and chatted amongst themselves. You liked seeing other people be happy, because it made you happy. You returned to your book and flipped over from page to page, until a voice caught you off guard. "Whatcha reading bright eyes?". You yelled flailing the book around in your arms, try to close it. You looked up to your side and see none other than Macaque.

"Macaque?! What are you doing here?" you questioned. "Well I was going by and I saw you, so I thought 'huh why not mess around with bright eyes?'" Macaque says leaning against the bench. "Mess around? What do you-", before you could finish his sentence, he leaped over the bench and laid down on your lap. His black tail swung back and forth under your chin like a cat's would and he had the biggest smirk that you had ever seen. You blushed madly, what is wrong with him?!

You tried to speak but only a stutter came out, and when you tried to move your hands that were trapped under him it didn't work. You sighed, giving up. "Comfortable?" you groaned, the blush very clear on your face. "Yeah, very!" he responded with a grin showing off his fangs. Was he trying to be annoying or cute?? You didn't know and it frustrated you to your the bitter ends. "So, what book are you reading?" he asks, leaning over a bit so you could lift your hands and the book from under him.

"It's something about a love triangle story of these two guys wanting a girl's love and attention" you explained showing off the worn out cover. Macaque raised a brow, "Sounds interesting. Mind reading it aloud?", the smile on his face never seeming to disappear. You debated with yourself, no one was near you and no one seemed to pay mind of the monkey man in your lap. "Ok then", you opened the book back up and read out loud from where you left it.

Macaque closed his eyes and listened to your voice, it was so calming and relaxed him of his worries and stress. You had read a full 3 chapters and your arm hurt. You laid it down near Macaque's head and held the other book in your hand still reading it to him. Macaque opened his eyes when he felt you moving your arm, he then looked up and saw how close it was. Then he had devious idea, he shifted up a bit so your hand was on top of his head, petting his fur.

You felt the fur and looked down in your lap. Macaque relaxed in your lap with your hand on his head, rubbing his fur. "Did I tell you to stop reading?" Macaque says with a chuckle, you frowned and blushed. The motherfu-. You grumbled and returned to reading the book out loud, and your hand instinctively petted his head. Now Macaque's relaxation became ten fold. He doesn't remember the last time he felt this relaxed or been touched like this, it felt nice and let alone that you were the one making him like this.

You read some more chapters until you both hear a voice, you look over and Macaque sits up and turns back. It was F/n!. "Quick hid!" you said as you quickly shoved him off, he whined a little but turned into a puff of purple smoke and he was gone. F/n finally reached your bench and sat down. "Hey Y/n, how are you liking the book?" she questioned with a smile. "Oh! U-Uhh yeah yeah! It's good, weird plot but good" you said with a nod. She chuckled at your response and then she let out a loud gasp, you were about to question it but then she pointed to your lap.

There, in your lap was a little black cat. What in the world?! Did Macaque transform into a cat? The cat turn to you, it had his eyes. But then you saw the cat give off a grin, a grin that you already knew to well. Yep, this was Macaque, a cat in your lap, what did you do to deserve this? "It's so cuuuuuute!! Can I pet him?" F/n questioned with stars in her eyes. You looked down at Macaque and he just shrugged, "Sure!" you responses for him. F/n petted him as did you and Macaque just fell down into your lap in pure bliss. You were so gonna tease him after F/n left.

You and F/n talked until she got a phone call from her parents telling her to come home. "Thanks for the chat Y/n, and thank you for being such a cutie!" F/n said as she scratched under Macaque's chin, who just fell into the scratch. You waved her off and she left, Macaque got off your lap and smirked. "I'd say that went pretty well". "You love being touched don't you?" you said giving a smirk to him. "What!" Macaque said as he transformed back into his normal monkey self, "Hey listen bright eyes, I only did that for my safety" he said pointing and looking at you. "You started it, you teased me first" you responded with a shrug and a smile. Macaque was about to say something but he saw your smile and thought about what he did. He blushed a little and smirked. "Touché bright eyes touché" he said nodding his head.

What the frickadoo is wrong
with me

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