Sun's thoughts on you

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It had been a while since Monkey King met you, and so far he felt strange. He didn't know why. He was up on his cloud eating his peach chips and staring up at the clouds. Relaxing, alone with himself and his thoughts. But whenever he thought of something it turned around back to you. Peaches? You smelled sweet like peaches. Training? How could you were at fighting and fending for yourself. Rivers? How the river is smooth like your skin. His latest video game he 'borrowed' from MK? How much he wanted to play it with you. Did you even like video games?

Monkey King grumbled and flipped over onto his stomach, he continued stuffing the chips into his mouth. It was almost getting frustrating. Sure you could fight, had no screws loose and were average. But something intrigued him. I mean your Mei's older sister, your a part of the Dragon Family. What person wouldn't be interested in the descendant of The White Horse Dragon. But you were more than that. You had personality, strategy and good thinking. You were really good, and he knew you prided yourself in that.

He let out a loud groaned, this was so annoying. But he couldn't stop! "You ok Monkey King?" MK questioned. Monkey King was so startled that he fell off his cloud and his chips came down to, scattered amongst the ground. Monkey King looked up to see MK, who was confused to say the least. "Kid! Wh-I Umm. I wasn't expecting you for another hour" Monkey King said as he dusted himself off. "It has been a hour dude, check it!" MK said as he pulled out his phone. He was right a full hour had pasted.

Monkey King cringed at himself, a full hour spent thinking of you. Wow. "Right right yeah! I was just playing. Let's get on with your training" Monkey King said as he directed MK to the training area. MK frowned in confusion, why was Monkey King acting like this? But he just shrugged and the two begin their training. The training consisted of strangling on planks of wood and standing still. Easy for Monkey King, not so much for MK, he was flailing around like a penguin trying to fly.

Monkey King would snicker at his pupil's attempt to be still, but then he thought of you again. How this would be a breeze for you, he let out a loud groan causing MK to fly down to the ground, face first. "All right! What's up with you?" MK questioned as he got on his knees to dust himself off. "I-I don't know it's just... I've got a lot on my mind, and I don't know how to deal with it" Monkey King says as he hops down off the plank of wood, sitting cris crossed.

"Why not try some breathing techniques, Mei says that Y/n does them all the time. She even taught me a couple" MK says as he breaths slowly, inhaling and exhaling. He actually looked peaceful, is almost caught Monkey King off guard that you taught him that. Wait! You taught him that! What if you teach him, give Monkey King some tips. That could actually work! "I gotta go, later bud!" Monkey King says as he transforms into a eagle and flys off. MK opens his eyes and watches as his teacher leaves. "Hey! What about training!?" MK yells, but Monkey King was out of sight, high in the sky and off into the sunset.

Was a bit confused on how I would
write this one
Oh well!

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