MK's thoughts on you

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After the shenanigans with you and Red Son, MK returned back to Pigsy's noodles. Holding a ice pack on his cheek as he worked. Pigsy wasn't pushing him to work as much but at least get the job done. Tang and Mei were at the bench top, Mei talking about you and how random it was for you to show up, while Tang listened in and ate his noodles.

"Kid! I've got another delivery!" Pigsy shouted out to MK who was chopping up some spring onion, laying his head on his shoulder so he could use both his hands to work. MK let out a quiet sigh and got into the delivery truck. Pigsy packed in the order, read over the address and off MK was. He still had his hand placed on his cheek with ice pack, it was still sore after that fight. It hadn't even been a good 3 hours since then.

MK reached the door of the customer, he questioned MK and asked if he was alright but he just reassured the man that he was ok. MK was reading out the order to the man to make sure he had everything. But as he read it something caught his eye. Fiery Spice Noodles. MK just stared at the piece of paper, the sudden image of you came to mind.

The man brought Mk out of his trance, the man paid for his food and MK set back off the Pigsy's. But as MK drove he couldn't stop thinking of you. You were different from your brother. Sure you called him a imbecile, but it was in a playful teasing manner right? MK felt stupid, maybe he thought that you thought he was being a idiot with those pick up lines. But it was true. In his eyes you were different, the good different.

I mean, you manage to almost defeat him. If it hadn't been for Mei kicking you in the face, MK chuckled at the memory and the face you made upon impact of Mei's foot. But then he remembered the flirt you said. The ramen-ber line was pretty good, no doubt about that but still.

He liked the fiery passion you had, you were the daughter too two dangerously powerful demons, and a twin brother of another one. But he liked the fact that you could relax, you could unwind and show little bits of your true colour. He also chuckled at the fact at how easy it was to make you blush. He was now wondering, will he see you again? Was that just a one off thing? MK kinda hoped it wasn't. It wanted to see you, get to know you maybe even have a proper chat. Who knows but he prayed that would happen.


Sorry this one was a little bit short
Oh well, next one won't be

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