Meeting up again

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Red Son had been sneaking out recently, his excuse was always to spy and get information on Noodle Boy. But in reality, it was simply just to look at you. He wouldn't call it stalking, but it was. He learned a thing or two from you. You were a waitress at Pigsy's Noodle Shop, MK and you got along like you were the same person and you were energetic. That being said like any other day, he went off to watch you do whatever. He over heard one conversation where you, Mei and MK were going to the skating park, this should be interesting.


Like a weird cat, Red Son was perched up in one of the pretty green trees, that were around the park. He just sat and watched you, you were with MK skating about the ramps and random dips. You had designed your skateboards personally and you were proud. You made a bet with MK to see who could do the entire course while also doing the most tricks. Mei was recording it while also timing. You would almost always win due to your speed and MK would always call for a rematch.

You were both getting tired and MK looked like he was about to pass out. "Are you guys ok? Why don't we, y'know take a break?" Mei questions. MK raises a hand and protests. "Nonononono, that won't be necessary! Whew!" MK says as he get's back up and stretches his back, earning a satisfying pop. "Yeah, I don't mind wiping the floor with him again. I mean, I practically own these ramps" you said with a grin. That just sent your bro over the edge, "Rematch! Winner takes all!". "You said that 6 rematches ago" Mei responds with a whine. You get back to your starting line and Mei counts you down.

"3 2 1 Go!". And so the two of you dashed and whirled about on your skateboards, your wheels gliding over the graffitied pavement. You twirled, flipped and 360'ed all over the place. MK copied you by stayed clear of your area of skating. Red Son was amazed, it was like watching dancing. The way you flowed and glided perfectly, all with a gleeful smile and laugh of kicking your brother into your dust. But as you do a special trick that made you soar high in the air. Something caught your eye, a little bit of red amongst green.

There in the tree you saw Red Son staring at you. You stared back, was he spying on you? You were brought out of your thoughts by you landing back down on the ground, while MK came from behind you, panting like a dog. Red Son quickly hid behind the tree trunk and prayed to whatever was above that you didn't see him. You still stared up at the tree, but MK spoke up. "Alright Y/n, the ramps are yours. All hail the queen of skates-" MK says but a familiar jingle stopped his words. The ice cream truck! "Ice cream!" Mei shrieked happily.

You looked over and saw the ice cream truck flocked by kids who were skating around the park, "You guys grab some ice cream, I'll wait here" you simply say with a smile. "If you say so" Mei said with a shrug. She tugged MK along and he dropped his board, he really needed something refreshing after skateboarding for that long. You smiled but turn your attention back to the tree. You smirk and simply skate over. Red Son was shaking while millions of questions ran through his head, did you see him? What is he going to do? Are you going to tease him? Did Noodle Boy see him?!

He gathered up as much courage as he could and peered around. But you weren't anywhere, he looked everywhere at the park. Nowhere, but he looked down and saw your skateboard, just there. "What?" Red Son muttered to himself. "Hey Red Son!" you yelled as you appeared from the leaves, hanging upside down. Red Son screamed in fear, causing him to lose his balance and fall down onto the ground. Thankfully no one saw because they were at the ice cream truck. You leaped down with perfect ease and helped him up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" you apologised. Red Son dusted himself off and straightened his jacket. "It's fine, just don't spook people like that!" Red Son says as he points his nose away from you, in a snobbish manner. "I see your ankles doing better" you said with a smile as you fold your arms. Red Son looked down at his ankle, "Yes I guess so, but it is also the reason why I'm here". "Your ankle is why you are spying on me?". "Da-I am not spying on you! You just- I- gahhh!!" Red Son yelled as he failed his arms around. He knew what you were doing, and you knew what he was trying to do.

"Listen Y/n, I just came to say... sa- sorr- sssssssorry for attacking you and thank you for helping me!!" he blurted out. You gave a smile, "No problem, took awhile. But you got there" you said with a shrug. Red Son grumbled and bit his lip, we're you always like this? "Alright then, with that out of the way. Is it possible if I can make your acquaintance sometime this week?" Red Son offered. You tilted your head and stifled a laugh, "Do you mean you want to hang out?". "Uhhhhh yes, I guess that's how you say it" Red Son says rubbing his neck, slightly embarrassed. "Cool, here", you suddenly pull out a pen and paper and write down something, you hand it to him and it's your phone number.

Red Son looked at the paper and you, "It's a phone number, you know what that is right?" you questioned. "Oh course I know what that is peasant- I mean..." Red Son grumbled as he ended his sentences. You chuckled at him, you had a way with teasing people and getting under their skin. "I'm free whenever, just letting you know" you say. Red Son looks at you, giving you a small smile and nod. This was a good change in pace, compared to his angry fiery self. "Y/n, we got you ice cream!" MK yells, startling both you and Red Son. You turn around and see MK looking refreshed as he waved around a ice cream for you, holding his in the other hand and Mei happily munching down on a ice cream bar. But there happy faces turned into ones of shock and panic.

"Y/n behind you!!" Mei shrieks. You turn around see that Red Son is gone, but the tree he was hiding in before was up in flames. You quickly got your skateboard and ran over to them, while Mei shoved her ice cream down and called for the fire department. "Are you ok?! You're not burned are you?!" MK questions completely forgetting about your ice creams. "Y-yeah no, I'm good". MK was still panicking and flailing about, but past him you saw Red Son dashing down the street, his hair in flames. He turned back to look at you, you smiled and waved. And he gave you a small smile before disappearing. "Who are you waving to??" MK questioned as he blocked your view. "No one, don't worry!"

I understand that some stories are scattered about
Sorry about that I'm trying to figure it out
Hope you enjoyed!

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