Things You Do

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- Since your confessions you felt more open and wild around

- Your parents had noticed this and were glad you had somewhat changed, the only thing was they didn't know why or how the change happened so quick

- You would try and come around once a week just so he could see you

- But due to you and Mei's reputation, it was a bit of a struggle

- Every time you go over, you'd bring some snacks or treats for the monkeys

- You even gave some of them names, sweet yet meaningful

- After you go he will try and talk with the monkeys to see if there was any useful information he could use, only to get closer to you in a loving boyfriend way, he trusts you 100%

- Mei would try her best to wriggle in on you and Sun's time, you both swear that her and MK were already planning the wedding

- Sun would let you pet him, or at least play with his fur and it was softer than silk, soooo nice

- In return he will play with your hair, he'll style it, mess around with it or simply brush and have fun with it

- He would give you tips and little tricks on fighting and dodging certain attacks, but he would always stop if ever you were going overboard, he's sweet like that

- He would let you reach into his peach chips or play around with his fur whenever you wanted but MK would tease him about it once your out of ear shot

- That boi was this close to being thrown half way across the city

- He still calls you Peaches, but he once called you Monkey Queen and you sweared MK and Mei were screaming like 5 year olds, it was concerning how they were

- Mei is ALWAYS covering for you, she use to get sick of it, but understanding how much you both mean to one another it made her have a change of heart, and now she is your 1# fan (closely tying with MK)

- She always says she is the reason why you are together, but you and Sun always disagree with her statement

- He's a flirt through a through

- He adores seeing someone as strong and up high as you to be blushing and getting flustered

- Pigsy, Tang and Sandy know too, they all tease you

- But know not to push you over your breaking point, harmless jokes and quick wits is all

- He will always find something on the mountain to give you, a flower, a certain peach, anything

- You are everything to him and he can't help but break into a smile every time he sees you

- You might stay over for the night and you always snuggle with him, it's one of his favourite things to do with you

- His dates are sweet, but they either have to be at the mountain, on a rooftop or somewhere where people can't see, and you don't mind that

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