Meeting up again

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Night had fell upon the city and you were having a great time. Your mum and dad fell asleep earlier and Mei took the chance to sneak into your room to play video games. The two were laying on your bed, slamming down the buttons trying your best to beat one another. You forgot what the game was called but it was a fighting game, and so far you were winning. You put the final blow on Mei's character and you won. Mei let out a loud groan, rolling around on your bed.

"How are you so good at this" she whined. "Dunno, just part of my big sis awesomeness" you said with a smirk. Mei frowned, "Best 6 out of 2, winner takes the last of dad's brownies" Mei challenges. You thought about it, this was a easy battle. Plus your dad's brownies were the bomb, he only made them for special occasions and saved some for the two of you. You nodded, "Your on!".  You restarted the match and your battle commenced. But as you focused on the screen, you heard noises, it sounded like knocking.

You paused the game, Mei was about to argue but she heard the noise too. It did sound like knocking. You signalled to her, you would check the door and she would check the window. You slowly move towards your wooden door, you open it and peer out. Nothing, just the long empty corridor. Maybe it came from the window? You shut the door, "Did you see anything Mei-". But as you questioned your sister, she slammed the window shut and covered the window with your curtains.

She looked either horrified or in a rush. She stared at you and you stared back. Had she seen something? She then started to make a ringing noise with her mouth, she grabbed her phone from her pj's pocket. Pretending she was getting a phone call. "Hello? MK? Oh no! Oh no that's terrible! I'll be there soon!" Mei said then pretending to hang it up. "Welp! I've gotta go... night Y/n!" Mei said trying to leave, but you stuck your arm out and blocked her way.

"Why did MK call you?" you questioned, pretending to not to know Mei was faking it. "Oh that! He ummmm... he found Tang eating some... uhhhhh bad noodles, aaaaand now he has a stomach ache!" Mei said, this was the stupidest lie she had ever said. But you played along, even when Mei started to sweat buckets waiting for your response. "Oh wow! You best go, send him my support" you said with the best concern face you could muster up. You moved aside so Mei could leave. "Yep eheheheh! Will do!" and just like that she dashed out of your room.

You frowned the moment she left, you knew she saw something. You opened up your curtains and the dark night sky welcomed you with it's stars. You unlocked the window and walked out to the balcony, your room was on the second floor. You looked about and saw nothing, no one. You didn't have any trees that were high enough to tap on your window. Maybe it was a bird of some sorts, but why would Mei be scared of a bird? You sighed and leaned against the ledge of the balcony. You just thought you should forget about it, until you heard a voice.

"Nice pyjamas they suit you!". What the hell?! You jumped up and saw a brown bird with cyan, red and yellow tail feathers perched on your balcony's ledge. Did the bird just talk? "Did you just talk?" you questioned pointing at the bird. "Uhhhh, no. Quack!" the bird said, seemingly concerned. Also, when have you heard a bird like that quack? You frowned, that voice. "Monkey King?" you questioned with a raised brow. "Ok ok fine!" he said and he transformed into his normal monkey self, still perched on the ledge.

"What are you doing here?". "Well I was just flying by and I saw your house so I thought i'd stop by-". You frowned at him, not one word you believed. Monkey King chuckled nervously, you were pretty scary looking. "I just-... I want you to mhmhmm" he said mumbling the last part. "Pardon?" you asked. "I said I want you to mhmhmm". "Look! Just say it-". "I want you to teach me!" he blurted out. You were even more confused, "Huh?". "Look", Monkey King hopped off the ledge and stood face to face with you, giving a more serious tone.

"I think that you're a skilled warrior, and I'm also a skilled warrior. I-I just think that maybe you can give me some pointers and I can return you some. Just... build each other up, y'know?" Monkey King said with his head slightly tilted. You thought about it, and you looked at Monkey King who was waiting for your answer. "Yeah sure" you said with a small smile and a shrug. "That's ok, I know your- wait what?". "I said yes, I want help you". Monkey Kings eyes turned into stars, he picked you up and twirled you around. And for a moment you dropped your serious facade. You were smiling and laughing along side him as he spun you.

But then you both realised what had happened, he quickly put you down and you just stared at one another blankly, with a bit of blush on both your faces. "I mean, thank you Y/n" he said with a bow, you also bowed to him. But once you both looked back up, you smiled at one another. "Ok! So I best get going, you gotta get your beauty sleep-" Monkey King said as he hopped back onto the ledge but he slipped and fell off, down to the ground. "Monkey King!" you yelled, not caring if you woke up your parents. But then he rises back up again on his cloud, chuckling. "I'm ok, no bruises!" he said cheerful.

You sighed in relief knowing he was alright. "Goodnight Peaches!" he said as he flew off. Peaches, why did he call you Peaches? But then you look back down at your pyjamas, you had a green hoodie on with pyjamas pants covered in peaches. You wanted to shrivel up and die of embarrassment, you were about to yell at him but he was long gone. You stared up at the night sky, smiling. Until you heard a cough, oh god. Mei was here!

You turn around and see Mei with the biggest grin you've ever seen, and worst of all her phone was on record. "Mei! Y-you saw that!". "The whole thing, you are both made for each other! Did you see him stutter? He totally has the hots for you!" Mei shrieked. You came back inside, locked the window, shut your curtains and snatched the phone from Mei's hand. She was right, the whole thing was on camera. You whined, but as you rewatched the video you got to the part we're he picked you up and twirled you. You paused the video and stared at it.

You had never seen him so happy, and the last time you smiled like that was when you went on your first roller coaster. You both looked happy. You sat on your bed and laid down, holding Mei's phone on your stomach. Mei stopped rambling and stared at you. "You ok Y/n?" she said as she laid beside you, you showed her the video and were you paused it. Mei smiled, "I think you've just been bitten by the love bug" Mei said in a low voice. You smiled at her words. "I guess I have". "Ah ha! So you are in love!" Mei says as she sits up. You promptly kick her off the bed and throw her phone in her face, "I am not in love!". Mei just smiled at you, you both knew you were lying.

Hoped you enjoyed

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