Nezha's thoughts on you

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Nezha sat on the ledge outside of the temple. He stared out at the sun. The orange, pink and yellow sky dancing above him. He had a stern look to him, even though it was his typical resting face. His mind was bugged by you. He frowned and leaned on his propped up knee, staring out. He sighed and rested his head down. He was a obvious Celestial Being, as were you more so just a supernatural monkey girl with supernatural abilities. But one certain thing stuck with him. You were related to Sun Wukong, The Monkey King.

Sure you were a sibling but still the thought of you two being the same befuddled him. You were curious, snarky, joking and above all nice. The first 3 things fit the profile of your brother, but you were nicer. You actually seemed to care about him and others. He could tell that this wasn't the first time you had apologised to someone over Sun's mistakes. And he did feel bad for you too, not just the fact that you were a forgiver. He didn't have the best track record with Sun, but he had never met or even heard of you before. Which confused him further. He must have heard you before, but couldn't remember where. He did silently admits to himself that he did treat you harshly. His eyes trailed to his side, he saw his spear and the peach. He picked up the peach and played with the little green leaf on it.

"Why not..." he murmured to himself. He took a small bite out of the peach. He hummed, it tasted like any other peach he had. He continued to slowly eat it, while thinking of you. He hadn't met to many people he could consider friends, more so acquaintances. He finished off the peach and left the seed and the leaf down by his side. Maybe he could get to know you better, after all you did suggest for him to build up his speaking skills. So why not start with you? He was often over bested by his power rather than his words. "It's a start..." Nezha said to himself as he got up again, picking up his spear and dashing off into the sky. The wind flowed through his black hair, he looked down at the ground below. He silently argued with himself, before grumbling to himself and flying back down. Searching for something.

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