Things You Do

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- Ever since you both confessed your love for one another it has been hectic but sweet relationship

- Your stuck with him now, good luck with getting rid of him (but I doubt that is what you want)

- The vibe and presents that you give of just makes him feel safe and secure

- He knows he is in a safe place when he's with you

- You apartment is now appointed as his second home, and he comes over whenever he feels like

- Always through the window, never through the front door

- He need attention, just give him it

- He will happily swing by the Moka Pot to check up on you in the day

- And to maybe steal some treats

- He also still raids your fridge at a ungodly hour of the night, and sometimes you join him and watch movies together afterwards

- He hasn't gotten around to telling you what goes on in his mind

- He will, just not as of now

- You both do little shadow puppetry shows

- He is obviously the better one out of the two of you

-He one time hissed at a cat in a alleyway and you had to ask if he was doing alright

- Flirts with you a truck load, you can't escape it, just accept it

- He grabs your attention whenever he can, he one time bit your ear and played it off as if it was nothing

- It hurt, no blood, but it still hurt

- Cuddles are necessary in this relationship, the where isn't important he just need your warmth

- Ruffle his fur and he will always melt at your touch

- He loves to listen to your voice, talking or simply mumbling to yourself about something (he finds it cute)

- You still read to Macaque at night and he has fallen asleep to your voice

- And if he doesn't have you around he will imagine you reading to him

- He has seen you use his red cape as a blanket

- You think he doesn't know, he knows

So sorry
I know it has been a month
since my last update
Hope you can all understand
Hope you enjoyed!

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