Meeting up again

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It had been a while since the apology. Curiosity would get the better of you whenever, somehow going to Nezha. You thought you would sweep the apology under the rug but even still you would find yourself wondering about him. Was it enough? Was the moral you told him effective? You would often find yourself drowsing off in your thoughts and someone would have to snap you back in again to reality. Even Sun was noticing it and was rather worried. But you would just push it aside, and still wonder.


You had a little fire pit brewing outside, Sun was inside watching TV with some of the monkeys. The rest all stayed outside to help you collect wood and dead plants to throw on the fire. You used you tail to pick up a metal rod and poke the fire. You watched as the surrounding monkeys were admiring the flame and soaking in the warmth. You would check on the fire before returning to your phone. Mei had given you one just for you, you treasured it like anyone would. You were flicking through social media as some of the monkeys watched over your shoulder. But you frowned and you look about. The monkeys did the same, one cried out as it pointed to the sky.

You could see a flaming ball of pink, you quickly stood in front of the monkeys as they shielded themselves with you. The ball landed and a small crater formed, a figure rose. You frowned but gave a surprised look when you saw Nezha. He seemed rather confused by you. "Is something wrong?" he questioned as he adjusted his spear. "Uhh no. You just scared us" you said with a shrug as you calmed down. "My apologise" he said giving a small nod. He started to walk towards you but the monkeys started to growl and their fur stood on end, "Oh" you said rather surprised. You walk past them to go towards Nezha, you stuck a hand out to Nezha and talked to the monkeys. "Nezha. Good. Friend. No harm. Okay?" you stated Nezha gave a confused look, due to your speech pattern.

The monkeys started to calm down and went back to watching the fire, that was thankfully still going. "Are they your guards?" Nezha questioned. You chuckled, "No. I've known them all for a looong time so they just get protective of someone new". Nezha nodded. You both decided to walk over to the fire and sit, one of the monkeys climbed into your lap and you happily pet it. You could see Nezha staring at the fire, almost looking unsure. You decided to get the conversation started, knowing why he would be here. "So, how was the peach?". "Oh. It was...nice" he said rather bluntly. "How is the temple?". "The temple is also alright. Nothing strange as of now". "Good good" you say as you nod. "Is there maybe anything else you want to talk about?" you question as you smile at the fire. Nezha quirked his lip for a second but you saw it.

"You like to get the point Y/n". "Of course I do" you say as you turn to him. Nezha adjust his position as he turned to you. "I...I do appreciate you coming to me and apologising for your brother's actions" he gave a small bow of his head and you smiled. "Hey it's no problem" you said with a cheerful tone. "I am glad you are not the same as Sun Wukong. You actually care about the effects of his actions, and you care about him, and your the youngest one" Nezha trailed off. You purse you lips as he trails off. You give a nervous laugh, "Okay then. I think you've made your point". Nezha stopped and gave a nod again. But he perked up and reached behind him. "Oh yes. I want to give you something". You raise a brow, "Really?". He held something small in his hand, he took ahold of your hand and placed the object into your hand.

You pulled it back and examined the object. It was a green pod, you tilted your head. The monkey that was on your lap climbed up and onto your shoulder as it too also stared at the pod. "Uh this is...sweet?". "You are unfamiliar of what it is" Nezha says as he frowns in disappointment. "What no! I know what it is...". A bead of silence fell upon you both as the monkeys stare between you both. Nezha sighed, "It's a seed". He took ahold of your wrist again and waved his hand over the seed. The seed slowly started to glow pink and it cracked as a green sprout appeared. It spread and grew until the petals opened to reveal itself as a lotus flower. The pink and white colour dazzled you as you stare in amazement. The monkey on your shoulder 'ooo'ed.

You look back up at Nezha and smile as you tilt you head. "You got this for me?". "You said that I could work on my speaking skill rather than my powers. So, why not 'bloom' a friendly relationship with you?" Nezha said as he shrugged and avoided eyes contact with you. You snort as you cover your mouth and look away, trying not to laugh. "What? Why are you laughing? I am making a gesture to you as a sign of friendship!". "I'm sorry. It's just that, you are aware you have made a pun right?". "A pun? It that what jokes are?" Nezha says as he tilts his head in confusion. You smile, "Yes it is. Don't worry, I'll show you everything I know about common friendship" you proclaim. Suddenly a yelp ratters you, Nezha and the monkeys. "Y/n! Who are you talking to? And where did you get this lotus from?!" Sun yelled from inside. You look down into your hands and see the lotus was gone, "You should probably get going now". "Not a bad idea" Nezha said as he quickly got up and picked his spear up.

He was about to fly off again but turned back to you. "Will I be able to see you again?" he said. You gave a confident nod, "Absolutely". Nezha gave a small smile to you before flying off. Sun bursted through the door to the shrine and eyes you, he held the lotus. "Now what was all the fuss about?". "Oh! I-I of the monkeys found me the lotus while searching for wood" you said trying to make a excuse. Sun eyed you, "I'm watching you sis". "Haha! Right back at you bro" you said nervously. Sun handed the lotus flower back to the monkey and it gave a sorrowful look to you. "Thanks for snitching in me" you joked, the monkey whined, "It's ok, come here" you said as you opened your arms out to the monkey. It cheered as it hugged you and handed back the lotus. You returned to your spot on the ground and continued to tend to the fire. Now joyful of the new friendship.

Hope you enjoyed!

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