Mei's thoughts on you

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Mei walks about the busy streets again, on the hunt for MK. She called him 3 times and yet he still hadn't picked up his phone. Mei grumbled as MK's voice mail message came up again. She turned her phone off and shoved it in her pocket. "Seriously MK? Turn your phone on" she mumbled to herself. She stuffed her hands into her pockets and continued on her journey. She looked about at all the people in the streets. It calmed her and she started to smile to herself. But the thought of you suddenly popped in. It was strange for you to show up, and not actually attack anyone.

You seemed more chill and actually nicer than the other spider demons. This was the first time she had met a 'nice' spider demon. She knew you were working along with Spider Queen but still, you didn't look as threatening at a first glance. She titled her head in thought, you were a spider demon so why weren't you as evil? She would remember someone like you. Mei had meet Queen, Syntax, Huntsman and the big buff guy.

But you weren't familiar. She felt a little stupid as she continued to think about you. You seemed shy, like you didn't know how to be evil. Like you were unsure. Of course Mei dived in head first to attack you the first chance she saw, it's what she does. But you seemed interesting and interested. Interested in humans more so, she did find you spying on her and MK but still. She had a feeling you didn't know everything about humans and were just interested. Mei frowned to herself, deep in thought when MK popped up behind the corner.

"Mei there you are!" he yelped. "MK! Geez don't scare people like that!" Mei yelled. MK just giggled as the two walk back to MK's apartment. Mei was enjoying the walking view but once again you popped up in her mind. Why were you so nice? You had manners, you couldn't bring yourself to actually hurt her and you were only going out for food to bring back for the Spider Queen? It stumped her.

Maybe this was a break through. Maybe she could get you to be a little bit more open to her. Maybe she could actually be friends with you. Yeah, MK was grossed out and terrified of spiders. But she got over her fear of spiders when she was younger. So, there could be a chance. Mei smiled to herself, that could work. She could reconnect with you another time and actually talk girl to spider demon. MK tapped her on her shoulder, "Hey Mei-". "Gah!" Mei yelled. MK panicked and threw his hands in the air. "Are you doing okay?" "Yeah totally fine. Why would you ask..." "You were talking about a spider. Please don't tell me you saw a spider! Those things are gross!". MK continued to ramble on about spiders and their hairy legs. But Mei just sighed and continued to walk ahead. She was going to meet you again, that was a fact she knew.

Hope you enjoyed!

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