Chapter 1

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Y/N's POV:
Lizzie smiles proudly at me as I sign my NDA as we get to set. I was so glad I had her here to support me. I'm terrified. These people are legends and I'm me. I'm going to be in a Marvel movie this is crazy. Once I'm finished Lizzie takes my hand excited to introduce to me to everyone.
"How are you feeling?" She asks as I see the full set for the first time.
"Holy shit. This is incredible," I state in shock. Lizzie giggles at my amazement.
"I can only imagine your reaction to meeting Scarlett," she teases.
"You've got to let me build up to meeting her. That woman is a goddess. Is it a premise for Marvel women to be goddesses? Because why the fuck am I here? Did they have an average quota in order to film?" I ramble nervously at just the thought of meeting her. Lizzie rolls her eyes cupping my face.
"Stop with the self depreciation. You're beautiful Y/N inside and out. I cannot wait until you find a woman who can finally make you hear that," Lizzie compliments me making me blush.
"Whenever I find a good one you point out their flaws and then that's all I can see," I sigh.
"Sure use me to excuse your sleazy behaviour in the past," she warns me.
"Listen when the right woman comes along I'll stick by her and I'll do everything to keep her. You know why I'm like this Lizzie. She did a number on me," I sigh. Lizzie brings me in for a tight hug which I sink into.
"Just because she ruined your past does not mean you should allow her to ruin your future. You'll find someone who will be proud to love you and support you. Kristie was terrified of coming out and has firmly shoved herself back into the closet. It's not your fault but you'll find someone to love you the way you deserve," Lizzie assures me.
"Where would I be without you Olsen?" I laugh smiling as we pull apart.
"On a show about sex addiction probably," she taunts me running off.
"Come back here Lizzie. I just want to talk."

Y/N's POV:
I catch up to her pick her up tickling her. She laughs uncontrollably.
"Stop Y/N," she gets out as she laughs.
"Apologise or I'll tickle you non stop," I smirk.
"S...sorry," she giggles. I stop tickling putting her down.
"Hey Lizzie it's great to see you laughing so much," Paul observes walking over.
"Paul this is my best friend and our new colleague Y/N," She introduces us and I extend my hand.
"I'm a hugger," he says pulling me in for a quick hug. 
"So you're the famous Y/N. Lizzie does not stop talking about you. I've never heard her laugh like that before," Paul informs me and I smirk at Lizzie. She covers her face embarrassed.
"Oh god Paul don't make her head any bigger than it already is," she pretends to get annoyed.
"Well apparently you're obsessed with this big head so it's all good," I tease nudging her gently.
"I've got to get to make up it was really nice meeting you Y/N," Paul excused himself.
"You too. I'll find out all the wonderful things Lizzie has been saying about me later," I shout after him irritating Lizzie.
"Take that look off your face," she warns me.
"Or what?" I challenge her. Queue the head tilt. Panic and run.

Lizzie's POV:
I watch as Y/N nearly runs straight into Scarlett. She stops just before she hits her.
"I'm so sorry. I was being chased by Miss angry head tilt behind me. I'm Y/N Y/L/N. It's an honour to meet you," she apologises to Scarlett who is trying to work her out.
"Yeah I don't blame you for that one it really is terrifying even without the CGI," Scarlett laughs.
"Remind me why I'm best friends with you again Y/N," I state rolling my eyes.
"Because you're obsessed with me even Paul said it," she teases more.
"You're brave," Scarlett states observing my head tilt again. Y/N hides behind Scarlett.
"Sorry Scarlett. I need protection," Y/N giggles.
"It's ok. Paul's right by the way she does talk about you a lot. I'm starting to see why now," Scarlett agrees. What does that mean?
"Be careful what you say next Y/N. Or I will expose you," I warn her.
"Scarlett it was wonderful to meet you. I look forward to getting to know you better. I'm going to take the angry toddler to her trailer before she kills me," Y/N excuses us picking me up throwing me over her shoulder making Scarlett laugh endlessly. I knew it was pointless fighting her because she's stronger than me so I just let it happen.

Y/N's POV:
I set Lizzie down outside her trailer.
"I hate you," she states walking inside. Ooh she mad.
"Come on Lizzie. You're not actually mad are you?" I check. She doesn't reply. Here comes the silent treatment. Annoy her into talking to me. I walk over to her hugging her from behind.
"I'm sorry," I say in a baby voice knowing she can't stay mad at me for long. Still nothing.
"Fine I'll just have to go and talk to Robert telling him all about how much you idolise him," I admit defeat kissing the top of her head letting go of her. I get a few paces before I'm tackled onto the sofa pinned down.
"No you're not," she instructs making me smile.
"Shut up and stop smiling," Lizzie demands. Just then the door opens and in walks Scarlett.
"Sorry for disturbing. They're waiting for you both in hair and make up," Scarlett informs us. Lizzie jumps off me and we hurry off to get ready.

Author's Note: Prepare for lots and lots of Drama.

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