Chapter 10

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Lizzie's POV:
I wake up completely on top of Y/N. She's so beautiful even this close. I wish she could see it. If I achieve anything in the next few weeks it'll be showing her what she's worth.
"I can feel you staring Olsen," Y/N mumbles sleepily slowly opening her eyes.
"You're just so beautiful," I explain making her smile and blush.
"I'm nothing compared to you. Looking into your eyes is like you can see into my soul. Yet those eyes also feel like safety and home. Then your smile. Even on my darkest days that smile makes me feel like everything will be good again eventually. Your nose and how it scrunches when you're really smiling. And your laugh is the closest thing to witnessing heaven on earth," she rambles cupping my face. Wow.
"Can I kiss you?" I request confidently.
"You never have to ask. Unless you're drunk or I'm drunk," She assures me. I kiss her gently at first then allow myself to sink into it. I straddle her so I can deepen the kiss. This felt so right and so good. We pull away breathless and I rest my head on hers.
"Hi," I whisper making her smile.
"Hey. Can I make you breakfast?" Y/N offers.
"Yes pancakes please," I agree.
"You've got it princess," she nods lifting me off her kissing my cheek. Heading to the kitchen to get started. She really is something.

Y/N's POV:
As I make the pancakes I just can't stop smiling. Even if it was only for a few weeks I actually had a shot with Lizzie. I'm not going to mess this up. I feel arms wrap around my waist and a kiss on my cheek.
"You're very cuddly this morning," I laugh.
"You know me I'm obsessed with you," she smirks jumping up on the counter top.
"That I do know," I tease. She wraps her legs around my waist pulling me in for a kiss.
"Where did that come from?" I ask impressed.
"I'm not always a bottom you know," she whispers nibbling on my ear. I squeeze my thighs shut trying to ignore the way I'm feeling right now.
"Good morning," Ashley says smirking at our positioning. Lizzie doesn't unhook me instead cuddles me closer.
"Mine," Lizzie warns her.

"I'm still your future wife aren't I Y/N?" Ashley inquires.
"Is she Y/N?" Lizzie challenges me.
"It depends on if you realise that you and I belong together or not," I answer kissing Lizzie's cheek. She blushes smiling.
"Damn it Lizzie I can't believe you took my wife away," Ashley sighs.
"I'm not sorry," Lizzie smirks until her phone rings. Her whole demeanour changes she quickly unhooks me and hurries off down the hall.
"I'm always going to be second best aren't I?" I mumble trying not to get upset. I know it was probably Robbie.
"Hey listen. She's been with him for nearly 2 years. It isn't going to be easy just give her time. She'll make the right choice and if not then you know where I am," Ashley comforts me hugging me tightly.

We start eating as Lizzie has been gone for a while. She comes back looking stressed. I rush over to her cupping her face.
"Are you ok?" I check concerned. She takes my hand off her face. Ouch.
"Robbie is on his way here. He uh got some time off so he'll be here later this afternoon," She informs me.
"Right ok. Um why don't I go and stay with Scarlett while he's here? I mean your sisters shouldn't have to go home because Robbie is here. I'll find somewhere to crash," I assure her hurrying off to my room. I start throwing stuff into a bag not sure what to pack.
"Y/N talk to me please," Lizzie begs touching my arm.
"I was stupid Lizzie. It's always going to be him isn't it? I'll always be second place. I wish I'd never agreed to it. I'm so self destructive. I do all this shit for other people. And then I wake up and I'm empty. I have nothing. You deserve to be happy Lizzie and if it's with him then I won't get in the way," I sigh zipping up my bag. She jumps in front of the door blocking it.
"Please don't go," she cries.
"I have to," I mumble trying not to get upset.
"Give me time," Lizzie pleads.
"Don't you get it Lizzie? We're the right people at the wrong time. Maybe there'll never be a right time but it's certainly not now. Don't make this harder than it already is," I explain.
"Please kiss me. If it's the last time then kiss me," she begs cupping my face turning it to look at her.
"Please." She pulls me in for a kiss and I let it happen. Lizzie deepens it roaming her hands through my hair. I lift her up sitting her down on the bed and pull back.
"I'll see you at work Lizzie." She hugs me tightly from behind.
"Don't go."
"You have to let me. See what it's like with Robbie. Decide if he's what you want. And if not you know where I am," I encourage her.
"Promise you'll always be there for me," she pleads.
"I promise," I agree turning around to face her. I kiss her cheek gently before leaving. MK and Ashley look at me with sympathy. I just smile sadly.

I pull up outside Scarlett's having composed myself.
"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Scar inquires smiling.
"Well I know you can't get enough of me and my house is a little crowded right now so I thought I'd escape for a few days. I was wondering if you had any ideas of where I might go?" I smirk.
"Well you're more than welcome to stay here. I'm sure you can make it worth my while," she whispers against my lips.
"Oh I definitely can."

Lizzie's POV:
I watch as Y/N walks out the door and the twins both hit my arms.
"Ow what the fuck?" I ask irritated.
"How did you let this happen? Tell him to do one you idiot," Ashley states angrily.
"It's not that simple. I love him."
"Does he love you? And does he show you? Does he make you feel as supported or loved or taken care of as she does? Does he make your heart skip? Does he make you want to spend all your time with him?" MK challenges me. The answer to most of those is no. Y/N is a risk. How do I know it's not just the chase?
"Ok I appreciate that you two both love Y/N but while he's here you have to play nice. He's still my boyfriend," I request.
"Fine but if he's as dull as usual we're going out for dinner with Y/N," Ashley warns me.

Robbie arrives and instantly I notice something is off. He takes his bags to my room being quite unimpressed with my sisters' presence.
"What's wrong with you?" I ask confused.
"Nothing. Why?"
"You weren't very happy to see my sisters. You were actually quite rude. Do you not want to be here?" I inquire.
"No I do. I just have something for you and I wanted to take you out for dinner tonight. I want to make it special just us. But we can't do that with them here," he explains.
"It's ok they'll be more than happy to go out for dinner with Y/N. They prefer her to me anyway," I suggest.
"That would be great," Robbie replies smiling kissing me gently. His stubble scratching my lip. I'd forgotten what it was like to kiss a man.
"I'll talk to them," I say squeezing his hand as I leave.
"Do you two mind going out for dinner with Y/N? Robbie wants to have a date night," I request. Ashley starts to dance.
"Sure that's fine," MK agrees. I wonder what he wants to give me.

Author's Note: Prepare for Drama, Drama and more Drama from now on.

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