Chapter 11

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Y/N's POV:
My phone starts ringing. Scarlett is asleep on my chest but decide to answer the phone.
"Hello," I whisper.
"You're taking us for dinner. Robbie wants to have a date night or some shit. Send us an address and we'll meet you there at 7," Ashley informs me.
"Don't pretend you're not over the moon you don't have to spend time with him. I bet you even danced," I tease her.
"Hell yeah I did. I'll see you later," Ashley laughs hanging up. Scarlett starts to wake up smiling sleepily.
"Who was that?" She yawns.
"Ashley Lizzie's sister. Robbie essentially kicked them out of our house so they want me to take them for dinner. Will you come with me?" I request.
"Sure. Is it just me or is Robbie kind of a dick?" Scarlett asks.
"That he is. He turns up last minute when he knows her sisters are there. I have to move out. He kicks her sister's out and still Lizzie likes him. I don't get it," I laugh at my lack of understanding.
"Love is blind," she replies.
"That it is. Why can't she see she's worth so much more than that? I get the whole we accept the love we think we deserve shit but Lizzie deserves the world. He won't even give her a pen. Sorry for ranting. And thank you for letting me stay," I apologise.
"It's no problem at all. In fact it really is my pleasure," she smirks.
"Well we've got a few hours until dinner how about some more of that pleasure?" I suggest.
"How about a lot more?" She counters. I kiss her hungrily straddling her pinning her arms above her head. This is the perfect distraction.

Lizzie's POV:
I'm sat here waiting for Robbie to show me some affection. Instead he's on his phone the entire time. How do I get his attention? I hug him from behind kissing his neck.
"Not now Lizzie. I'm working," he stopped me.
"Why are you working? You said you had time off that's why you're here," I sigh.
"Because I have to work ok. I came here because you said you missed me," Robbie snarks back.
"If you don't want to be here then just go," I mumble trying not to get upset.
"I do want to be here I'm just busy," He almost shouts.
"What are we doing this for? If you can't show me the slightest bit of attention. You haven't held me. You've kissed me once. I have needs Robbie," I yell.
"I love you and you love me. That's why we do this. I'm trying to do something special for you this evening just give me a chance," he pleads going back to his phone.
"I don't deserve this. She wouldn't treat me like this," I whisper to myself.
"What was that?"
"I'm going to talk to my sisters since you'd rather sit on your phone," I spit irritated.

Y/N's POV:
We pull up to the restaurant and I introduce Scarlett to the twins.
"Scarlett you're glowing. You've got to let me in on your skin routine," Ashley smirks at me and we both blush.
"Ashley behave or I'll marry MK instead," I warn her. And she rolls her eyes. Scarlett looks at me confused.
"So MK is my favourite sister and Ashley is my future wife. It started as a ploy to wind up Lizzie but now Ashley is absolutely in love with me," I tease her.
"I mean can you blame me when sex with you can make a woman glow like that," Ashley quips back. Scarlett blushes a deep shade of red as do I.
"Alright let's go inside before you embarrass them even more," MK encourages Ashley.

We sit down for a lovely meal and have a few drinks.
"Oh my god," Ashley and MK exclaim at the same time looking at their phones.
"What?" I ask concerned.
"Nothing," MK dismisses.
"You can't say oh my god then not tell us. Come on I want to know," I plead.
"Ugh. Robbie asked Lizzie to move in when the movie wraps he found a house for them," Ashley informs me. And I feel my heart sink.
"What did she say?" Scarlett inquires.
"She hasn't given him an answer yet. She said she needed to think about it," MK answers. I bite my lip to conceal a smile.
"Good on her from the sounds of it he's an ass," Scarlett adds.

Lizzie's POV:
Robbie gets annoyed that I don't agree straight away so storms off. He's decided to stay at a hotel. The twins go to a club with Y/N and Scarlett so I think I'll join them while he sulks. When I walk in the club I see Y/N and Scarlett dancing all over each other. Ugh why can't I have that?
"Hey Lizzie what are you drinking?" MK inquires.
"Anything. Do they really have to dance like that?" I sigh.
"You should've seen her face when we told her what Robbie asked you," Ashley informs me making me smile.
"What are you going to pick Lizzie?" MK checks.
"I don't know. I've wanted this for ages but I am so confused," I sigh.
"Because of Y/N," Ashley reasons and I nod.
"Talk to her." I do a few shots as they walk over for Dutch courage.

Y/N's POV:
Scarlett and I head over to the table to see Lizzie. Scarlett hugs her tightly hello.
"Do you mind if I steal you for a minute Scarlett? You can seriously move," Ashley requests.
"Of course not let's dance," Scarlett agrees taking her hand.
"Drink?" I offer Lizzie. She nods smiling. We have a drink and take it outside to talk.
"I missed you today," Lizzie informs me. I can't help but smile.
"I missed you too. How was dinner?" I ask Lizzie.
"Robbie went off in a huff because I didn't give him an answer. Apart from that it was ok. What did the twins tell you?"
"That you were arguing. I hate the thought of you being unhappy Lizzie. I hate the thought of you crying or being upset. I hate that he has you and doesn't know how to value you. I hate that he doesn't deserve you. And most of all I hate that it's not me you're with," I admit. She cups my face. And I hold it there.
"Why do you always know just what to say?" She laughs.
"It's easy when I mean it. I don't think I just say. You know that."
"I do. So uh what's happening with Scarlett?" Lizzie queries nervously.
"It's just sex. Nothing more. Don't get me wrong she's a phenomenal woman but she's not you," I explain.
"Oh god you're just adding to the confusion," Lizzie says holding her head in her hands.
"I'm sorry. I know it's hard for you so I'm not going to pressure you. If you really love him and he's going to make you happy then be with him. But if you think I could make you happier then be with me. Just Don't move in with him. Don't do it. Not until you're sure," I plead.
"Y/N. I thought you said you weren't going to pressure me. I can't deal with anyone else's opinion," she sighs.
"I'm not pressuring you. The only opinion I care about is yours. That's the only opinion that matters, that will ever matter," I assure her.
"I really want to kiss you right now," Lizzie admits.
"I want you to be completely sober and not upset when you do that. How about a cuddle and a dance instead?" I suggest and she smiles nodding climbing onto my lap holding onto me tightly. I stroke her hair gently. She starts to cry.
"Shh. It's ok I've got you. I always will," I comfort her.
"Will you take me home please?" She requests.
"Of course."

I take her hand leading her inside keeping her close to me. While Lizzie says goodbye to MK. I move onto the dance floor towards Scarlett.
"Hey Lizzie's really upset. I'm going to take her home. I'm sorry Scarlett," I apologise. She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Don't you apologise for being a good friend. Message me whether you're staying or coming back to mine. I'll see you later," Scarlett says hugging me goodbye. I give Ashley a quick hug and she smiles.

Lizzie's POV:
Y/N puts on some comfortable clothes and lies down on her bed opening her arms for me to cuddle into.
"I'm sorry you had to leave Scarlett," I apologise cuddling her.
"Are you really?" She laughs.
"No." She strokes my hair kissing the top of my head gently.
"You know he won't even hold me. He kissed me once since he arrived. Is he not attracted to me anymore?" I mumble tearily.
"He'd have to be blind not to be Lizzie. You're the most stunning person in the world inside and out. Please stop talking about him around me. It just hurts me," She pleads.
"I'm sorry. Will you stay with me?" I request.
"Always," Y/N agrees. I kiss her cheek right next to her lips. I pull back and watch as she smiles at me in the way that made me feel like I was the most precious thing in the world.
"Can I kiss you please?" I request.
"In the morning if you still want to. I just don't want you to have any regrets," She reasons.
"Why do you have to be so good? Sometimes I wish you'd just throw me down on the bed and mark every inch of my body so everyone knows I'm yours," I sigh.
"But Lizzie you're not completely mine yet. Don't worry princess as soon as you are I'll have to carry you everywhere so they'll know," Y/N smirks kissing my cheek.
"You're such a tease. I need to sleep before I just nag you until you kiss me," I laugh.
"Goodnight princess," she says kissing my forehead gently.
"Goodnight my safety."

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