Chapter 9

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Lizzie's POV:
I come home to my sisters sat round the table and the delightful scent of Y/N's cooking.
"You're cooking?" I ask confused.
"Well we want to go out dancing tonight so I thought we may as well line our stomachs. I don't want to have to carry you home for the 1000th time. You already enjoy being in my arms too much. I don't want to encourage that behaviour," she smirks and I blush.
"Please I can't remember the last time that happened. I'm pretty sure it was my 21st," I lie.
"It was three weeks ago. You tried to outdrink me and you failed miserably so I had to carry you home," Y/N reminds me. The twins laugh while I roll my eyes.
"Whatever is dinner nearly ready I'm starving?" I change the subject sitting at the table.
"Coming right away Miss Olsen," she courtesy's putting on a British accent.
"You're such a dork," I can't help but laugh. Y/N looks at me biting her lip. Oh no what is she planning? She plates up the food, places it in front of me and leans in so I can feel her breath on my neck. I take a deep breath trying to steady myself.
"You know no matter what I do nothing will ever taste as good as you princess," she whispers. I squeeze my thighs together with images of her between them surrounding my head. Fuck. Y/N sits down next to me eating her dinner like nothing ever happened. Such a tease.

"So Y/N who do I have to fight to win your affection?" Ashley asks winking at me. Subtle.
"Women often see me as one thing, someone to have their way with and that's it. I don't just want that anymore. I want the romance. I want to treat someone like their happiness is what my life depends upon. I want to just feel completely safe within someone's arms. But there's no woman in my life who believes I can be any of those things," Y/N sighs sadly. I do. I want to assure her but I say silent.
"So you're saying I have a chance then?" Ashley checks.
"Of course you do. You're the only woman in my life that wants me as a whole," Y/N half jokes. I rest my hand on her thigh.
"You know that's not true," I assure her.
"But it is. All I want is to love someone completely and unequivocally. To make them feel secure and wanted. To fulfil every desire physically and emotionally. I want to support them in any and every way I can. But the women who I want that with never want me," She disputes. I do.
"You're blind if you don't see that every woman is lining up to date you," I laugh.
"Right. I... I'm going to get ready."

As soon as Y/N gets out the shower I walk over to her cupping her face.
"Any woman who you want you can have. Why can't you see your value Y/N?" I ask concerned.
"The one woman I want is the one woman I can't have," she mumbles.
"Who?" I inquire hoping it's me.
"You know who. I've made it pretty obvious but I don't know if I'm wasting my time because clearly she doesn't see it as a long term thing or believe I can be that person," Y/N answers hanging her head.
"She does. It's just complicated. Give her time to make a choice. It's a big decision," I plead.
"If she wants me I'm here," Y/N states looking up hopefully. Our lips are inches apart. All I want to do is connect them but I need to be certain.
"I should get showered. I'll be ready soon." I watch her eyes drop but she nods in understanding not wanting pressure me.

Y/N's POV:
Lizzie is finally ready and my god is she breathtaking. She looks me up and down bites her lip blushing. When we get to the club I buy us all drinks while they wait in the VIP seating area. As soon as I get to the table Ashley grabs my hand dragging me onto the dance floor to make Lizzie jealous.
"How's it going?" She asks wrapping her arms behind my neck as she dances close to me.
"I don't know. Your sister is very hard to read," I sigh.
"Well it's time to kick it up a notch," she encourages me. We do some shots at the bar before taking to the dance floor again. She starts dancing against me. Out of the corner of my eye I see Lizzie glaring at the both of us. Please be jealous.
"Pretend to whisper in my ear," Ashley advises seeing Lizzie's reaction.

Lizzie's POV:
"Relax they're just dancing," MK assures me.
"I don't dance with my friends like that," I half yell.
"Just admit you're jealous Lizzie. And actually you do dance with Y/N like that," She reminds me. I down two shots and the remainder of my drink.
"I'm not watching this anymore," I state marching over to Y/N. I take her hand dragging her into the empty VIP bathroom locking the main door so no one else could get in.
"What?" Y/N asks confused.
"What are you doing out there? Dancing with my sister like that," I inquire angrily.
"We're dancing Lizzie. Stop being so jealous," Y/N smirks stepping closer.
"I'm not," I lie.
"Yes you are. If you want to dance with me all you have to do is ask. Although I know it's not just dancing you want me to do. You want me to make you scream again. You want me to hold you and never let go. You want me to make you feel safe and secure. Just give me a chance. A trial run. We try this and if it doesn't work you stay with Robbie and if it does you be with me," she pleads. I feel shivers run over every inch of my body. Yes. I want that.
"I'm with Robbie," I mumble.
"Yes I know I can never forget. But look me in the eye and tell me you don't want to be with me not just physically but emotionally too. If you can I'll leave it and if you can't then please let me try to show you how you should be treated."
"I'm scared," I admit.
"So am I, terrified of losing you but you know what's keeping me going is the thought of us both being insanely happy. We don't have to kiss or anything more just let me romance you. Robbie gets here in a few weeks right? Give me until then. For example you always wanted to dance in the rain I'll make that happen. You always like koala cuddles in the morning and you can can cling to me while I make breakfast too. You like impromptu small surprises. If I was doing long distance I'd send you a text every evening telling you how much I loved you and what made me think of you that day. Then every few days I'd send you a care hamper of everything you like and stuff to help you relax because I know how stressed you get when I'm not there to calm you. We can just start with a dance," Y/N requests. She really does want this. So do I.
"Ok," I agree. She bows in front of me offering me her hand. I take it and she kisses my hand making me smile.

We walk out onto the dance floor and I instinctively wrap my arms around the back of her neck starting to dance close to her. She cups my face tucking my hair behind my ear and just smiles at me with pure adoration. Wow. She really does want to be with me. Señorita starts to play and she sings it.
"You say we're just friends. But friends don't know the way you taste," she sings running her teeth along my ear lobe.
"Cause you know it's been a long time coming
Don't you let me fall," I reply cupping her face. We get really into the song forgetting where we are it's as if we're the only two people in the universe. Once the song finishes we just keep dancing. It's as if we were entranced with each other because we were. All I wanted was to kiss her. After what seems like forever I take her hand and we sit down exhausted. Ashley and MK just smirk.
"Shut up," I warn them.
"We didn't say anything but I think we're ready to head home now. I was hoping to get to dance with Y/N but you monopolised her," Ashley sighs.
"Don't worry my wife we'll dance on our wedding day," Y/N assures her. I glare at her with the head tilt.
"I mean I will never dance with you again. I could not think of why I would. We should go," she states running out of the club making us all laugh.
"Scare her into submission good idea Lizzie," MK teases.
"I don't think Y/N will be the one who submits this evening," Ashley winks. I roll my eyes following Y/N.

Y/N's POV:
We say goodnight to the twins and then shut the door to our room. Lizzie just looked me up and down. She'd drunk a lot. I'm not going to kiss her in this state. She walks over to me pulling me in by the waist.
"Lizzie not tonight. I only want to kiss you when you're sober. And know this is what you want," I stop her.
"But this is what I want," Lizzie pleads cupping my face.
"I'll tell you what. In the morning if you tell me this is what you want then I'll kiss you as much as you like but for now. It's koala cuddles or nothing," I reason.
"Koala Cuddles," she agrees blushing.
"Ok princess get ready for bed. And no peaking you perv," I warn her as I start to take off my outfit. I could feel her eyes burning a hole in my ass which made me giggle. I head into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Lying down I wait for Lizzie with open arms who doesn't even koala cuddle me she completely lies on top of me.
"So this is how it's going to be?" I giggle.
"Mine," she whispers.
"All yours."

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