Chapter 16

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Lizzie's POV:
We get to dinner and Y/N is actually smiling. I can't remember the last time she smiled when I was anywhere in the vicinity. We were sat on a round table Scarlett sat between us as the buffer again. There wasn't as much tension in the air as there had been for the past few weeks. I can tell Paul wants to say something. Oh no.
"You know... I think it would be really nice if we all got along tonight. No awkwardness or tension. Just everyone being nice to one another," he states directly staring at Y/N. Scarlett places her hand on Y/N's to keep her cool.
"Is there a problem here Paul?" Y/N asks calmly.
"I just mean. You could try to get along with everyone considering there's only 6 of us here and it'll make our work life so much easier," Paul explains. Oh shit.
"Ok let me get this straight. You're blaming me for the awkwardness. That's hilarious. Scarlett already gave me the talk and I had agreed to be amicable. Isn't it ironic that you all think she needs protecting when really she's the one in the wrong. She's the one who hurt me. I've done nothing wrong yet you've all isolated me and blamed me for everything when in actuality it was all Elizabeth. I'm done being made to look like the villain," Y/N rants leaving. Scarlett is quick to follow her.
"Why did you have to do that Paul?" I sigh.
"I was standing up for you as you won't stand up for yourself," Paul answers.
"Because I hurt her. I lost her. I'm the one who ruined everything. She's not the bad guy. I am. So please stop treating her like she's the villain. She doesn't deserve that. Not for a second," I plead. The rest of the table look at me shocked.
"I'm sorry. I just assumed. I shouldn't have," he apologises.
"I'm not the one who deserves the apology."

Y/N's POV:
I storm outside hearing Scarlett follow me.
"I made a scene," I say hanging my head in my hands. She removes my hands from covering my face.
"Hey. I'm glad you did because I was 5 seconds away from punching Paul in his self righteous face," Scarlett assures me cupping my face.
"You standing up for me Johansson that's hot," I smirk.
"Shut up. I just care about you. And I hate how they see you. You've done nothing wrong. What do you want to do?" Scarlett checks.
"I think I might go and see Florence. She said her and her friends are going to this karaoke bar. Maybe it'll make my shit evening a lot less shitty," I decide.
"Are you sure it's safe? I mean you just met the girl," Scarlett replies concerned.
"I'll call her and you can talk to her if you want," I offer. She nods in agreement.

"Hey Miss Florence. I was thinking I might take you up on your offer for this evening but my friend wants to check you're not a serial killer first," I call her.
"Sure put her on the phone," Florence agrees.
"Hey. Sorry I just care a lot about her so I just wanted to make sure you'll keep her safe," Scarlett explains.
"It's ok. We're just at a karaoke bar. You're more than welcome to come with Y/N," she invites her.
"No it's ok. I don't want to third wheel your date," Scarlett laughs.
"Ok that's enough. Florence send me the address and I'll be there soon," I decide taking the phone from Scarlett.
"I'll see you soon." I hang up and receive a text with the address.
"Go and enjoy yourself. Message when you get there and if you spend the night," Scarlett smirks.
"Don't be jealous princess. You're still my favourite blonde," I assure her kissing her cheek.

When I arrive at the venue I see Florence and my jaw drops.
"Wow," I can't help but say as I walk towards her.
"You look pretty wow yourself. I'm glad you called," Florence says hugging me.
"So am I. Very glad. I must say I'm a little nervous I don't want to intrude with your friends," I admit.
"Listen I think they're excited to meet the mystery woman who I've been talking about all day," Florence encourages me.
"Let's hope I live up to expectations then Florence," I say taking a deep breath as I offer her my arm. She takes it and we head inside. Her friends all talk at me at once so I'm a little overwhelmed so didn't manage to catch their names.
"It's nice to meet the woman who Florence won't shut up about," One of her friends say. I look at Florence and smirk.
"I'm just looking forward to spending time with her again. I know you're probably concerned about who I am so I'll give you a brief introduction. I'm Y/N an American who works in the movie industry. I live in LA with my best friend. I love to cook and play sport," I ramble nervously.
"You love to cook? Wow I'm surprised Florence hasn't proposed already," another of her friends added making me laugh.
"Shut up. You're meant to hype me up not put her off," Florence sighs.
"I assure you that will take a lot. But you may want rid of me after hearing me sing. I suppose the best way to ensure that you and your friends can believe my intentions are pure is by making an embarrassment of myself. So I'm going to sing a British classic," I explain walking over to the guy in charge of Karaoke.

I take a deep breath as Angels by Robbie Williams starts to play. As I sing I see this bright grin on Florence's face who begins to sing along with her friends. I just let myself get lost in the song. Soon enough the whole bar joins in. It really is a classic. I leave the stage to a roar of cheers walking over to Florence who's smile just beams.
"That was incredible. Is there anything you can't do?" Florence says in disbelief.
"Yes actually. Pluck up the courage to ask you to join me for a drink outside," I mumble nervously. She takes my hand. We grab our drinks then head out for some air and to talk.
"So what are we doing outside?" Florence smirks.
"I just wanted to talk to you and see you clearly," I explain shuffling closer to her.
"What do you think now that you can?"
"That I really want to kiss you," I admit nervous that it's too forward.
"Then kiss me," Florence encourages me leaning in. I  pull her in for a gentle kiss at first then she pulls me in closer to her. It felt really nice. We pull away and Florence blushes.
"You know you never have to ask to kiss me," she whispers against my lips before heading inside. I'm left in a flustered mess.

I have a really fun evening with Florence and her friends. As the night draws to a close we all head back to their hotel. I walk Florence to her door.
"Come in," Florence invites me.
"I want to do this properly. Yes I'm only here for two weeks but I'd like this to be a Scottish romance I guess," I explain.
"Listen it's late and I don't want you travelling back alone. There's a spare bed if you don't want to share mine. I want to do this properly too but I would also really like you to stay," Florence encourages me.
"Ok I'll stay," I agree following her inside. She gives me some clothes to sleep in. I climb into bed next to her.
"Big spoon or little spoon?" She inquires.
"Big," I answer. She smiles kissing me gently.
"Perfect." She rolls over takes my hand interlocking it so my arm is round her waist.
"Goodnight Florence," I whisper kissing her cheek.
"Goodnight Y/N."

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