Chapter 4

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Lizzie's POV:
The day could not end soon enough. As soon as they call wrap I run to my car to head home. Y/N doesn't finish work for another hour so I have time to prepare myself for this evening. There was something I was hiding from Y/N something I had never told anyone. I was ashamed. A few months ago I walked in on Robbie with another woman. He begged for forgiveness and I was too scared to be alone so I accepted it. I can't fathom it. He won't have interesting sex with me but is happy to sleep with another woman. If that hadn't of happened I wouldn't be doing this. I didn't know if this was my way of getting back at him or if it really was just about the sex or something else. I had no idea all I knew is that I needed Y/N this evening.

By the time the front door opens I'm well prepared. I was in a black dress that hugged my hips ready for her.
"Hey Lizzie. Scarlett's 5 minutes away I hope that's ok?" She declares stepping inside. What? My face drops.
"I'm kidding. I'm glad you still want me Olsen," she teases. I push her gently irritated before I could do it a second time she grabs my hands spinning me around so my arms are pinned above my head against the wall. I lean in to connect our lips but just as we're about to kiss she bites her lip and winks pulling back.
"What the fuck?" I sigh frustrated.
"Patience princess. Dinner first and I need a shower so order when I'm in there. Then I'm all yours. Remember to rank your priorities," she whispers against my lips before biting my bottom earning a moan. Y/N heads off to take a shower and I'm already flustered as well as extremely turned on.

Y/N's POV:
When I get out of the shower I find something just as good to wear to match how hot Lizzie looks right now. I'm ready so walk into the kitchen when Lizzie sees me she bites her lip smirking at the deep v neck jumpsuit I'm wearing.
"My eyes are up here Lizzie," I tease.
"I uh food is here," she stutters tapping the seat next to her and starts to dish up.
"Have you got the completed list?" I check and she pushes it over to me. Hmm ok then.
"You know we can add to the list if you want shower sex in the morning it's still technically one session," I inform her. She types it quickly showing her eagerness. Lizzie doesn't stop looking at me throughout dinner. It was very distracting those eyes were stunning yet intimidating. As soon as I take my final mouthful I notice her sit up.

I get up to wash my plate feeling her eyes almost burn a hole in my head. Sitting back down next to her I take her hand. I feel her shiver at the touch.
"Ok before anything happens I want to go over some ground rules. 1) Safe word is... Red 2) You can back out at anytime don't feel any pressure at all 3) This is a one time thing just to get it out of your system. I don't endorse cheating but I hate it even more that you're having awful sex. 4) I'm not doing this if this will affect our friendship," I state clearly.
"It won't. I just feel completely safe with you and I know I won't regret it because it's still with someone I love," she explains and I smile at that last bit.
"Ok I'm going to ask one more time before we take this any further. Are you sure this is what you want?" I triple check as I intend to the entire evening. She nods eagerly.
"I'm going to need verbal consent," I request.
"Yes I need you."

I stand up extending my hand to Lizzie.
"Can I kiss you?" I check.
"You never have to ask," she mumbles breathless. I kiss her passionately holding her against me her hands slip round my shoulders as she deepens the kiss. I tap her thighs and she jumps up wrapping her legs around my waist.
"Which room would you be more comfortable in?" I ask.
"Mine please," she requests.
"You've got it princess," I agree. She blushes slightly recapturing my lips with hers. I place her down in her room.
"Tell me what you want me to do Lizzie," I instruct.
"Take off my clothes," she pleads. I unzip her dress as I start to kiss her neck leaving gentle bites earning moans. The dress pools around her feet and she steps out. I stand back to admire the goddess in front of me.
"You're breathtaking Lizzie," I whisper before kissing her again. She starts to unzip my jumpsuit which I step out of. Lizzie traces her hands over my body and bites her lips smirking.
"Like what you see princess," I tease.
"Y..yes," she mumbles breathless. I kiss her again pulling back to check if it's ok for me to take off her underwear. She nods eagerly pulling down her panties for me while I unhook her bra. Someone's keen.


Lizzie lays herself on the bed so I take a second to admire her. She was truly stunning.
"What?" She asks blushing.
"You're a goddess," I explain biting her bottom lip earning a moan. Starting to kiss down her neck and chest I look up for reassurance.
"Please no teasing Y/N," she begs.
"Ok princess do you want to start your list?" I check.
"Yes." I start to kiss down her stomach and run my tongue through her folds tasting her for the first time. She was like a drug. I didn't want to stop. Lizzie throws her head back in pleasure. When I suck on her bundle of nerves she lets out the loudest moan so far. I speed up my movements knowing she's close but just before she cums I pull back. She whines frustrated.
"Do you want to ride my face princess?" I ask. She pulls me up and flips me over positioning herself over my face. She sinks down onto my mouth and I start to devour her again. I play with her nipples to add to the pleasure. And it's not long before she's moaning my name. She climbs off me lying down breathless.
"Do you want me to keep going?" I check.
"Yes. I want you to tie me up," she affirms putting her hands and legs in the correct positions. I grab the ties starting to tie her up her eyes darken with lust.
"Tell me what you want princess," I demand.
"I want you to fuck me with your fingers then use a strap. Will you.. choke me?" She pleads.
"Anything for you."

I kiss back down her body coating one finger in her wetness. Let me try something. I suck my finger clean and sure enough Lizzie let's our a moan. Damn. I push one finger inside her then another curling it deeper as I suck on her clit. Lizzie moans are already loud and breathing unsteady. It wasn't going to take much. I don't slow down I just keep going and feel as she tightens around my fingers. Lizzie looks at me for approval to cum and I nod my head. She lets herself go and hits her second. I walk over and put the strap on. She smirks excitedly when she sees it.
"Do you want me to fuck you princess?" I ask as i walk towards her.
"Yes so badly."
"Good girl," I smirk as I push into her slowly. Lizzie let's out a guttural moan as she adjusts to the size.
"Faster," she pleads I move my hand up towards her neck. I hold it gently and she rolls her eyes back in pleasure as I speed up. Her legs start to shake a little so I know she's already close as I hit her spot over and over again.
"Y/N," she almost screams as she cums for a third time. I undo the silk ties and lift her up as I lie down. She positions herself over the strap sinking down onto it. Throwing her head back in pleasure. I pull her in for a kiss as I push my hips up to meet hers.
I bite her neck gently causing her to moan even more . I rub her clit to add to the overwhelming pleasure. As she cums for a 4th time Lizzie looks a little nervous she climbs off me and drenches me as she does.
"What was that?" She asks concerned.
"Lizzie you just squirted. It's sexy. Do you want to keep going?" I assure her.
"Bend me over and spank me?" She instructs slightly embarrassed. I flip her over thrusting into her with no warning. With every stroke I spank her gently. Lizzie's legs now shaking uncontrollably now. I knew this would probably be all she could handle for now so I made sure to make it good. I speed up reaching around to play with her clit. Lizzie screams my name as she collapses on the bed and drenches me as she does it for a second time. I lift her up onto the pillow cleaning her up gently with a towel knowing she'd be sensitive.
"Are you ok?" I ask cupping her face kissing her gently. She nods breathless trying to regain focus. I take the strap off and lie down next to her. She cuddles into my chest holding me tightly.

Smut Over

Lizzie's POV:
I knew it would be good but that was truly mind blowing. I could see why women went psycho after sleeping with her. Robbie had never done most of those things before. There were so many different things I was missing out on. I didn't know my body could do that. I don't think I've ever orgasmed that much in my entire relationship. It wasn't just the sex it was how attentive she was. I don't want it to be just a one off.
"Would you like some water?" She checks.
"Yes but I don't want you to leave," I sigh.
"How about I carry you?" She suggests putting some clothes on me. I jump onto Y/N's back and she walks us to the kitchen to get some water, then brings us back to my room. She hands me the water then strokes my hair out of my face.
"Are you sure you're ok?"
"I'm more than ok. That was incredible. I can see why these women become insane over you," I laugh.
"Oh god you're not planning on joining them are you Olsen?" She teases.
"If the shower sex is just as good then potentially," I joke.
"Better get the restraining order paperwork started now," Y/N smirks.
"Please you couldn't live without me. And tell me that the sound of me screaming your name won't be playing on a loop in your head every time you see or think about me," I challenge her.
"Ok fair point," she conceded.
"Will you hold me?" I request feeling very needy. She lies down opening her arms covering us over with the covers. She kisses my forehead intermittently while she strokes my hair. I feel myself start to drift off.
"Goodnight Y/N," I mumble tiredly.
"Goodnight Lizzie."

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