Chapter 19

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Author's Note: I know you're all eager for Lizzie to be honest and tell Y/N but trust me the drama will be worth the wait.

Lizzie's POV:
Y/N gets ready for her date while I sulk on the sofa eating ice cream. Scarlett sits down next to me and just glares at me.
"You're an idiot. You know she wouldn't be going if she knew," Scarlett answers.
"We need to be friends first that's the priority. Everything else we can focus on later," I assure her and myself.
"Lizzie Y/N won't admit it but she has this connection with Florence. You know her she wears her heart on her sleeve. If you leave it too long you may be too late," she warns me.
"But she's only here for a week. I want her to get it out of her system with this woman and then she'll be sure she wants to be with me," I explain.
"Ok don't be mad but I had someone look into Florence just to make sure she's ok. I'm waiting for the full details but from what they know so far she's an actress," Scarlett informs me.
"Do you have a photo?" I check nervously playing with my fingers. She nods showing me the blonde woman with green eyes and a beautiful smile.
"She really does have a type," Scarlett laughs making me giggle too.
"What are you two laughing about?" Y/N asks. I turn around and my jaw drops. Fuck me.
"Wow," I let out accidentally. Y/N walks over to me shuts my jaw with her finger.
"I'm glad you like it princess," she whispers leaving me even more flustered. Don't let her go Lizzie.
"Looking good Y/L/N. Have a nice time," Scarlett dismisses her. She looks at me to say something but I can't formulate words. Y/N shuts the door behind her and I slump on the couch.
"What was that?" I inquire confused at my behaviour.
"That is called gay panic Lizzie. Listen I'm going to be honest if you don't sleep with her this evening I'm going to," Scarlett declares nonchalant.
"Or she might not even come home," I mumble nervously.

Y/N's POV:
I knock on Florence's door with flowers in hand ready to let myself enjoy the night. Why did I feel guilty? Why was I waiting for Lizzie to say something? She's still with Robbie. Maybe this is my chance to move on. She's not going to leave him.
"Wow," Florence greets me smiling. Deja vu. She pulls me in for a hug.
"You look pretty wow yourself. These are for you," I reply giggling handing her the flowers.
"They're beautiful thank you. Come in. I hope you're ready for the best food you've ever had," Florence smirks confidently.
"That's a bold claim Flo. You better live up to it," I tease.
"Oh I will." Confidence is sexy.

We sit down and the food looks incredible,
"So are you finally going to tell me more about yourself?" Florence asks.
"Ok what do you want to know? Start off easy," I plead.
"Ok how about something fun? Celebrity Crush?" She inquires.
"Right to the hard hitting questions. Ok well it used to be Scarlett Johansson but that would be a bit weird now I know her so well. So it'd probably be Jennifer Anniston," I ramble.
"Wait you know Scarlett?" Florence says in shock.
"Uh yeah so I'm sort of an actress and we met through work," I explain playing with my fingers nervously.
"Y/N Y/L/N of course. So am I. My surname is Pugh," Florence admits.
"Oh the gun I get it now. That's funny," I giggle.
"Wait? Did I speak to her on the phone?" Florence realises.
"Yeah you did. It seems like you're more excited by her than you are me. Do you want me to call her and you can be on this date with her instead?" I query.
"Yes," Florence teases. I stand up pretending to leave she grabs my hand.
"I'm kidding. Though does that mean she's in Scotland? Does this mean I get to meet her?" Florence fangirls.
"Maybe depends on if you continue talking about her or not," I sigh.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to freak out," Florence apologises.
"It's ok. I've just been surrounded by celebrities my whole life and I'm never just Y/N it's always who I'm friends with or dating," I mumble embarrassed. She walks over to me cupping my face.
"I don't care who your friends with. I'm on a date with a beautiful woman. That's all I care about. And I'm sure I'm not the only one," Florence assures me.
"Look up my name just do a quick search. See if you still care about me then," I spiral showing her the headlines.
Top headlines:
Lizzie Olsen's best friend living on her coat tails?
Y/N Lizzie Olsen's bestie a real womaniser.
Lizzie Olsen should keep better company. Y/N Y/L/N ruins her family friendly image.
Florence takes my phone from my hand shutting it off.
"Ok that's enough. No more outside stuff just you me and this food which is the best you've ever had," She comforts me kissing my forehead. I nod in agreement.

We sit down on the sofa after dinner with a glass of wine. Florence talks so passionately about cooking and her work it's mesmerising.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Florence asks blushing.
"You're amazing. The passion you speak with just has me in awe," I explain.
"Thank you," She blushes again.
"You're welcome. So when do I get to cook for you?" I inquire. She smiles at me brightly.
"Whenever you want to. Though you've got pretty big shoes to fill," Florence teases.
"Well I'll look at my shooting schedule. And find a time when Scarlett and Lizzie are out of the house," I reply. Her eyes light up.
"I'll make sure Scarlett is there when you arrive then I'll kick her out," I offer. She nods excitedly.
"You're adorable," I giggle and she blushes. I lift her chin up and she turns even more red.
"I should go," I whisper against her lips teasing her going to stand up. She grabs my hand pulling me back down into a kiss.
"Stay," she requests.
"I would love to but I have an early call time tomorrow," I sigh.
"I'm impressed. You didn't assume you'd stay over. I like that. But next time I'm not taking no for an answer," Florence smirks kissing me hungrily.
"Damn. I'm starting to regret my decision," I mumble breathless standing up. Florence walks me to the door kissing me goodnight.

I walk home with a lot of confusion swirling in my head. Why did I say I had an early call time? Is it because I'm not ready to sleep with her yet? Or is it because I feel guilty? I'm not sure. I see Lizzie asleep on the sofa. I lift her up carrying her to her room kissing her forehead gently once I've tucked her in.
"You came home," she mumbles smiling sleepily.
"She asked me to stay but I just couldn't, I don't know why," I inform her.
"Yes you do," Lizzie smirks.
"Goodnight Lizzie," I laugh.
"Stay.... Please," she requests cupping my face.
"I don't know if I should. I'm so confused," I sigh.
"If you didn't want to stay with me you would've stayed with her," Lizzie reasons correctly.
"Why do you have this hold over me?" I mumble tearily.
"Do you want me to let go?" Lizzie asks sadly.
"I don't know." Lizzie cups my face with both hands wiping my tears.
"Tell me you want me to let you go and I will. All I want is to make you happy," Lizzie challenges me.
"You know I can't." She kisses my forehead.
"So stay. Let me hold you for a change," Lizzie pleads opening her arms for me. I throw on some comfy clothes then rest my head on her chest letting her hold and protect me. She kisses the top of my head making me feel safe. I start to let myself drift off when I hear Lizzie's voice.
"Don't give up on me," she whispers. I stay quiet but I know I couldn't give up on her even if I wanted to.

Author's Note: Would she leave if there was no other choice? Would she ever give up on Lizzie? Or would Lizzie end up giving up on her? Who knows... See you next chapter

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