Chapter 34

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Lizzie's POV:
We arrive in Barcelona with a smile permanently situated on Y/N's face especially when she saw our house with our private beach. I'm glad we took a jet because I did not want bag control to see our hand luggage. God is it different having great sex. Very very kinky sex. And craving it at all times. Was it generally being with women? Or just this one? I had a feeling it was just this one. There was a connection beyond anything else.
"Why are you looking at me like that my love?" Y/N smirks.
"Never have I wanted anyone at all moments of my life and certainly not this far into any relationship I've had," I inform her. She steps towards me before dropping to her knees putting down my shorts and underwear in one fail swoop.
"Is this what you want my love?" Y/N checks.
"Yes please fuck me," I beg.

Smut Lizzie's POV:
Y/N lifts my legs over her shoulders sucking my bundle of nerves making me fling my head back in pleasure.
"I love the way you taste my love," Y/N smirks as she slips her tongue inside me. Fuck. I'm embarrassingly close already.
"Y/N," I moan loudly as I cum soaking her tongue. She lifts me up throwing me on the bed ripping off my shirt and throwing my bra on the floor.
"Tell me what you want princess," Y/N smirks.
"Strap and choke me," I plead.
"Anything for you baby," Y/N whispers against my lips before biting my neck earning yet another moan. Y/N gets up fastening the strap. She plunged two fingers inside me without warning.
"You're so ready for me princess," she whispers against my lips before kissing me hungrily chocking me gently as she does. Fuck I'm so close again. She knows so speeds up biting my neck as I cum for the second time.
"Fuck me," I beg. She fastens the strap then thrusts into me again and again it feels so good fuck. I scratch my nails down her back in sheer pleasure which makes her moan. I bite into her shoulder as i cum yet again. She lies down thrusting up inside me hitting my spot over and over again. Holy shit is Spanish sex better?
"Quiero que vengas por mí," Y/N whispers in my ear. And I do.
"Daddy," I yell. I cover my face embarrassed. She bends me over spanking me gently.
"Do you want Daddy to fuck you again princess?" Y/N teases.
"Yes. Until I can't take anymore," I plead.
"Yes who?" Y/N asks pushing inside me again,
"Please fuck me again Daddy," I beg. Y/N holds me against her pounding into me over and over again. My legs start shaking. Here it comes. I start screaming in sheer pleasure soaking Y/N and the towel she'd put down. She doesn't stop though holding the vibrator against my clit. Oh my god. Im so overwhelmed.
"It's a lot," I whine
"You can do this princess one more," Y/N encourages me. I nod in consent. She picks up the pace.
"Daddy," I yell as I collapse on the bed my legs unable to function and the towel.
"You ok baby?" Y/N checks.
"Soooo good," I sigh content kissing her gently.
"I'll run you a bath."

Smut over.
Y/N cleans me up gently carrying me into the bathroom to soak in a bath kissing me gently. Once I'm clean we cuddle in bed.
"Is it just me or is Spanish sex even better?" I laugh.
"Fuck yes it is. I didn't know you had a daddy kink," Y/N teases causing me to blush.
"I think I just have a Y/N kink," I smirk.
"It's a good thing I have a Lizzie kink then. What do you want to do with the rest of our day princess? You know when your legs can function," Y/N queries making me giggle a little.
"You're proud of yourself for not being a bottom for a change aren't you baby? And I think just go for a nice dinner I'm a little jet lagged," I answer.
"Wow you're mean," she sulks turning away from me.

Y/N's POV:
I turn away from her smiling knowing she won't be able to handle it.
"Y/N," she pleads.
"Baby?" Lizzie adds.
"Princess?" Lizzie mumbles sadly. I turn over nervously.
"Am I seriously not pulling my weight?" I mumble sadly.
"No baby of course you are. I was only joking besides the amount of pleasure I get from hearing you scream my name and from your taste is the most incredible pleasure ever," Lizzie assures me.
"As long as you're sure baby," I check.
"Definitely. Can you just hold me?" Lizzie pleads.
"Koala cuddles?" She nods excitedly clinging onto me kissing me gently.
"I love you," Lizzie sighs content.
"I love you more."

We stroll to the restaurant hand in hand. They seat us next to each other which I love. It means I can kiss her as much as I want the entire evening. Lizzie looks a little nervous. I cup her face kissing her cheek gently making her smile.
"What's up Olsen?" I inquire.
"I uh have something for you and I'm not sure you're going to like it but I want you to have it anyway," Lizzie starts.
"As long as it comes from you I'll love it." Lizzie reaches into her bag revealing a box.
"I wanted to get you a promise ring but that's not practical with work but a necklace you can hide easier under your clothes. This is a promise that I plan to spend the rest of my life with you throughout every hard day and hurt. I will always find my way back to you. I love you Y/N Y/L/N and one day I'm going to propose. I can't wait. Since being with you I've never felt so happy and alive. Thank you for teaching me what true love is," Lizzie speaks beautifully making me smile brightly. I open the box and inside it is a necklace with a beautiful heart on it. Engraved on the back is the letter E. I start to tear up a little.
"It's beautiful thank you. Can you help me put it on?" I request moving my hair out of the way. As she clasps it she kisses my neck gently then kisses my lips once I turn around.
"I've got my very own sugar mommy," I smirk.
"Shut up," she nudges me giggling.
"Is the real reason you don't want me to wear anymore rings because you're impatient as shit when you're turned on and don't want me to waste time?" I tease knowingly letting my hand roam up her thigh under her dress. Lizzie blushes biting her lip.
"Not here," Lizzie warns. I retract my hand and she breathes a sigh of relief.
"I know because you're far too loud for that," I taunt her earning another nudge.
"I hate you," she sulks.
"And I love you," I assure her kissing her forehead gently.
"I love you too."

Lizzie's POV:
We get back to the house and climb into bed tired from the day and jet lag.
"Can I ask you something?" I plead.
"Yes of course anything. You know that."
"What's your body count? And have you ever been this connected during sex before?" I inquire nervously.
"Umm it's a lot honestly. I'm not sure about the number. Ball Park probably 50+. Most of them were at University. I've never felt like this before. I've never submitted to any woman like I do for you," She informs me.
"I've never felt like every nerve ending was on fire before. I've never felt so much pleasure from taking care of someone. And when you scream my name fuck. I only asked because I just want to make sure I'm as good as I can be," I answer her kissing her gently making her blush.
"I'm not lying when I say you're the best sex I've ever had by a distance. It just keeps getting better. You keep me on my toes," Y/N assures me.
"I'm glad you think so. Can we just cuddle tonight?" I requests exhausted.
"Of course. Big or little spoon?"
"Little," I pick. Y/N wraps her arm around my waist kissing my cheek gently.
"Goodnight my love," she whispers.
"Goodnight my everything."

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