Chapter 38

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Y/N's POV:
I'm frustrated with work. Lizzie and I's call times are always different. Every day is the same. I get up early kiss her on the forehead goodbye. She gets into work after lunch so I barely get to see her. Then she goes home and I'm here until late. By the time I get home she's asleep on the couch and I carry her to bed. I miss our intimacy and date nights and fuck I miss sex. I'm going crazy. Lizzie moves around in her sleep a lot her ass always pressing against my crotch. All I can think about when she does that is bending her over and fucking her. That's how horny I am. I'm woken up by the sound of Lizzie coughing. She does not look well.
"Are you ok?" I check.
"No I don't feel good at all. Do I have a temperature?" Lizzie queries. I put the back of my hand against her forehead and she's warm.
"Oh Liz. You just lay down. I'll get you something to cool down your temperature, lots of water and I'll make you some soup. Oh and vix is a given before I get to work," I inform her. She clutched onto me needy.
"Don't leave," Lizzie pleads with those eyes I can't resist.
"I'll get your Mom or sisters to come over," I offer an alternate solution.
"No I only want you. You're the only person that can make me feel better," Lizzie mumbles tearily.
"Ok princess I'll call us both in sick. I have to go to the kitchen to get some stuff you're going to have to let go," I laugh. She shakes her head.
"Fine." I stand up with her firmly clutched onto me. I sit her on the counter while I grab water from the fridge and look for what we need.
"Shit I'm going to have to go to the store," I sigh. Lizzie looks panicked jumping up holding onto me.
"Don't go," Lizzie begs.
"Ok baby I'll call Tom and ask," I agree. She smiles a little hugging my waist tightly. I grab the water and the little bit of Tylenol we have left before calling us in sick to work and asking Tom to grab us what we need.

Lizzie's POV:
I don't want her to go because I've missed her. I miss her touch and affection. I'm tired of us being apart at work. I know I'm being needy but I do need her.
"Ok Tom's outside are you going to let me answer the door to him?" Y/N checks. I reach out for her to carry me.
"Ok I've got you," Y/N giggles picking me up. We walk towards the door then I jump down and wrap my arms around her waist cuddling into her chest instead.
"Hey Tom thanks for this. I appreciate it," Y/N says.
"No problem hope you both feel better," Tom answers.
"See you later." Y/N picks me up with the shopping bringing it to our room. She gets the vix out and opens it.
"Do you want me to do it or are you ok to?" Y/N checks.
"You please." I lift up my shirt and Y/N starts to apply it to my chest. Is it bad I'm horny now? I mean I can't remember when we last had time to have sex. She applies it to my back and then puts some on my feet and places socks on over it. Y/N lies down and I rest my head on her chest clinging to her like a koala.
"I miss you," I mumble tearily.
"I know baby I miss you too. Hopefully a few hours sleep and this vix with a shower will make you feel better and I can call us in sick tomorrow as well and I can take care of you in other ways then," Y/N smirks.
"Fuck," I moan at just the thought of it.
"Are you horny princess?" Y/N teases tracing her fingers up my thigh.
"Yes if I feel better after my shower please can you just touch me," I beg.
"Of course but you need to rest now."

After my nap and shower I feel refreshed. The secret was I was never really sick I just wanted time with her. 'My temperature was down and I finally felt hungry'. Y/N made me soup to make me feel better and I demolished it. When I'm finished Y/N really studies me to make sure I actually feel better.
"I'm fine I promise," I assure her as she checks my temperature. It beeps and it's back to a more normal temperature.
"You seem ok princess. Let me just go and disinfect our room. Make it a little bit more romantic," Y/N suggests. I don't care how it looks I just want her.
"You better hurry before I take matters into my own hands," I warn and she sprints. Y/N comes back looking at me sideways.
"How did you recover so fast?" Y/N challenges me.
"Did you fake being sick so we could spend the day together?" Y/N giggles.
"Maybe. I'm sorry I just missed you," I sigh.
"It's ok but you didn't have to play sick to do that. I would've called in anyway. But now you have some making up to do to me," Y/N teases stripping throwing her clothes at me.
"Oh I will I've even got a new gift for us to try baby. It will give us both so much pleasure," I smirk. She steps towards me pulling me in by my shirt. She goes to kiss me but I pull back slightly teasing her. Y/N is pissed she lifts me up throwing me over her shoulder then chucks me on the bed.
"This isn't how this is going to work Elizabeth. You're not going to tease me," Y/N warns me pinning my arms above the bed kissing me hungrily.
"Ok baby time to give up control. I own you now," I instruct flipping her over taking my shirt and shorts off leaving me in my underwear.
"Now are you ready for your surprise?" I question. Y/N nods eagerly.

Smut Y/N's POV:
Lizzie reaches under the bed handing me a box to open. Fuck it's a strapless strap on. Fuck.
"Do you want me to fuck you with it princess?" Lizzie smirks.
"Yes Mommy. So much."
"Good girl. Lie back for me baby let me take care of you," she instructs and I do. Lizzie kisses me passionately her hands running up and down my thighs as her knee knocks my centre. I moan into her mouth and she smirks.
"Tell me what you want princess," Lizzie demands choking me gently.
"I want you to taste me and I want to taste you," I plead. Lizzie's eyes darken with lust before she positions herself over my face. As soon as I start to work my tongue she does the same. Fuck the pleasure of her moans vibrating my bundle of nerves was incredible. We were both already so close.
"Now," Lizzie instructs and we cum at the same time. I don't stop there I slip two fingers inside her as she does to me fuck. She was already dripping and we were both close again. I feel her tighten around my fingers as I do to hers. We both cum again at the same time.
"Fuck me with the strap," I plead. Lizzie gets out the strap before she puts it in herself I drop to my knees in front of her tasting her again and again making sure she's ready for it. I take the strap from her covering it in her wetness before I sink the shorter end inside her.
"Fuck," Lizzie moans loudly as she adjusts to it.
"You ready princess?"Lizzie asks as she pushes me back on the bed.
"So ready for you Mommy." She ran a finger through my centre sucking her finger clean before she sinks inside me we both moan at the pleasure. Fuck. I wrap my legs around her waist so she goes deeper. She kisses me hungrily our kisses filled with moans. Fuck this felt incredible. I was close and I could tell she was too.
"You feel so good Mommy," I whisper and she looks at me with sheer lust as she cums speeding up so I do too. Lizzie is so wet the strap keeps slipping out so we decide to get rid of it. I get up putting the regular strap on.
"You deserve to be fucked like the little horny bitch you are," I whisper as I flip Lizzie over.
"Yes I do Daddy. Punish me," she begs. I spank her hard once as I thrust into her. My movements are hard and fast. Lizzie's moans are now screams. I pull her hair as I spank her hard again and again.
"Cum for Daddy," I whisper as she squirts all over me. I taste her a little loving how she tastes when she does before pounding into her again and again. Lizzie screams louder than ever before. This was the last one she could handle her legs completely done for. One last thrust and I pull out being completely soaked by Lizzie again who whimpers at how overwhelmed she is. I roll her over cleaning her up gently with a towel kissing her gently stroking her hair. I cover her with the duvet making sure she feels safe

Smut over
"You feeling ok?" I check.
"So good but so sensitive," Lizzie whines.
"It's ok princess. Take your time to recover," I assure her.
"Thank you," she smiles sleepily kissing me.
"Get some rest baby," I whisper kissing her forehead .
"I love you," she mumbles as she falls asleep exhausted.

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