Chapter 33

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Y/N's POV:
I walk into the kitchen seeing Lizzie deep in thought. I wrap my arms around her waist kissing her cheek gently.
"Pondering how you got so lucky as to love me?" I joke making her giggle a little.
"I always question that but not right now... I've been doing some reading and I feel like I'm a bad gay. Like I know none of the culture references or the music or anything. I want to educate myself. This is all new to me. All I know is that I love you. So will you help me?" Lizzie requests turning around to face me with her puppy dog eyes.
"Of course I will. Where do you want to start?" I agree. She smiles brightly before furrowing her brow making a choice.
"Ok when I come out officially I suppose people will ask me questions. I want to be prepared," Lizzie starts.
"Ok the ones I think I get asked when I meet a fellow gay is who's your gay awakening? Do you listen to girl in red? And who's your favourite lesbian fictional couple? Those are the main three I think," I answer.
"Ok so number one I think maybe Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman but I admitted to myself when we were in college. I watched you play football then you took your shirt off after the game and your arms and body. Seeing you with sweat dripping all over you I was sure. You play her music a lot so yes and I think the only ones I've seen are Callie and Arizona so them. I need a better education. Maybe we should watch the L word," Lizzie rambles.
"Well you're welcome for that. And I'm not sure you'll enjoy it I mean except from when you're in bed with me you're a little bit prudish," I laugh.
"I want to watch it. Please," she begs.
"Ok but don't say I didn't warn you," I agree.

Lizzie's POV:
Y/N sets up the tv with the show and gets us some snacks. She sits between my legs resting her body against me. Y/N gives me the remote and I press play. I feel the heat rising in my cheeks. One of the very first scenes is two women fucking in a pool.
"You ok princess?" Y/N smirks.
"Uh yeah yeah I'm fine," I lie ignoring how confused I felt. I'm not really a fan of sex scenes but I can't lie that I'm not thinking about me doing that to Y/N. We got a few episodes in and all I wanted was to touch her. I slid my hands down her thighs playing with her waistband. Hearing as her breath hitches is music to my ears. I kiss her neck biting down gently earning a moan. I turn off the tv.
"You want something Olsen?" Y/N teases.
"You on our bed naked. No touching me or yourself. Go quickly," I demand.
"Yes Lizzie," she agrees breathless turning to face me. I choke her gently.
"What was that?" I check.
"Yes Mommy."
"Good girl. Don't forget you've been a brat so you'll have to earn it," I remind her. She nods in acceptance heading upstairs.

Y/N's POV:
Intense Smut
I'm laying here naked on the bed waiting for Lizzie. She appears at the door looking at me with sheer lust. Fuck. I want to get up and rip those clothes off her but I need to behave.
"Open your legs," Lizzie instructs. I do so widely.
"Wow princess look how ready you are for me. You do not touch me or make a sound unless spoken to. Am I clear?" Lizzie reminds me. I nod.
"Use your words princess," she demands.
"Yes Mommy. I'll be good I promise," I assure her. Lizzie lifts off her shirt and slips off her shirt leaving her just in her underwear. Touching her is going to be impossible. I'm ready to be punished. Lizzie straddles me kisses me hungrily pinning my arms above my head. She bites my bottom lip earning a moan then licks it to soothe it. She deepens the kiss squeezing my arms.
"Are you ready for me princess? Are you ready for your punishment?" Lizzie checks.
"Yes Mommy I deserve it," I agree.
"Say that again," Lizzie smirks.
"I deserve my punishment Mommy."
"Yes you do." Lizzie kisses down my body leaving every mark she can. As she always does. Wanting people to know she owns me. If my shirt rides up or down there are marks to show I'm taken. She kisses my inner thighs running a single finger through me making me throw my head back in sheer pleasure.
"Keep your eyes on me," Lizzie demands. I keep my eyes on her as she sucks her finger clean. Fuck. I need her inside me. She goes back to kissing my inner thighs. She's really dragging this out. I whine in frustration.
"Do you want to be a brat princess?" Lizzie asks choking me gently. No I shake my head.
"Then take your punishment as you deserve," she warns. I nod in agreement.

Lizzie bites my inner thigh gently earning yet another moan. She was teasing me. It's not fair. I bite my lip to stop myself from whining. My hips buck but she holds them back down annoyed.
"Am I going to have to tie you up princess?" Lizzie smirks. I shake my head.
"Then stay still. The next time I tie you up," she warns.
"Yes Mommy," I accept.
"Good girl." Lizzie begins to taste me painfully slowly. Damn I moan loudly. The sight of her between my thighs never gets old. As she attaches her lips to my clit making my hips buck. I look at her panicked. I promised I'd stay still. She does the head tilt. Oh dear I'm in trouble but incredibly turned on.
"Before I tie you up you're going to take your punishment. Bend over princess across my lap," Lizzie instructs. I do as I'm told ready for her to spank me. I'm going to enjoy this. Once I moan. Twice and again. Three times and again. Fuck I'm enjoying this way too much. I'm dripping.
"Oh dear princess. You're getting way too much pleasure from this. Let's see how much pleasure you get from not cuming," Lizzie instructs. I whine gutted. She ties my legs open and cuffs my hands together. This is hot.

She starts to devour me again and again. Just as I'm about to cum she pulls back.
"You're going to watch while I make myself cum," Lizzie smirks.
"Please let me make you feel good," I beg.
"No princess because we both know you'd enjoy that too much," Lizzie laughs. She takes off her lingerie looking me in the eye as she starts to touch herself moaning loudly.
"Do you wish these were your fingers princess?" Lizzie taunts me.
"Yes. Let me touch you," I plead.
"No." Lizzie brings herself close moaning my name loudly as she cums. She brushes her fingers over my lips.
"Do I taste good princess?" Lizzie whispers against my lips.
"Yes so good." Lizzie winks kissing me as she sinks two fingers inside me.
"No cumming until I allow you to understand?" Lizzie checks.
"Yes Mommy."

Lizzie tastes me over and over again bringing me closer and closer as she pumps her fingers inside me. I'm soaked. I'm so close but I'm holding back. I'm so close. I start to whine. She pulls out and walks over to grab a vibrator and the strap. I don't know how much longer I can hold out for. Lizzie coats the vibrator in my wetness before holding it against my clit. Fuck I'm so overwhelmed. I'm dripping. I can't. I start to white so she pulls back again. Lizzie fastens the strap starting to hit my spot over and over again. I can't.
"Please Mommy I can't," I beg.
"Do you want to cum princess?" Lizzie smirks.
"Yes please," I almost cry. My legs shaking completely uncontrollably.
"Cum for me darling," Lizzie whispers and I do drenching her she keeps going and I drench her over and over again until I feel too overstimulated.
"I'm too sensitive," I mumble embarrassed. Lizzie pulls out kissing me gently.

Smut over:
"Are you ok?" Lizzie queries concerned.
"Yes. That was the most incredible I've ever felt. Did you enjoy it?" I check.
"So much. Let me take care of you now princess. Bath time," Lizzie says smiling kissing me gently.
"I love you so much Lizzie," I sigh content.
"I love you more." Lizzie runs me a Bath carrying me into it. She's about to leave but I reach for her.
"Stay please. Hold me?" I request.
"Always," Lizzie agrees slipping in behind me.
"God bless the L word," I joke and she laughs. God I love that laugh.
"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," Lizzie says content kissing my cheek.
"Always and forever. Starting with our holiday."

Author's Note: Let me know how the smut was I didn't know if it was a little too much or...

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