Chapter 25

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Author's Note: Thought you deserved a double update after the cliffhanger earlier. Things are becoming clearer for Y/N.

Y/N's POV:
"I love you," Scarlett declares kissing me.
"Where did this come from?" I query as we pull back.
"It's a long story can I come in?" Scarlett requests. Scarlett explains that she started to fall for me the more we slept together and honestly it happened a lot. She informs me why she tried to sleep with Lizzie to distract herself.
"Lizzie told me to tell you, she said that you never believe that anyone loves you so you deserve to hear it whenever people mean it. I'm sorry for just blurting it out I just knew if I let myself think on it then I'd chicken out," Scarlett reasons fiddling with her fingers.
"Scar look at me please. It's an absolute honour to hear you tell me you love me. You know I adore you. My head at the moment is an absolute mess with Florence and Lizzie. We're all trying the friends thing first while I get my head sorted. Why didn't you tell me you were catching feelings Scar? I spoke to you about how I was feeling about Lizzie and Florence god I feel like such a bitch. I'm so sorry Scarlett," I apologise.
"Listen I didn't tell you to get you to consider me. I told you so I can get over you. You don't look at me the way you look at Lizzie or Florence. And that's ok Y/N. I just thought you should know. You deserve to hear it. Because I do. I love that you wear your heart on your sleeve. I love the way you make sure I'm ok and feel secure whenever you spend the night. I love the way you hold me stroking my hair until I fall asleep. I love your smile and the way you only let a few people see your full and goofy grin. I'm very fortunate I'm one of them. You're wonderful Y/N and you deserve a woman who's going to worship you and who you love with everything you are. You're an idiot if you don't see Lizzie is trying to be that person for you. It'll always be Lizzie. I don't know why you're trying to convince yourself otherwise," Scarlett reasons.
"I love you too Scarlett. Not in the same way necessarily but I love you a lot. The admiration I have for how you're a badass mom as well as in your work. You're an inspiration Scarlett. Those rosy cheeks of yours when you're truly smiling. And my god that smile. It could light up a thousand rooms. I hope you find someone who looks at you and you feel like there's no one else alive. Someone who will fight for you and support you. Thank you for saying all of those wonderful things. I just don't trust her. And I can't be with someone I can't trust. I need to work out how to trust her if I can," I answer.
"You will. Your heart will rule your head. It's only a matter of time. Do you think we could maybe spend one more night together so I can have closure?" Scarlett inquires nervously.
"Of course. If that's what you want," I agree kissing her gently.

Lizzie's POV:
I take a deep breath knocking on Tom's door hoping to talk to Y/N. He lets me in and I head to where Y/N's staying. I knock on the door and it pushes open. Y/N is kissing Scarlett's neck.
"Really?" I yell pissed off.
"It's not her fault. Please just listen Lizzie," Scarlett pleads.
"I told her how I felt then I asked to spend one more night together so that I can draw a line under us. That's all it is. I'm the one who initiated it," Scarlett informs me.
"Trust works both ways Y/L/N. Would you have told me if I hadn't have just walked in?" I challenge her.
"Look at your phone," Y/N sighs.
Y/N: Just to let you know Scarlett came over and told me you encouraged her to tell me how she felt I really appreciate it. She's asked to spend the night with me. I feel I owe her this as I can't reciprocate her feelings because of how I feel for you. I'm sorry if it upsets you.
"Oh," I mumble closing my phone.
"How are you not trusting me? I'm not Robbie Lizzie. I'm always completely honest with you. And we're not even dating yet. I'm not Robbie ok? I will always look out for you. And my number one priority will always be what's best for you," Y/N rants irritated.
"I'm sorry. I'm just so insecure. You have so many beautiful women throwing themselves at you. And I've never had a good relationship. I just get scared that we'll end up the same way," I explain.
"Well maybe you need to work out if you can get past that and trust me. And if not then I give up," Y/N answers.
"Don't say that," I beg.
"I just need time and space Lizzie while I figure my head out. You should do the same," Y/N suggests. My eyes fill with tears.
"Ok," I cry running out of the room.

Y/N's POV:
"Do you want me to go?" Scarlett checks touching my arms.
"You don't have to but I'm not really in the mood anymore. I'm sorry. Maybe later. How about I order us food and we watch a shitty rom com?" I suggest.
"That sounds great. As long as I get to spend one final night with you in whatever capacity I don't mind," Scarlett agrees.

We order food cuddling in my bed while we eat.
"You ok?" Scarlett asks kissing my cheek.
"Nope but I will be. Today has been a whirlwind honestly. You know sometimes I wish I never took this job. There would be no drama with Lizzie. We'd still be just friends. I'd probably have met you at a premiere and instantly tried to chat you up," I reason.
"You and Lizzie were always going to blur the lines of friendship because you were never just friends. Friends don't behave like you two do. I knew instantly," Scarlett disputes.
"I'd always have found my way between your legs though," I smirk.
"Probably," Scarlett giggles.
"Lucky you," I tease trailing my hand up her thigh.
"Stop teasing if you're not going to give me what I want," Scarlett warns.
"I will Scar don't worry," I whisper against her lips kissing her lustfully.

Author's Note: It'll be worth it I promise. Don't give up on me.

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