Chapter 6

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Lizzie's POV:
We climb into the car and I can sense the awkwardness.
"Do you regret it?" I ask nervously.
"God no Lizzie. Do you?" She checks.
"Not at all. I think that's the best I've ever felt in my entire life. Pure euphoria," I assure her making her blush.
"I'm just glad I could help," Y/N replies smiling.
"You did so much. Are you.. are you still going out with Scarlett tonight?" I inquire.
"That depends."
"On what?" I query confused
"Whether you want me to. If this is only a one time thing then I'll go but if there's a small part of you that wants to do it again then I won't," Y/N explains. I bite my lip to conceal a smile. Robbie I couldn't do it again.
"I've got Robbie," I answer.
"That wasn't the question. Would you want to do it again? Whether it's now? Or when you realise Robbie isn't good enough for you?" She probes.
"," I lie.
"So you're fine with me going out with Scarlett?" She challenges me.
"Y..yes," another lie. We pull up outside set.
"You're a terrible liar Lizzie but I get it. You're still happy with him. But you should know that whenever you want me to make you scream I'm here. Whenever you want adventure I'm here. Whenever you want to be treated like you deserve I'm here," she informs me kissing my cheek before she gets out of the car. Fuck. Is it bad that I want her again? Robbie only cheated once so that was my free pass gone. I still love him I can't do that but I also can't ignore these feelings. It's not just lust. I hadn't ever felt that at one with someone before. I hate this.

Y/N's POV:
I'm on my way to lunch confused by why I said all those things to Lizzie but it didn't mean they weren't true. I sit down opposite Lizzie who can't look me in the eyes.
"Lizzie look at me please. I said I didn't want to do this unless it didn't affect our friendship," I sigh. She looks up and it seems like she's been crying. I take her hand leading her back to her trailer taking the food with us. Cupping her face concerned as we sit on the sofa.
"What is it?" I ask concerned.
"Why do I feel guilty? He cheated first," she cries.
"He cheated???" I almost yell.
"Yes I caught them in bed together a few months ago," Lizzie mumbles tearily.
"The next time I see him I will kill him. No questions asked," I state angrily.
"Don't. I still love him and I know he loves me," She pleads.
"Why do you feel guilty then?" I query.
"Because it only happened once and he's been trying to make it up to me ever since," She starts.
"I can't imagine not doing that with you again. But I love him and can't hurt him. So I won't," Lizzie sighs.
"How can I help?"
"I need to see you happy with someone else. So go with Scarlett. I need to remove temptation," She states reluctantly.
"Are you sure?" I check.
"I'm not sure but it's worth a try." I kiss her forehead gently before tucking into my lunch making her laugh.
"What?" I ask confused.
"I've just poured my heart out and you're eating," She giggles.
"Hey I'm hungry. I need to replenish all the energy I lost last night and this morning," I smirk.
"Shut up," Lizzie blushes.

Lizzie's POV:
Y/N cheers me up at lunch until we walk directly into Scarlett. You can't be jealous Lizzie.
"Hey we still on for dinner this evening?" Scarlett asks touching Y/N's arm.
"You're going to have to up your game to beat my spaghetti," Y/N challenges her.
"I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeve," she whispers against Y/N's lips leaving her flustered as she walks off. Y/N stands there in shock.
"Earth to Y/N," I state laughing.
"You good?" I check.
"Yeah no I'm fine. Are you?" She asks smiling sadly.
"I will be though I was tempted to say that it was my name you were moaning this morning," I admit.
"I like jealous Lizzie," Y/N teases.
"I don't. I hate this feeling because I don't know if I was even this jealous over Robbie," I sigh.
"Maybe I do need that restraining order," Y/N smirks.
"I think you'd prefer to just restrain me yourself," I whisper in her ear and watch as the chills run down her spine.
"You don't play fair Olsen," Y/N sulks.
"Think about it this way. Though I'm with Robbie only you have ever made me scream someone's name in pure pleasure," I comfort her making her smile.
"Ok I'm good now."

When we get home Y/N heads straight for a shower to get ready for this evening. I get the rest of the ice cream out of the freezer and switch on some trash tv to take my mind off it. Y/N walks out and she looks phenomenal. Here comes the jealousy. I can sense she's nervous. Walking over to her I admire her.
"You look wonderful. Relax," I assure her.
"Thank you. I don't know when I'll be back but I'll message if I'm going to be out late so that you don't worry," she replies nervously.
"Ok. Have fun but not as much fun as we did," I sigh.
"I won't." She walks towards the door looking at me one more time before she leaves. I want to yell wait but I couldn't give her what she deserves so I remain silent even though it killed me.

Me: I messed up. I need your advice.
Mary-Kate: What did you do?
Ashley: Please tell me you cheated on Robbie.
Me: You want me to cheat on Robbie?
MK & Ashley: Yes.
Me: Ok I caught him cheating a few months back. And things haven't been the same since but I don't want to lose him because I don't want to be alone. Anyway the intimacy has been just boring and the same every time. I mentioned it to Y/N and the next thing I know I'm saying I'm jealous of Scarlett because she has the chance to sleep with her. And then I gave her the list of all the things I wanted to try to get it out of my system. And we did every single one and it was mind blowing but the problem is I don't want it to be a one time thing. And now she's on a date with Scarlett and she asked me if I wanted her not to go but I pushed her to. Now I'm regretting it.
MK & Ashley: Finally.
Me: What?
MK: She is the only person on this planet that may just deserve you. Y/N has always looked at you like you're a wonder of the world. She's always supported you and adored you. I'm surprised it took this long to happen.
Ashley: She's hot too. How good is mind blowing? 😏
Lizzie: I actually lost count.
MK: 🔥
Ashley: 🤯

Lizzie: I know but what am I going to do? I still love Robbie. And I believe he's trying to change. But then Y/N I look at her and it's like every inch of my skin is on fire and the only way to put it out is by her touch and kiss.
MK: Is it just lust with Y/N? Because if it is then it's not worth throwing away a 2 year relationship and a 20 year friendship over.
Lizzie: I don't know if it is. I mean we always cuddle and she gives me these forehead kisses. She's so affectionate. She made me breakfast in bed this morning. And when I was sad she brought me ice cream and hot chocolate then held me until I fell asleep. She's not just adventure she's safety.
Ashley: Can you see a future with her?
Lizzie: Yes but I'm scared. Of coming out. Of jeopardising our friendship. Of hurting Robbie. Of the hate and abuse.
MK: The safe choice isn't necessarily the right one. You need to work out if you can both see it as a long term thing before you change anything.
Me: What would I do without you?
Ashley: Apparently make really good life choices. If Y/N's single right now can I make a move? 😏
Lizzie & MK: No.
Ashley: You two are really boring.
MK: We'll come and visit in a few weeks. We miss our sister.
Lizzie: I miss you both too but Ashley if you even try with Y/N I will end you.
Ashley: You're doing the head tilt right now aren't you? Right I'm off 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
MK: Such a child 🤦🏻‍♀️

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