Chapter 12

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Lizzie's POV:
I'm woken up by the sound of Robbie's voice yelling.
"Where is she?" He shouts angrily bursting into the room.
"What the fuck. Get out of my room. Who do you think you are?" Y/N demands putting her body in between us to protect me.
"Why are you in here with her?" Robbie asks irritated.
"Because she was holding me while I fell asleep because I was so upset by your whole attitude yesterday that she had to bring me home," I explain mostly truthfully.
"What do you want from me Lizzie? You want me to prove that I love you so I ask you to move in with me and you won't give me an answer. What am I supposed to do?" He rants.
"It's not just the big gestures but the little ones. You kissed me once. You haven't hugged me. You left me by myself in a restaurant. You were rude to my siblings. I'm not asking for big things just affection," I mumble tearily.
"God you're so needy," Robbie almost laughs.
"Don't talk to her like that. And get the fuck out of my room. Now," Y/N warns him.
"Or what?" He challenges her.
"Or I'll tell everyone about what you've been up to these past few months. It wasn't a one time thing was it Robbie? Ah I can tell by your face I'm right," She quips back.
"You shut your mouth," He instructs.
"No not in my own house. Now you're going to leave this room and learn some respect for your girlfriend. You're going to treat her like she's the most precious thing you've ever seen and it's an honour to be in her presence. You're going to show her all the love and affection she deserves. You're going to show her her worth. Or you can get the hell out of our house. Those are your options. What's it going to be?" I quip back.
"Lizzie I'll be in your room. Don't believe her," Robbie pleads as he leaves the room shutting the door.

Y/N's POV:
Lizzie looks at me heartbroken.
"Do you know for certain?" Lizzie inquires.
"Yes. I'm sorry Lizzie. I didn't want to pressure you into making a decision. A friend of mine saw them out together and took some pictures. I only found out last night while we were on our way home from the club," I inform her sending her the pictures.
"So you lied to me," She mumbles tearily.
"You asked me not to pressure you. If I told you you would've thought I just wanted to be with you so I was making it up," i explain.
"I trusted you. And you lied to me. I can't believe you right now," she tears up.
"Why am I getting a bigger backlash than your boyfriend? I didn't cheat on you. I kept it from you to protect you. I didn't want you to choose me because you had no other choice but because you wanted to pick me," I reason.
"Because I never expected the one person I trust most in this world to hide something like this from me," Lizzie cries.
"Fine blame me. Make it easier to justify you picking him. It's ok I get it. Shoot the messenger. The woman who held you whenever he let you down. The woman who always showed you love and affection. The woman who bought you that necklace you wanted from him for your birthday last year because he completely forgot and ignored your endless hints. The woman who clearly isn't good enough for you in your eyes. So it's fine I'm taking myself out of the equation. I'm done," I rant angrily getting up.
"Y/N wait," Lizzie pleads blocking the door.
"What am I waiting for? I'm done playing second fiddle. I can give you everything you've ever wanted and need but you still want him. I'm such an idiot for even thinking I could be worthy of your affection. I'll go and stay with Scarlett until I can find a place for me to stay. I can't be around you right now Lizzie it's too hard," I sigh picking her up moving her out of the way.

Lizzie's POV:
I watch as the only person that's ever truly loved me walks out of the door. God I'm so stupid. I can't even look at the twins instead I walk straight into my room to talk to Robbie.
"If she's lying what are these Robbie?" I ask showing him the pictures. His face drops.
"Uh she uh she kissed me," he lies.
"What did I do to you to deserve this?" I cry.
"Nothing Lizzie I love you. I'm going to be a wonderful boyfriend I promise. Move in with me and I'll show you. I'll cook you breakfast every morning and I'll give you all the hugs you want. Just give me a chance to prove how sorry I am," Robbie pleads cupping my face. I've already lost Y/N today, I don't want to lose him too.
"I love you too but I need to be able to trust you before I do that. We'll do a trial run. You move in here for a week. You prove that you can be the boyfriend I deserve. You give me complete transparency regarding your infidelity. And maybe just maybe I'll consider it," I reason.
"Ok it was the same girl for nearly 5 months. It's over now though. That picture is when I ended it," He explains.
"Promise me this is it. Promise me you've got it out of your system. You have no idea what I'm giving up to stay with you," I beg him.
"I promise. I'll prove it." I nodded in acceptance. He opened his arms for me to hug. It was for a few seconds then he laid down. This is better than nothing right?

Author's Note: sorry

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