Chapter 23

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Y/N's POV:
Mackie and Chris offer to share for the evening so I have somewhere to stay. I didn't say much I didn't have to Paul read it on my face. He made sure I got sorted offering to stay in with me if I didn't feel like going out this evening but I didn't want to let anyone down so I put on my poker face and went. Paul buys me three shots that I do instantly knowing I needed them. Scarlett and Lizzie arrived hand in hand. I felt the blood and tequila boil within me. I'm going to have to be absolutely smashed to get through this evening. Lizzie gives me a sad smile which I ignore.
"Hey Chris wingman me?" I request.
"Yes I'm in as long as you do the same," He agrees. I walk straight past them avoiding eye contact. We head to the bar to get some Dutch courage to work on our game.
"Hello stranger," I hear a voice say as arms wrap around my waist. Florence? I turn around to see a very smiling Florence.
"What's with the smile Pugh?" I query confused.
"Guess who just booked a job working in LA for the next 6 months?" Florence smirks. I tackle her in a hug picking her up spinning her around excitedly.
"That's amazing," I congratulate her putting her down.
"It'll be even better if I have a tour guide once I get there. Do you know anyone who might be willing to help?" Florence checks.
"Hmm maybe on the condition you cook for her again," I reason.
"Deal. Why are you not with Lizzie and Scarlett?" Florence gestures over to the two women all over each other.
"God it's a very long story," I sigh.
"I've got time. First drink is on me," Florence encourages me.

We grab a drink and I just tell her every single thing that's happened since I started work.
"So what you're telling me is I have an actual chance?" Florence asks once I've finished story time. We both burst out laughing and I kiss her forehead.
"You're wonderful you know that?" I sigh content.
"I'm surprised it's taken you this long to work out."
"Drink?" I offer.
"Dance," she counters. I get up bowing offering her my hand. When she takes it I kiss her hand gently taking her back inside to dance. We let loose and just dance. I'm surprised she doesn't think I'm insane.

Lizzie's POV:
Y/N comes back inside with a blonde typical but then I see her face. Oh FFS.
"We better get out there," Scarlett suggests offering me her hand. I take it and we walk right over to where Florence is dancing with Y/N. I start dancing up against Scarlett who kisses my neck. Florence has her arms around the back of Y/N's neck looking at her. Y/N's eyes keep glancing to me so I wink at her. She glared at me pulling Florence towards the bar for another drink.
"Scarlett I'm going to need you to distract Florence," I plead.
"You've got it my fake lover," Scarlett giggles kissing my cheek taking me over so I can talk to Y/N pretending to get another drink.
"Hey Florence. Fancy a dance?" Scarlett requests. Florence looks at Y/N excitedly for approval.
"Have fun princess," Y/N encourages her kissing her cheek. That's my nickname that hurts. Scarlett takes Florence off then Y/N heads outside.

I follow her much to her irritation.
"What do you want Elizabeth?" Y/N sighs. I hate when she calls me that. Y/N turns around looking at me hurt.
"I want to talk to you," I plead reaching to cup her face. She pushes my hand away.
"What's there to say?" Y/N asks irritated.
"Let me explain please," I beg.
"You like flirting with me but you don't want to be with me. And that's ok but the more you talk about it the more it hurts me. Just give me some time to get over you please," Y/N mumbles tearily.
"Will you just shut up and listen to me?" I demand. She looks shocked. I cup her face.
"Scarlett and I was just going to be sex because I felt lonely and awful that you were sleeping with Florence and not me. I'm self destructive. We know this. But I don't want to be with anyone else but you Y/N. This whole evening was about making you jealous but that's immature and stupid when all you need to hear is that I broke up with Robbie the night mom came over for dinner. She made me see that it's always been you. I waited because I wanted to prove to you I could be alone and that you weren't a rebound. I also wanted you to be sure you wanted to be with me. My plan was when we got home tomorrow to whisk you away on a date and profess how much you mean to me but now Florence is coming to LA that's complicated things. I know you have feelings for her but I'm hoping you still love me. And you still want to be with me. I don't want to tell you the rest of what I want to until you're sober and ready to hear it. All you should know is that I will always choose you. If you decide you want to be with Florence then I'll wait for you until you break up. If you decide you want to be with me I will make you so incredibly happy. You have my heart Y/N Y/L/N. Nothing is going to change that," I ramble dedicated to making her hear me.

Y/N's POV:
Is this drunk Lizzie talking or Lizzie talking?
" much have you been drinking?" I ask.
"I had two glasses of wine at home and nothing since I've gotten here. You seeing me earlier with Scarlett that sobered me up. We can get a breathalyser if you really want. I promise you I mean every word. Actions speak louder than words so let me take you out to dinner or just do this without the physicality. I know you worry that I'm only about the physical aspect. Let me romance you. You've always wanted someone to write you poems and to kiss you proudly in front of everyone else. You've always wanted someone to take you to the beach to watch the sunrise with a picnic and to sleep under the stars. Let me give you every single one of those things. I can be the woman you deserve. We're not just friends. We never have been. Now just let me adore you," Lizzie requests. I can't help but smile. This is all I've ever wanted but I don't trust her.
"I'd love that. I really would but the problem is I don't trust you Lizzie. You said this time away was about gaining my trust back and proving you're worth it but you decide to sleep with Scarlett. With Florence I triple checked with you to check how you'd feel. Did you even think about how it would make me feel?" I challenge her.
"I was hurting Y/N. I felt you slipping away I see the way you look at Florence. It's how you looked at Kristie when you first started dating. Let me earn your trust please. Don't just dismiss me. I will do anything I can to prove to you that I'm worth your affection," Lizzie explains.
"I need to think about it Lizzie. Yes I love you and just over a month ago I would've jumped at the chance to be with you. But that was naïveté. I need to protect myself. This thing with Florence is good and she's sweet. She won't hurt me. I owe it to her and myself to see if it can be something," I admit.
"I'm not giving up on us and neither should you. I'm not going to lie down and accept this because I'm certain I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you just so you know," Lizzie informs me pulling me in by my waist kissing my cheeks right next to my lips.
"Tell me it isn't taking every ounce of your willpower not to kiss me right now," Lizzie whispers against my lips. I blush a deep shade of red.
"Ok tell me you don't think about me taking you on a date then strolling home hand in hand and then when we get back I submit to you completely," Lizzie demands to hear.

Lizzie's POV
"S...stop please," Y/N begs flustered.
"I'll stop if you tell me you don't want me to fight for you," I reason.
"I can't," she sighs.
"Very well then princess. You better prepare for lots of teasing. And I miss our cuddles. We're friends Y/N we always cuddled before we blurred the lines. I can't wait to hold you again," I smirk leaving her flustered and walking away. I walk inside to see Scarlett sat talking to Florence. Florence notices me then leaves to find Y/N.
"How was your talk?" Scarlett inquires. I relay the events of the discussion.
"There's hope."

Y/N's POV:
I tell Florence everything that was said. She seemed a little conflicted by the hold Lizzie has over me.
"Yes i have feelings for but Lizzie when I dedicate myself to something I stick with it. I like you Florence a lot. And I hope to hang out with you more when we're in LA if that's ok?" I check.
"Yeah that's ok," Florence agrees blushing. My life is so fucking confusing.

Author's Note: Prepare for a bombshell next chapter

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