Chapter 24

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Lizzie's POV:
Y/N gets sat next to me on the plane. She rolls her eyes climbing past me to sit next to me.
"You know for someone who doesn't want to spend time with me you're very close," I tease.
"Behave Lizzie or I'll swap with Paul," she warns me.
"All I want is cuddles. You know you need a cuddle to get to sleep on a plane," I plead giving her the sad eyes.
"Ugh I hate you," she sighs allowing me to rest my head on her.
"Yeah it really looks like it," I laugh kissing her cheek. She blushes a little.
"Are you going to stay at Tom's or will you come home?" I inquire.
"I don't know Lizzie. Being around you so much. I'll be tempted to fall into our old patterns. And if we keep sharing a bed we'll end up doing things neither of us are ready for. Well I know you are horndog but I want to be sure if we cross that line again," Y/N reasons making me giggle.
"You can't blame me. We had one incredible night and morning together then nothing since. We both know that no one could come close to the connection we had. No one can make me scream like you did. Admit it you want me princess," I whisper kissing her neck. I watch as she squeezes her thighs together.
"Maybe a little bit. But you've got to give me time Lizzie. Time to work out what's going on with Florence and time to work out if I can trust you. You are the only person in the world that has the power to break me beyond repair. I need to be sure that you won't do that," Y/N sighs. I cup her face.
"Listen to me. You are it for me-," I start.

"Hey Y/L/N. Isn't that girl over there the one you hooked up with last night?" Chris asks walking over to interrupt us. We spot Florence walking down the aisle. Y/N gets up to greet her. Fuck.
"Hey Pugh. This is getting a little obsessive. Same flight and everything," Y/N teases making her blush.
"My agent booked this flight. My whole world doesn't revolve around you," Florence snarks.
"Ooh. Whatever you say. You may need to find yourself a new tour guide if that's the case," Y/N challenges her.
"I better get seated. You know you couldn't live without my cooking. I'll see you soon," Florence smirks kissing her cheek as she glares at me. Game on. Y/N turns around she has this goofy grin on her face. She really likes her that hurts. I shuffle into the inside seat staring out the window not wanting her to see how hurt I am.

Y/N's POV:
"Lizzie?" I whisper trying to get her attention. She ignores me.
"Liz?" I plead.
"Princess," I try and she turns around reluctantly.
"What?" she sighs.
"Talk to me please. I hate seeing you upset," I plead taking her hand.
"You like her a lot and she's never hurt you. I can't compete with that," Lizzie mumbles tearily.
"You don't have to compete with anything. Yes I do like her but I also love you. We've just got to figure out this whole trust thing. And I've got to figure out what is going on in my head. Don't pressure yourself princess please," I beg.
"Ok," she agrees smiling.
"Come here," I request opening my arms as the seatbelt sign turns off. I kiss her forehead stroking her hair as she gets comfortable.
"If this doesn't work out would you ever date Ashley because I think that would break me?" Lizzie queries concerned.
"I don't know. I think seeing her face would just remind me of what I'd lost. I saw the twins a lot when we weren't talking cause it meant you weren't so far away," I admit and she smiles scrunching her nose. In the moment all I want to do is kiss her.
"Why do we have to be on a plane?" I sulk.
"Why?" She smirks.
"Because I wanted to kiss you and I can't because we're surrounded by people."
"Well how about I-," Lizzie starts.
"Hey Y/L/N. Your girlfriend is getting harrased by some man you better do something," Mackie informs me. Lizzie nods and I March over to the incident.

I see Florence and she looks at me pleading for help.
"Come on just give me your number beautiful, you can come on my yacht and we can have some real fun," the creep encouraged her touching her arm.
"Hey babe. Sorry I took so long. They have a bar on board we should go and sit down. Stupid airline won't let me sit with my girlfriend," I lie kissing her cheek as I glare at the man.
"I..uh sorry I uh didn't," he panics.
"There's no excuse. She made it clear she wasn't interested. No means no," I quip back angrily pulling Florence up from her seat getting in between her and the man. He looked embarrassed. Mackie goes to report the incident to the hostess who moves the man. Florence seems shaken so I sit down next to her holding her.
"You don't have to say anything just know I'm here," I assure her.
"Thank you. I hate men," Florence cries clutching my shirt.
"Me too hence my sexuality," I joke and she lets out a small giggle.
"What's going on with you and Lizzie?" She inquires nervously.
"I don't know. She told me she wants to be with me and she's broken up with her boyfriend. It's all very confusing. And I really like you and have loved spending time with you so my heads a mess right now."
"It's ok. I understand but am I wasting my time? You love her and you only like me. It seems like I'm a back up plan," Florence mumbles sadly.
"Hey you are not a back up plan. I didn't expect to like you as much as I do. But I'm also not going to lie to you and say that I don't have feelings for her anymore. I don't want to hurt either of you or lead you on. I think I just need time to think or compose my thoughts," I ramble trying to work it through in my head.
"I'll still have my tour guide though right?" She checks.
"Of course," I agree.
"So we'll be friends for now and then see in a few weeks once you've cleared your head," Florence suggests.
"Ok mate. I better get back to my seat before they bring around food. I'm starving. Message me when you want to hang out and I'll make myself available," I inform her.
"See you soon."

I get back to Tom's house and we play video games trying to distract me from the women in my head. I'm so confused. There's a knock at the door revealing a nervous Scarlett.
"I love you," she declares kissing me. Wait...what?

Author's Note: How will Y/N react? Two more chapters before all becomes clear.

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