Chapter 8

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Lizzie's POV:
My sisters are coming to town today which I'm excited but kind of nervous about. Things between Y/N and I are good but it's weird. It's like we're a straight married couple so no sex. We cuddle every evening and she always kisses my cheek. We take it in turns to make breakfast. I can't take my eyes off her body. And she keeps staring at my hands. It was torture. Her and Scarlett "hang out" a couple of times a week. I hate it. Scarlett is literally glowing. I was jealous. They were always all over each other. Knowing that because my sisters are in town they won't hang out as much is most satisfying. Robbie and I have been doing virtual dates which are cute but I miss intimacy. He was coming here in a few weeks which I was excited about but I know in the back of my mind I'll be comparing it to Y/N. I'm just glad I don't have to listen to her and Scarlett have sex as they exclusively do that at Scarlett's.

The front door knocks and Y/N rushes past me to answer it. She loves my sisters just as much as I do.
"I'll get it," she shouts darting past me and I laugh. She opens the door tackling them both in a hug.
"It's my favourite Olsen sister," Y/N declares giving MK a proper hug.
"And my future wife," She smirks lifting up Ashley spinning her around who winks at me. I roll my eyes.
"What does that make me?" I ask insulted.
"There are so many things I could refer to you as Lizzie," she whispers as she carries their bags to the spare room. And here come the chills.
"Sorry you two you'll have to share the spare room. It's good to see you both," I inform them.
"We're not sharing," they say in Unison.
"It's fine I'll just share with my future wife," Ashley teases me.
"I'm down for that," Y/N says picking her up carrying her bridal style.
"No," MK & I state at the same time.
"Lizzie will stay with Y/N in her room. And Ashley you can stay in Lizzie's room," MK reasons.
"You two are so boring. Why can't you let me and my future wife have fun?" Ashley pretends to sulk.
"It's ok princess. We can go on a date and I'll take you to a really nice hotel I know," Y/N jokes kissing her cheek placing her down and I give her the head tilt.
"I uh have to go to the store and pick up some ice cream," Y/N states running off out the front door making us laugh.

We sit down on the sofa and they both smirk at me.
"What?" I ask confused.
"You're welcome," MK laughs.
"Nothing is going to happen. I have Robbie and she's sleeping with Scarlett," I sigh.
"She asked you first if you wanted her not to. I'm sure if it bothered you she'd stop. And Robbie is an ass. He cheated first. You're way too good for him. And you and Y/N are perfect for each other," MK reasons.
"I don't even know if she'd want me like that," I reply.
"Well we can figure that out while we're here. And if you don't want her can I have her? I want to glow the way Scarlett is right now have you seen the paparazzi pictures," Ashley laughs. I glare at her.
"Lizzie if you really wanted to be with Robbie. You wouldn't be jealous over Y/N," MK observes.
"I do want to be with him. I love him. Can you stop pushing it? Please," I request.
"Fine. But if Ashley makes a move you have no right to get annoyed," MK warns me.
"This is going to be fun," Ashley smirks.

Y/N's POV:
I get back to the house and they're all sat on the sofa laughing.
"So what's the plan for this evening?" I ask.
"Dinner and then clubbing. I want to dance with you," Ashley informs me.
"It'll be good practice for our first dance," I smirk.
"I've got to go to work for a few hours so you three behave until I get back," Lizzie warns us.
"Don't we always," MK laughs.
"Last time I left you three alone Y/N nearly got arrested," Lizzie reminds us.
"But I didn't. We can only do so much damage when we're staying here. Now go be boring elsewhere," I tease. She rolls her eyes as she grabs her car key leaving.

As soon as the front door shuts they both look at me.
"Sit," They instruct tapping the seat next to them. They know.
"Oh god. Am I in trouble?" I ask nervously.
"No we just want to gage where your head is," MK assures me.
"How do you mean?"
"As in do you want to hookup with Lizzie again? Could you ever see it as a more serious thing? We want to check in. We only ever hear Lizzie's side," Ashley explains.
"Lizzie would never see me as a serious thing. I'm pretty sure she thinks that my only asset is my ability in bed in terms of a relationship. I adore your sister you know I do but I don't even think she thinks of me like that. Of course I'd want to be with her but she's with Robbie who she loves. And I don't want to break them up," I sigh.
"You're really stupid if you think that's true. She doesn't think you see her like that. You're both morons. You need to show her that you want to be with her. And if that doesn't work then you need to make her jealous," MK reasons.
"That's where I come in. And Scarlett when I leave," Ashley reasons.
"Why are you helping me? Your sister cheated on her boyfriend with me," I reply confused.
"Because he was never good enough for her. You are. You would do anything for her. She's lucky if he takes her to the supermarket," MK answers.
"And what if she still wants to be with Robbie?" I mumble nervously.
"Then it's her loss and we'll set you up with someone who deserves you," Ashley comforts me.
"Alright I'm in."

Author's Note: Just a chapter to set up the dynamic between you and the twins. Next chapter is fun 😏

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