Chapter 15

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Lizzie's POV:
The flight to Edinburgh made me feel sick. Not because of the flight itself but seeing Y/N and Scarlett so cozy. Scarlett fell asleep on Y/N's chest and Y/N stroked her hair gently. It just gave me flashbacks of the countless times Y/N has held me while I fall asleep. I missed her so much. After my talk with mom last night I called Robbie and ended things. I wasn't going to tell her until I spent time by myself to make sure I was certain before I ruin our friendship even more. Also to assure her it's not just a rebound. I want this to be a long term thing. The next month I've just got to find a way for her not to hate me anymore. It's going to be a tough one.

As we arrive at our house it's pretty nice. Scarlett turns to us as we both walk in.
"Ok a few ground rules. I want to have a nice and calm few weeks. I get why you're not talking right now I really do but for the sake of me not being caught in the middle can we please at least be amicable. I'm not asking for much just a hi here and there. A wave maybe. Just basic common courtesy. That's all," Scarlett requests.
"I'm in," I say smiling at Y/N.
"Fine," Y/N agrees reluctantly.
"Wow you really are whipped for me," Scarlett teases. Wait what?
"Maybe a little," Y/N blushes. Are they dating? Scarlett notices my face.
"Anyway why don't we all go and get settled in?" Scarlett suggests.
"Great idea," Y/N agrees running up to grab the best room making me smile.

After we've unpacked I knock on Scarlett's door and she opens it surprised to see me.
"You ok?" Scarlett asks.
"Will you do something for me or not do something for me?" I request.
"Sure. What do you need?"
"I know you and Y/N are together now but can you just not have sex while I'm here? I know I have no right to-," I start. Y/N appears from behind her. Oh no.
"No you don't have any right to dictate my life. I will sleep with Scarlett if we both want to. You have absolutely no say in this. You lost that right when you picked him," Y/N declares angrily.
"How would you feel if I was sleeping with Robbie in the room next to yours?" I challenge her.
"Are you serious?" Scarlett says disapprovingly.
"I just I'm leaving. I'll be back later for dinner I just need to go for a walk," Y/N excuses herself.

Y/N's POV:
I don't know where I'm going I don't care I just keep walking. I walk into this pub and sit at the bar ordering myself a pint. It's just after midday so it's not too soon to have a drink. A woman walks in who immediately catches my eye. Long blonde hair, soft green eyes and a beautiful smile. What can I say? I have a type. Shit she's coming over. Ok act natural.
"Is this seat taken?" She asks in a charming English accent.
"Please sit," I invite her.
"Why do I recognise you?" The mystery woman inquires.
"I have one of those faces," I dismiss it.
"Can I at least find out the name of the woman I'm about to buy a drink for?" She requests.
"Y/N and I think I'd rather buy you a drink but I would like to know your name too," I counter.
"Hmm a gentlewoman. My name is Florence." I order us drinks and we sit getting to know a little about each other.
"So Miss Florence what brings you to a pub in the middle of the day?" I inquire.
"I'm meeting my friends in a little while. But I'm very glad that I bumped into you," She almost flirts.
"So am I. There's something about you that I'm intrigued by. I need to know more," I reply and she blushes a little. This could be fun.

"I've been so stressed lately I spend all my free time cooking," I inform her.
"You like to cook?" She almost shouts.
"Yes? Why are you so excited?" I laugh.
"I love to cook. It's my favourite thing in the world," Florence informs me.
"So what are you going to make me?" I ask confidently.
"Whatever you want. I do want to give you a British food education though. What would you make?" Florence inquires. I bite my lip smiling.
"For starters Bruschetta, main pan seared sirloin steak and for dessert that's whatever takes your fancy," I smirk.
"You're confident I like that. When can I cook for you?" Florence checks.
"I've got a hectic few days but I have Saturday evening free. I'm not sure I want to wait until then to see you again though," I answer.
"Sounds perfect. I'm going to a bar this evening with some friends they have karaoke if you get some time join us. Here give me your phone and send me a message. I'll give you the address," She invites me. Florence types in her number with the contact name 'Florence🔫😏'.
"What's with the gun?" I ask.
"It's a hint to get to know me better for future reference. My friends are here now so I've got to go. I know I'll see you later," Florence whispers kissing my cheek before leaving. Damn.

Author's Note: Welcome Florence

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