Chapter 40

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Y/N's POV:
Lizzie's Mom picks me up. Things with Lizzie are still weird we barely talk to each other. From my end it's because I'm scared I'll tell her about today. She's been doing daily therapy which I think is helping a little she seems lighter in herself when she does talk. They send me for test after test. I can tell when we walk into the doctor's room that it isn't good.
"Miss Y/L/N, from the scans we've taken today. We can see you have Stage 3 Breast cancer. It's a very aggressive form of cancer. So we need to get your treatment started straight away," The Dr informs me. I run out of the room everything and everyone moving in slow motion until I'm outside throwing up behind a bush in sheer panic. I feel an arm on my back, Jarnie.
"Lizzie can't deal with permanent loss we both know that. You know I have to leave. I'll write her a letter explaining that I have some growing up to do to be the woman she deserves. Tell her how much I love her. It's better she has to deal with this than grief. She's not strong enough," I cry turning around to face her mum.
"No she isn't but you need support too," Jarnie sighs cupping my face.
"Knowing that she's not having to witness the pain and suffering I'm going through is support enough. I know some people. I'm not going to tell you where I'm going and please don't tell her I'm ill. It's always been our jobs to protect her. It always will be," I explain.
"I know. I'll drive you home and then to the airport. Send me letters to let me know how you're getting on ok? You'll probably need to call Marvel and your agent," Jarnie advises.
"I will but I need to get out of here first. I'll see the doctor as soon as I get there."
"Are you really sure about this?" Jarnie checks.
"I'd do anything for your daughter and this is the only way to protect her from what's about to happen," I assure her.

Lizzie's POV:
I get home and there's an eeriness to it. Something is off I can feel it. On the table there's a key and a note. My heart sinks. No.

To my darling Lizzie,
Writing this letter is the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. But they say if you love someone set them free and if they come back they're yours. My heart belongs to you forever Lizzie. But I need to let you go. We've both got a lot of working on ourselves to do. I hope you find someone who treats you like you're their everything because my god are you mine. I love you so much Lizzie. And I'm sorry to leave you but it's what's best for us both. Maybe someday I'll find my way back home to you my love. And I'll explain everything. But for now I leave you my heart as really it's always been yours.
Forever and Always yours,
Y/N x

I drop to my knees sobbing and from our room out walks my mom.
"She's gone," I cry as I fall apart in her arms.
"I know."

Y/N's POV:
I land 5,000 miles away in London knocking on the door of the one person who has no connections to my old life except through me.
"I'm sorry I know I shouldn't be here but I have no where else to go. I'm really sick," I mumble tearily.
"Come in."

Author's Note:
So that happened.... That's the end of their story... for now. Book 2 is out now 'Easy on me.' Stay with me. I know you hate me right now.

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