Chapter 26

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Y/N's POV:
I've been isolating myself from everyone but Tom for the past 2 weeks. I've seen Florence maybe twice cause she didn't really know anyone out here. I tried really hard to get my head sorted but I had no idea what to do. I go to work, eat lunch by myself in my trailer then come home and play video games with Tom. Scarlett is apparently seeing a guy called Colin so I'm incredibly happy for her. I just wanted to stay away from her while she sorted her head out. I have a day off today but I have no idea what I want to do.... Nothing. I get showered and put on a hoodie and some joggers. Tom's at work so I decide to order myself some food. I haven't even clicked order yet when I hear a knock at the door.
"What are you two doing here?" I ask confused by the twins presence.
"An intervention. You're being incredibly unsociable and quite frankly boring. So we're spending the day together. Then tonight we're going out to do karaoke so you can get all your frustrations and hurt," MK reasons. Ashley gives me the puppy dog eyes.
"Fine," I agree and they both tackle me in a hug. Ashley smacks my butt.
"Right you let's get you into adult clothes and go out for some food. Your ass is shrinking and it's one of your best features," Ashley teases. I wrap my arms around her waist from behind kissing her cheek.
"You have no idea what my best feature is. I'm more than happy to share," I whisper and feel as chills cover her body.
"Behave you two. Y/N just to warn you tonight we've invited most of the marvel cast. I don't know who will show up though but they're very worried about you," MK informs me.
"They shouldn't be I'm just trying to clear my head."
"Did it work?" Ashley asks.
"No. I'm more confused than ever," I admit.
"No you're not Lizzie is a risk but you're not sure it's worth it because you might get hurt but she's who you'd pick," MK disputes.
"Shut up. I'm going to get ready. Ashley you can join if you want," I tease. MK holds her back.
"Ugh that's not fair," Ashley sighs making us all laugh.

Lizzie's POV:
My sisters message to say Y/N has agreed to karaoke. I was worried last time she isolated herself this much she spiralled into depression and had to go to therapy for months.
Me: Can I join you for lunch?
Ashley: Let us check if she's ok with it.
MK: She said she's not bothered either way. She's very down Lizzie. I think she needs to see you.
Me: I'll be there soon.
I rush to the restaurant to see my family (yes Y/N is included in that obviously). When I walk through the door the waiter takes me to the table where I'm sat next to Y/N. She looks so vulnerable.
"Hey," she whispers.
"Hi. I've missed you and that pretty face of yours," I inform her.
"I look like shit Lizzie. We both know it. I'm sorry I went MIA I just needed time," Y/N apologises.
"Have you been eating? Have you slept?" I check.
"Not really," Y/N answers. I pull her in for a hug stroking her hair not wanting to let go.
"Get your hands off my wife," Ashley warns making us all laugh.
"Alright we're not starting this again. Let's get you well fed before this evening Y/N," MK pleads.
"Ok. This is why you're my favourite sister," Y/N giggles. Ashley and I both head tilt glare at her.
"Shit that thing is genetic. Oh god if I marry either of you our kids are going to have it," Y/N jokes making us all laugh.

"You know mom always said you'd end up with me or Ash," I inform her.
"Your mother knows me well," Y/N smirks. Does that mean no Florence?????
"Don't get too excited yet Lizzie. I haven't made my decision yet," Y/N teases nudging me. I blush so she kisses my cheek to make it worse.
"Hey. Where's my kiss?" Ash sulks. I look at Y/N resting my hand on her upper thigh squeezing gently.
"I... uh later when Lizzie isn't going to kill me," Y/N laughs. I move my hand round further. I feel as she tenses under my touch.
"You ok Y/L/N?" MK checks.
"Y..yeah just hungry that's all," Y/N lies. MK calls the waitress over. Should I tease her? Yes.
"Sorry it won't taste as good as me princess," I whisper in her ear. Y/N squeezes her thighs together going a shade of crimson red. The waitress checks Y/N out so I grabbed Y/N's thigh kissing her cheek.
"What do you fancy princess?" I ask Y/N then glare at the waitress.
"Can I get the dough balls and carbonara please?" Y/N picks.
"Of course beautiful," the waitress agrees. I'm about to bite but Y/N takes my hand kissing my cheek.
"What do you want my love?" Y/N asks cupping my face. I blush but smile brightly.
"I'll have the same as you. Thank you," i smirk
handing the menu back to the waitress. She rolls her eyes leaving.

Y/N's POV:
"Thank you," Lizzie says kissing my cheek.
"You're welcome. You know you don't have to be jealous of some random waitress," I assure her.
"I know. I just don't like anyone else flirting with you," Lizzie sighs.
"Can you two just get together already?" MK laughs.
"I'd have no opposition to that," Lizzie smirks.
"I'm trying to work things out. Just give me some time," I plead cupping her cheek.
"Ok. But you should know that I plan to make it very difficult for you to turn me down," Lizzie teases biting her lip and smiling. Damn.
"I hope so," I tease winking at her squeezing her thigh as she had done to me.

We get back to the house to relax for a few hours before we go to the karaoke bar. I'm exhausted.
"You need to go and take a nap," Lizzie requests.
"Fine but only if I get cuddles," I reason. She runs into my room excitedly rooting through my draws to find her favourite shirt and shorts that belong to me to cuddle in. I do the same. She just starts undressing and I turn around not wanting I make her uncomfortable. I feel arms wrap around my waist.
"You can look at me princess I don't mind," Lizzie encourages me. I turn around looking at the goddess in front of me. Fuck. I just shake my head smiling.
"You're so beautiful Lizzie," I mumble in awe. She blushes slightly before putting my clothes on. I get changed too and watch as she keeps her eyes glued on my body. Lizzie walks over to me once I finish and kisses my cheek.
"Come on you time to cuddle," Lizzie encourages me taking my hand. She lies down and I cuddle into her. Lizzie strokes my hair kissing my forehead intermittently as I drift off to sleep.

When I wake up I look up at Lizzie smiling at how beautiful she is. Are all these people in my life right? Is it inevitable?
"You know it's rude to stare Y/L/N,"
She giggles.
"I can't help it. How do you do it? You're breathtaking Olsen," I reply smiling content.
"Kiss me," Lizzie pleads.
"Are you sure? I haven't made a decision yet. And I'm not sure you trust me," I check.
"That's ok. Of course I do please kiss me," Lizzie requests. I smile blushing pulling her in for a kiss. God I've missed her lips. Lizzie straddles me taking control kissing me hungrily.
"How I've missed your lips," Lizzie mumbles breathlessly resting her head against mine.
"I've just missed you,"I admit pulling her in for a hug.
"Are you ok?" Lizzie asks.
"I am now. I shouldn't have isolated myself I was just overwhelmed. No matter what I need you and your sisters in my like because you're my family," I reply.
"I understand why you did but please don't shut me out again," Lizzie begs cupping my face.
"I won't. I promise. Now let's go and sing. Or I'll sing and you can watch," I encourage her.
"You know me so well. Let's go."

Author's Note: Is it time for me to be nice? 🤔

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