Chapter 20

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Y/N's POV:
I wake up still safely in Lizzie's arms. She's so beautiful, effortlessly so.
"I can feel you staring Y/L/N," Lizzie giggles.
"I'm not sorry," I smirk making her blush.
"You feeling better?" Lizzie checks cupping my face.
"Yeah I think I am," I inform her.
"What do you want to do today?" Lizzie inquires.
"Maybe go for lunch much later before we have to go to set but for now I'm happy here," I answer.
"So am I," She says smiling kissing my forehead gently. Scarlett walks in and sees our position smirking. I was too comfortable to move.
"So I'm assuming the date went well then," Scarlett laughs.
"It was good. Though she was more interested in you than me. Turns out she's a big fan. She's dying to meet you," I inform her. Scarlett smirks.
"Are you seeing her again?" Scarlett inquires.
"I said I'd cook for her at some point. The main thing she cares about is if she gets to meet you," I laugh. I see Lizzie's face change.
"If it went so good why are you here in Lizzie's bed?" Scarlett challenges me. I blush cuddling into Lizzie to cover my face.
"You know me I'm a cuddler," I make up.
"So you won't mind if I join then," Scarlett giggles jumping on the bed cuddling into me.
"Are we in one of Y/N's fantasies?" Lizzie teases.
"We'd be wearing less clothes," Scarlett answers.
"Right I'm out of here," I sigh getting up. Lizzie looks sad but I can't bear the teasing.
Me: Knock on my door in an hour. We're going out for lunch.
Lizzie: Who says I want to go for lunch with you? 😏
Me: I'll just go and ask Scarlett instead.
Lizzie: Don't you dare.
Me: Obsessed 😉
Lizzie: Maybe a little 🙈

I hear a knock at the door opening it to reveal Lizzie. Just a goddess.
"Are you ready?" Lizzie checks. I nod in awe of the woman in front of me. We start to stroll to get some food.
"Why are you taking me for lunch?" Lizzie asks nudging me.
"I want to work on our friendship and you know I love spending time with you. I'm sorry Scarlett interrupted us," I apologise.
"It's ok. You actually like Florence don't you?" Lizzie mumbles nervously.
"Yeah I do but it's not a long term thing. It's a Scottish fling minus the intimacy," I answer.
"Do you want to sleep with her?" Lizzie inquires.
"I feel too guilty which is ridiculous considering we're not together," I sigh.
"I think you should. I don't know get it out of your system," She suggests.
"Are you serious?" I reply annoyed walking ahead.
"Why are you upset?" Lizzie queries
"Because if I sleep with her and you encourage me to do that. It means I never... you know what it doesn't matter."
"Just because you sleep with her doesn't mean that nothing can happen here you know," she assures me.
"You don't get it. No matter what I do or what any woman says to me I compare it to you. It's not fair on them," I explain.
"What can I do?" Lizzie checks cupping my face. Love me.
"It's not your fault. Just stop being so fucking effortlessly beautiful maybe," I plead and she laughs.
"I'll try," Lizzie giggles taking my arm.

Lizzie's POV:
We sit down at this nice restaurant for lunch. Being in this one on one environment in this reasonably romantic setting made me nervous. This is all I wanted.
"You ok?" Y/N checks.
"I'm really good. I'm just glad we're ok again. I've got my best friend back," I assure her squeezing her hand.
"Has Ashley spoken to you yet?" Y/N asks. I shake my head. She hated what I did to Y/N. As much as we joke about it she really did love her. Not necessarily in a romantic way but in a way that she wants her to have the world.
"I'll fix it. Smile," Y/N requests. She shuffles closer to me taking a photo of us together. I look at the camera for a few seconds before studying her face and smile. All I wanted was to kiss her. She shows me the photos and I pick one to send. Within a minute my phone vibrates.
Ashley: *Sends photo to group chat with MK*
MK: Did you finally hook up again????
Lizzie: No but we're really good again. She doesn't know I broke up with Robbie but I want to work on our friendship first. Neither of you tell her please.
Ashley: FINALLLYYYYY!!!!!! 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
MK: About time. He was a moron. Whatever you do. Do not mess this up again.
Lizzie: I won't. I promise.
Ashley: And if you do, you know I'm ready to swoop in and save her.
Lizzie: She is mine.

I look up from my phone and see her typing away to Ashley about how she should forgive me. I take her phone off her putting it down on the table and just hug her tightly.
"You're perfect," I whisper content kissing her cheek. When we pull away she blushes.
"I don't want to come between you and your family. I love you all too much for that," she explains.
"Just take the compliment. If we date will you take compliments from me?" I query. She blushes again.
"Depends what sort of compliments," Y/N smirks. I hear someone approach our table. Shit it's Florence.
"Hey how are you?" Florence asks Y/N hugging her.
"I'm good just very tired it was an early start. We've got to go back to set after we've eaten. It's a long day. This is Lizzie. Lizzie this is Florence," Y/N introduces us while lying. Interesting.
"It's nice to meet you Lizzie. I'll leave you both to it. Make sure you tell her how my cooking is better than yours," Florence laughs as she walks away.
"If you keep that up you won't ever try it or meet Scarlett," Y/N challenges her. Florence just smirks winking as she leaves. She's annoyingly hot.

Y/N turns to me looking panicked.
"Are you ok?" She asks.
"Why did you lie to her about us having an early start?" I inquire.
"Because I wasn't ready to stay," Y/N answers scratching the back of her neck nervous. I bite my lip to conceal a smile.
"Y/N you're here for a week. Scarlett won't sleep with you while I'm in the house. Maybe you should consider it," i suggest.
"You'd really be ok with it?" Y/N challenges me.
"I haven't got a leg to stand on. And I know that she's only got you for a week. I intend to have you for the rest of my life," I assure her. She just smiles at me.
"Oh you do?" Y/N blushes.
"Yeah I do. First comes friendship then we'll see," I inform her.
"I'll think about the Florence thing. But for now I just want to focus on being here with you," Y/N says making me smile. This woman has my heart.

Author's Note: Another chapter another missed opportunity for Lizzie to be honest with Y/N. I hope it's worth the wait 😏

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