Chapter 17

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Lizzie's POV:
I wake up early unable to sleep as usual since Y/N left my life. That's weird Y/N's door is in the same position as yesterday and her bed hasn't been slept in. Should I worry? I walk into the kitchen to see Scarlett eating cereal. Weird. Y/N will always make breakfast.
"She's not here," Scarlett informs me.
"Where is she?" I ask curious.
"She's on an extended date. She messaged me last night she was staying," She answers. Fuck.
"Are you serious? We've been here for less than 24 hours and she's already on a date. How am I meant to... never mind," I sigh.
"Meant to what Lizzie? Why does it bother you?" Scarlett inquires.
"I did it. I broke up with Robbie before we left. I haven't told her because she hates me at the moment. She'll never want to be with me while she still hates me and I don't want her to think I want to be with her just cause I'm scared of being alone so I don't plan on telling her for at least two weeks to prove to her and myself this is really what I want," I explain.
"Wow I'm impressed. I didn't think you'd actually do it. I do think you should tell her though," Scarlett encourages me.
"Let me work on her not hating me first," I plead.
"Ok but she doesn't hate you. You know if you needed her she's still do anything and everything for you," Scarlett informs me. I bite my lip to conceal a smile. The door flings open and in walks Y/N.
"What time do you call this?" Scarlett smirks.
"I crashed at Florence's. I killed Karaoke last night we should all go. English breakfast is actually really great except from the weird puddings. What do you want to do today?" Y/N checks.
"We have a pretty early evening call time so we'll probably just have time to get lunch," Scarlett chooses.
"Ok cool. Florence gave me a list of the best restaurants in the area." Ouch.

Y/N's POV: 
We have a nice lunch that isn't too awkward. Scarlett does most of the talking. After lunch we head to work to get into costume. I'm in my trailer messaging Florence when Scarlett bursts in looking stressed. I jump up cupping her face.
"What's wrong?" I ask concerned.
"Lizzie she needs you," Scarlett mumbles breathless.
"She's having a panic-," Scarlett starts. Before she even finishes I'm running towards Lizzie's trailer I run inside seeing Lizzie on the floor in a ball. I lift up her chin to look at me.
"What is it Lizzie?" I inquire sitting next to her pulling her onto my lap to calm down.
"Distract me," she pleads breathless.
"Ok do you remember how we became best friends when we were 7? That asshole Jake had stolen your favourite green pencil as it was the only one that could capture the colour of your eyes properly. Your mom was clever so had your name inscribed in the pencil. I walked around the classroom to every kid asking to borrow their green so they'd show me it. Jake got his out and it said Elizabeth. I told him it wasn't his and to give it back. He refused and started to say awful things for his age. So I hit him and told him that you're not ugly you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen because-," I ramble.
"I look like a Disney princess," Lizzie finishes my sentence smiling gratefully. She starts to cry and I hold her tighter stroking her hair.
"Do you want to tell me what's going on? If not that's ok too but I need to know you're ok," I request.
"I saw how high they want me to be lifted up to and it's scary. I just couldn't handle it so I started panicking. I.. I don't know why it got so bad," Lizzie lies at the end but I decide not to push her knowing she'd already been through enough.
"You can get your stunt double to do most of it or I can go up there so you can see it's safe for you. I think I'd make a pretty hot Scarlet Witch," I joke making her laugh.
"Yes you would but it's ok. I think I'm feeling better now," Lizzie assures me.
"Are you?" I check lifting her chin up to look in her eyes for any sense of a lie.
"I'm much better. I'm sorry you had to help me," Lizzie apologises.
"Never apologise for having a panic attack. You can't control them. It's not your fault. I told you I'd always be here for you. Even when I'm mad at you. No matter what happens if you need me I'm always going to be there. You know that," I remind her and she smiles.
"How about this? You go and kill your scene while I run to the shops get us some ice cream and a hot chocolate," I suggest.
"I'd like that thank you," she says kissing my cheek grateful. I blush deeply.

Lizzie's POV:
Oh my god. Why did I do that?
"I..I'm sorry I don't know why I did that," I apologise flustered.
"Hey it's ok. Don't worry. I think it's about time we got back to the whole friends thing. Paul may have been a little bit right last night that's why I got so annoyed. I can't stay mad at you even if I wanted to," Y/N comforts me. I don't want to be your friend.
"I'd like to be friends again," I lie.
"For now," I whisper. She heard it looked at me confused but didn't say anything.
"Right I better get going. Are you going to be ok?"
"I'll be fine." We both stand up and she brings me in for a tight squeeze.
"So will we," she assures me squeezing my hand as she leaves. God I'm so in love with that woman.

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