Chapter 29

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Author's Note: Don't worry I have you guys covered in this chapter too 😏

Lizzie's POV:
I wake up content in Y/N's arms our naked bodies intertwined with a sheet draped over us.
"Do you ever stop staring Olsen?" Y/N giggles.
"Why would I want to? Between your face and your body I could stare at you forever and not get bored," I smirk.
"I forgot how much of a horny shit you are princess," Y/N laughs kissing me gently.
"A horny shit that loves you," I assure her making her blush.
"So how about a date?" Y/N inquires nervously.
"No. I was supposed to ask you. Take it back," I demand.
"Make me," she challenges me. I straddle her putting my hand gently around her neck.
"I am taking you on a date not the other way around. Understand?" I check.
"Y..yes," Y/N moans.
"Alright pillow princess. How about this evening?" I suggest.
"I can't wait my love," she whispers against my lips. Damn I love when she calls me that.
"Say it again," I plead.
"What do you want me to say my love?" Fuck. I pin her arms above her head kissing her hungrily. Y/N flips me over taking control.
"How about we get into the shower?" Y/N suggests jumping off me. Ok this is going to be fun.

Y/N's POV:
Lizzie and I get ready separately for our date so we can surprise each other. I had no idea what to wear. Lizzie only told me to bring a coat incase I got cold. I walked out of my room and saw Lizzie pacing she was nervous but looked beautiful. I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.
"You look stunning my love," I whisper kissing her cheek gently. Lizzie turned around looked at me and just beamed.
"You're the most beautiful person to ever exist," Lizzie declares kissing me passionately.
"Not possible with you in this world. And try to relax. I know you're nervous but honestly this could be the worst date of my life and I'd still be in love with you," I assure her. She smiles blushing kissing my cheek. Lizzie leads me out to the car where I notice blankets all over the back seats. What is she planning?
"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" I inquire .
"Nope you'll know when we get there," Lizzie giggles resting her hand on my thigh while she drives. Fuck. Ok breath Y/N.
"You ok princess?" Lizzie smirks squeezing my thigh.
"Y..yeah," I lie. She bites her lip moving her hand around further inches from where I want her.
"S..stop please. Unless you want to turn around and take me home now," I beg.
"Ok princess. I'll behave...for now," Lizzie laughs. Fuck.

We arrive at the beach and Lizzie reveals underneath the blankets a picnic basket with canvases for us to draw on. Something I had always dreamed of doing.
"Lizzie," I say in awe.
"I'm so in love with you," I declare kissing her passionately.
"I'm glad you're excited. Now come on. We've got lots of fun to have before sunset," she encourages me.
"Can I please carry something you look like you're about to drop the lot?" I request with sad eyes, she rolls her eyes handing me the blankets. I kiss her to distract her taking the basket from her hand so she's only left with the bag full of the art supplies. She does the head tilt and I sprint as fast as I can down the beach. I'm a lot faster than her but trying to be careful with a picnic basket is harder than it looks. I sit down in a nice spot waiting for her to tell me off.
"Stop sulking princess. I want to see that smile," I plead walking closer to her her. She just glared at me. I lift her up spinning her around and she starts to smile.
"Am I forgiven?" I check.
"Yes," she agrees rolling her eyes as i put her down.
"Whipped," I tease and she nudges me.
"Keep that up and my plans for when we get home won't happen," Lizzie warns. I pretend to zip my mouth and throw away the key getting her to laugh. I love that laugh. Lizzie opens the picnic filled with all my favourite snacks and a bottle of champagne to share.

I just catch myself looking at her studying every inch of her face not wanting to forget how she looked at the moment I knew I want to spend the rest of my life with her.
"You're staring Y/L/N," Lizzie giggles sketching on her canvas.
"Yes I am. I don't want to forget this moment. And how you look right now because you're breathtaking," I explain making her blush.
"Come here," Lizzie demands pulling me in by my shirt for a kiss.
"What was that for?" I ask smiling brightly.
"You're just perfect. Do you hear me when I say that?" Lizzie checks.
"I do hear you I just don't believe it," I mumble nervously.
"Well one day you're going to. If that's one thing that you gain from us dating I hope it's that you understand how amazing you are," Lizzie informs me.
"I was kind of hoping it'd be mind blowing sex," I joke. Lizzie rolls her eyes knowing I'm deflecting.
"Promise me you'll at least be open to it," Lizzie begs.
"Ok princess," I agree.
"Oh and by the way the sex is a given," she whispers against my lips before biting the bottom one pulling away and winking. Fuck.
"Why do we have to be in public?" I sigh covering my face.
"Now who's the horny shit?" She challenges me.
"Still you my love," I tease rubbing my hands up and down her thighs feeling as shivers cover her body.
"What did I say about behaving?" Lizzie reminds me. I quickly withdraw my hands making her giggle.

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