Chapter 21

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Lizzie's POV:
This evening Florence is coming over for Y/N to cook for her. I was nervous. I know I said I'd be fine with Y/N sleeping with her but I wasn't. Not at all. The thought of someone else touching her made me feel ill. I readjust my position in Y/N's arms wrapping my leg around her like a Koala. Y/N and I spent every night cuddling so we could both get to sleep or at least that's what we tell ourselves. I feel Y/N start to fidget mumbling something.
"Lizzie," she moans in her sleep. I smirk knowing what sort of dream she was having. Y/N wakes up within a few seconds noticing the smile on my face she blushes embarrassed.
"Did you've have a good dream princess?" I whisper kissing her cheek.
"Uh yeah very regular you know pretty dull," she plays it off.
"Liar. You were moaning my name Y/N," I challenge her.
"I..uh.. sorry," Y/N apologises covering her face.
"Never apologise for that. It gives me great confidence. Was I taking good care of you Y/N? Why don't you tell me about it?" I whisper against her lips. She turns bright red.
"Lizzie we're trying the whole friends thing. I'm not ready to ruin that yet," Y/N stops me.
"That's ok. But you should know when you are ready I've been doing a lot of reading and educating myself. There are so many things I want to do for you princess," I smirk flickering my eyes to her lips.

The door flies open with Scarlett walking in.
"Have you not heard of knocking?" I sigh.
"Yes but you're just friends and you have a boyfriend so I'm not disturbing," Scarlett challenges me desperate for me to tell her. I feel Y/N tense at the mention of Robbie.
"What do you need Scar?" Y/N asks sitting up moving from under me.
"I was just wondering what time Florence is coming over so I can work out what time to book the table for Lizzie and I's dinner," Scarlett explains.
"Oh uh 6.30. I didn't want to make it too late so you and Lizzie felt you had to stay out," Y/N informs her.
"How very kind of you. I'll make sure to book it for 7 so we can meet the mystery woman before we leave," Scarlett laughs leaving. Y/N looks at me with guilt written all over her face.
"I should go," I mumble sadly.
"Ok see you later," Y/N whispers.

Y/N's POV:
I get dressed up for dinner once the majority of the food was ready. In this moment my feelings were mixed: guilt, confusion and excitement. Lizzie walks in as I put the finishing touches on my starter checking everything tastes ok. I look up and smile at her. I notice her admiring my body.
"My eyes are up here Olsen," I warn.
"I see them all the time. That body however spends a lot of time covered up," she teases stepping closer.
"This isn't for you Olsen so back up," I instruct.
"Make me," Lizzie whispers against my lips.
"I can't do this Lizzie not when you have a boyfriend," I sigh.
"Actually I...," Lizzie's cut off by the knocking on the front door.
"Wait let me answer it," Scarlett demands rushing towards the door. I watched as Florence's jaw drops.
"Hi I'm Scarlett it's nice to meet you," she introduces herself extending her hand. Florence shakes it in shock. That's cute.
"Florence words," I help her.
"I uh I'm such a huge fan. I'm Florence sorry. It's an honour to meet you," Florence rambles adorably.
"Please come in. I know you'd rather be eating with me tonight but she's gone to a lot of effort so at least pretend to like the food," Scarlett teases.
"Wow Scarlett you're so incredibly funny. Why have you not starred in a comedy?" I reply sarcastically.
"We should get going come on Lizzie. Don't be too disappointed I'm not staying Florence," Scarlett excuses herself. Lizzie smiles sadly as she leaves.

Florence walks over to me covering her face embarrassed as they shut the door.
"I made a fool out of myself didn't I?" Florence sighs.
"It was adorable but I find anything you do sweet. You look lovely by the way," I assure her removing her hands from her face. Florence blushes.
"Thank you. You look hot. And the food smells great," She compliments me.
"Are you flirting with me Pugh?" I smirk.
"Depends how good the food is," Florence challenges me. I pull the seat out for her to sit down and kiss her cheek as she does.
"You ready for the best food you've ever had?" I check.
"Bring it on."

Florence thoroughly enjoyed the food she tried to pretend it was awful but her real life acting could use some work. We sit down on the sofa and she rests her head against my shoulder.
"So what did you think?" I inquire.
"You're annoyingly great at everything," Florence sighs.
"Why thank you? So what's my prize?" I whisper kissing her cheek.
"Hmm well I was thinking maybe you could take me home a bit later and we can see what else you're great at," Florence suggests kissing me.
"Well you see Miss Pugh. That you have to earn. So depends how nice you are to me for the rest of this evening," I tease.
"I promise I'll be good," she says nibbling on my ear lobe. Damn. She gets up walking away to the bathroom leaving me flustered.

Before I say yes I want to check what Lizzie was about to say to me.
Me: What were you going to say before Florence arrived? You said Actually then didn't finish.
Lizzie: I've forgotten. Are you having a nice time?
Me: Yeah...
Lizzie: You want to check I'm ok with you going back to hers don't you?
Me: I don't want to hurt you Lizzie.
Lizzie: I told you to get it out of your system. It won't change anything I promise.
Me: I feel so guilty though.
Lizzie: It's my fault we're in this position. You deserve to have some fun and she clearly likes you a lot. Please relax. We'll be fine.
Me: Can we hang out tomorrow before work? I want to take you somewhere.
Lizzie: Of course. Have a nice night Y/N.
Florence walks back in looking devious.
"You ready to go?" Florence checks.
"Yeah. I'm ready. I hope you are."

Lizzie's POV:
Scarlett and I walk back into the house. Instantly my heart aches.
"Why did I say it was fine? Why did I encourage her Scar?" I sigh tearily.
"Because you love her. And because you're scared to hurt her again and you're scared of her hurting you. You want both of you to be ready to be together before your are. I think it's really mature Lizzie. I'm impressed," Scarlett assures me.
"Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt like a bitch," I sigh.
"I know. It's only a short term thing though Lizzie. You've got to remember that," Scarlett comforts me hugging me.
"You're a good friend Scar. Thank you."
"You're welcome. Now I'm not as good a cuddler as Y/N is but I'll give it a good try," Scarlett offers.
"That would be great," I agree. I just hope she doesn't enjoy herself as much as she did with me.

Author's Note: Next couple of chapters are drama drama and more drama. Hold on to your hats

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