Chapter 35

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Lizzie's POV:
Today is finally match day. Something that Y/N was most excited for. I'd planned the day meticulously. I'm making breakfast then a car was taking us to the stadium early so Y/N could go in the shop and we can buy shirts to wear for the match. Then after the match itself we're going for a nice romantic dinner. When we're at home it's always Y/N spoiling me and taking care of me. I want her to feel as appreciated by me. I walk into our room with the waffles I had made for breakfast to see a still sleeping Y/N. She's so beautiful. I leave the tray on the bedside lay down beside her beginning to shower her with  gentle kisses across her cheeks and forehead.
"Well isn't that a perfect way to wake up," Y/N mumbles tiredly smiling.
"I think you'd prefer to wake up with my head between your legs," I tease. She blushes a bright red.
"Oh my god I was joking but noted. I made you breakfast princess," I smirk handing her the tray.
"Thank you," she blushes embarrassed.
"Hey don't be embarrassed. I think it's cute how much you want me baby," I assure her.
"Really?" She checks as she bites into her waffle.
"Really. Now once you finish your waffles. We need to get ready quickly so no funny business Y/L/N," I warn her. She pouts a little.
"Babe it's for you. If we get there any later the shop will be overcrowded and I know you'll worry about it and me. But don't worry princess I'll make it up to you this evening," I assure her.
"Ok I love you," she says kissing my cheek.
"I love you too."

We arrive at the shop and it's not busy yet. Y/N is in her element. She loves sports clothes and I love seeing her in them. What I love more is taking them off her.
"Olsen I can feel you perving," Y/N giggles.
"Sorry. Ooh can I get you the sleeveless one for when we go to the beach?" I plead.
"I don't get your obsession with my arms but sure," Y/N laughs.
"Thank you. I love you," I say kissing her cheek. Y/N furrows her brow in deep thought.
"What is it princess?" I query squeezing her hand.
"Is that your favourite body part on me?" She asks.
"It comes a close second," I smirk.
"What's first?" Y/N questions confused.
I hug her closely nibbling on her ear
"Your tongue," I whisper as I grab a shirt heading into the fitting room to try it on. When I walk out to show Y/N she bites her lip and her eyes darken with lust.
"What do you think Y/L/N?" I ask raising my eyebrows. She Steps closer to me kissing me gently.
"What I think right now I can't say out loud because there's other people around," Y/N taunts me biting my bottom lip before trying on her two shirts. Damn. When Y/N walks out in her sleeveless shirt I feel weak at the knees. Fuck me.
"I'm starting to regret going to this match Y/L/N. Take that off before I drag you home," I warn her. She blushes a little.

Seeing Y/N's face when she walks down the stairs towards our seats made everything worth it. The smile on her face and the sheer amazement filled my heart so much it felt like it could burst.
"What?" She asks blushing.
"I just love you," I answer smiling so content.
"I love you too. I just I'm so lucky to love you," Y/N says kissing my cheek as we take our seats. Y/N smiles brightly so I snap a picture of her wanting to remember this moment forever. I set the picture as my Lock Screen.
"Do you like it?" I ask showing her the photo.
"It's alright but mine is better," Y/N disputes showing me her Lock Screen of me smiling with my nose scrunched.
"See this is better. This woman is the love of my life. This woman I'm going to marry one day. This woman is the future mother of my kids. This woman is my everything," Y/N rambles adorably. I kiss her cheek so in love with her.
"Your way with words Y/L/N," I blush.

Y/N's POV:
The match was phenomenal getting to see Messi play in front of my eyes was mind-blowing. The sheer talent was immeasurable. It made me miss playing honestly.
"Why didn't you ever go pro?" Lizzie asks as we stroll hand in hand back to our house.
"I just never thought I was good enough. And it wasn't really a career. I didn't want to be sponging off your mom for the rest of my life. I think if I was that age now I would've done it. Acting, funny enough, was more stable," I explain.
"Hey she was happy to provide for you. You looking after me was more than enough to make up for it. The way you've always protected me and made me feel safe. You always paid rent as soon as you turned 18. You'd work extra shifts to get me a beautiful birthday present. You've always taken care of me and I know you always will," Lizzie assures me.
"I'm glad you feel that way. Because as long as you're safe and as happy as you can be. That's all that matters to me," I reply kissing her cheek.
"I adore you Y/L/N."

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