Chapter 32

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Lizzie's POV:
We pull up outside the wrap party that Downey is hosting. Y/N seems a little nervous.
"What's wrong?" I check.
"I just... what if we get papped? Are you ready for that?" Y/N queries.
"It doesn't bother me. I'm with you and I love you. If people know they know and if they don't they don't. All I care about is that you're mine and I'm yours," I assure her.
"All yours. Now come on Miss Olsen I want to dance with my incredibly sexy girlfriend," Y/N pleads jumping out of the car ready to open the door for me. When she does I kiss her cheek as I climb out. There's no paps so we walk straight in with no disturbance. He'd hired out the entire place. We're greeted at the door with a glass of champagne each.
"To loving you for the rest of my life Lizzie," Y/N toasts.
"To loving you for eternity and a day," I reply kissing her gently before we down our drink. We see Scarlett with Colin heading over to give her a hug.
"Damn Johansson i regret not going all the way with you now," I joke making us all laugh.
"Behave Olsen before Y/N gets jealous," Scarlett giggles. I look at Y/N who pretends to pout.
"I'll make it up to you princess," I smirk kissing her hungrily.
"Olsen keep it PG," Scar teases.
"I'd rather dance with my girlfriend. You up for it Y/L/N?" I query.

I take her hand leading her to the dance floor where Evans is already jumping around with Mackie. A more sensual song came on and Y/N spins me around holding me against her by the waist.
"I can't wait for our holiday my love. I can't wait for it to be just you and I. So I can dance with you like this then I can drop to my knees and taste you again and again," Y/N whispers in my ear.
"Fuck me," I plead.
"How princess? We're in public. And it'd be rude to leave early," Y/N laughs.
"They have a private bathroom," I smirk.
"But you can't keep quiet Lizzie," Y/N says as she kisses my neck trailing her hand up my thigh earning a moan.
"Ugh fine. But you will be punished for teasing me," I inform her.
"Yes Mommy," Y/N taunts me biting my neck gently.
"Stop being a brat Y/L/N. I'm warning you," I respond turning around.
"Make me," she challenges me smirking.
"You should know before you keep being a brat I'm not letting you cum for the next 2 days already," I whisper against her lips. And she gulps.
"I uh. I'm sorry," Y/N apologises.
"Good girl but the punishment still stands," I state clearly.
"Ok. Can we still dance?" Y/N pleads.
"Of course," I agree.

Y/N's POV:
"Why you looking so blue Y/L/N?" Scarlett asks concerned.
"Actions have consequences," I sigh.
"Do you want to talk to me about it?" Scarlett queries.
"Would be slightly weird considering it's to do with my current girlfriend and our sex life," I mumble embarrassed. Scarlett smirks.
"You were being a brat weren't you and now she's holding out on you," Scarlett laughs at me. I nod.
"You live and you learn. It must be killing you considering she looks like that tonight," Scarlett taunts me.
"Thanks for reminding me," I sulk.
"Cheer up. Come on sing with me," Scarlett pleads.
"Do you want her to hate me even more?"
"Come on. I'll ask her permission don't worry," She giggles.

Lizzie agrees and we step up to the microphone. I'm a little nervous. I've never sung in front of the marvel cast before. What if I flop?

Scarlett: What would you think if I sang out of tune
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
Y/N: Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
And I'll try not to sing out of key

Both: Oh I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm gonna try with a little help from my friends

Scarlett: What do I do when my love is away?
Y/N: (Does it worry you to be alone?)
Scarlett: How do I feel by the end of the day?
Y/N: (Are you sad because you're on your own?)
Scarlett: No I get by with a little help from my friends
Both: Mm I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm gonna try with a little help from my friends

Y/N: (Do you need anybody?)
Scarlett: I need somebody to love
Y/N: (Could it be anybody?)
Scarlett: I want somebody to love

Y/N: (Would you believe in a love at first sight?)
Scarlett: Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time
Y/N: (What do you see when you turn out the light?)
Scarlett: I can't tell you, but I know it's mine

Both: Oh I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm I get high with a little help from my friends
Oh I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends

Y/N: (Do you need anybody?)
Scarlett: I just need someone to love
Y/N: (Could it be anybody?)
Scarlett: I want somebody to love

Both: Oh I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm gonna try with a little help from my friends
Oh I get high with a little help from my friends
Yes I get by with a little help from my friends
With a little help from my friends

The room erupts in cheers but I'm too focussed on Lizzie smiling at me proudly. I high five Scarlett before running down to tackle Lizzie in a hug.
"That was incredible baby. I'm so proud of you," Lizzie says excitedly.
"Will you sing with me one day?" I plead.
"One day definitely," Lizzie agrees.
"I'm glad. I'm really tired. Do you mind if I head home early?" I ask.
"Not at all. Let's go," Lizzie assures me.
"No babe you stay. You're enjoying yourself," I encourage her.
"Are you sure?"
"Of course. Just message when you're on your way back so I know when you'll be back so I know you're safe," I request.
"Of course."

I'm lying in bed exhausted when I hear the front door open I head out to see a very drunk Lizzie stumbling. I rush over to her helping her to the couch. She needs sobering up. I grab her a glass of water to sip and some nuggets for her to eat to sober her up. Lizzie starts poking my face.
"God I love this face," Lizzie sighs content leaving little kisses all over it.
"I always want to be close to it whether that's kissing it or sitting on it," Lizzie slurs making me choke.
"Ok drunky. One more glass of water and then bed," I laugh.
"Cuddles too," Lizzie pouts.
"Of course my love." Lizzie finishes her glass of water then reaches her arms out to me like a child waiting for me to carry her. I pick her up help her get ready for bed then lay with my arms open for her to cuddle into.
"It's unfair that when we have sex we can't make a baby. I want you to have all my babies. And I'll have all of yours. Then I'll be Mommy in all senses of the word," Lizzie rambles.
"Don't worry my love that'll happen in time. Now try to get some rest." Lizzie basically lies on top of me princess telling her legs around me fidgeting until she's comfortable. She kisses my lips quickly smiling afterwards.
"Night. I can't wait to see this pretty face between my legs tomorrow," Lizzie mumbles tiredly falling asleep. Note to self Lizzie is horny all day everyday.

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