Chapter 27

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Lizzie's POV:
We pull up at the karaoke bar to find nearly every member of the cast waiting for us. Y/N beamed excitedly.
"See princess we all adore you," I say squeezing her hand.
"They're here because you asked them to be Lizzie. Maybe Tom and Scarlett are here for me but the rest barely know my name. Paul loves and hates me. Evans and Mackie only rate me because of the women I can pull. But thank you for trying to make me feel good about myself," Y/N answers self deprecating as usual.
"You're really irritating sometimes Y/L/N. You need to learn to take a compliment," I warn her. Y/N giggles a little as Scarlett approaches us with a mystery man.
"Y/N, Lizzie, this is Colin," she introduces us.
"It's very nice to meet you," Y/N greets him shaking his hand firmly glaring at him slightly as if to say hurt her and I kill you.
"Hi Colin. Thank you for making Scarlett so smiley," I add.
"Drink?" Colin offers.
"Yes please. Y/N and I will wait here. Lizzie why don't you help Colin?" Scarlett suggests. I nod in agreement knowing how worried she's been about her. I follow Colin to the bar he looks back at the two of them nervously.
"You ok?" I check.
"Yeah just a little nervous. How can I live up to that?" He sighs.
"Hey Scarlett really likes you. She doesn't shut up about you and frankly she doesn't look at Y/N the same way since you've been seeing each other. Besides Y/N is a little preoccupied right now," I assure him.
"Thank you Lizzie," Colin responds smiling gratefully.
"You're welcome. You have nothing to worry about."

Y/N's POV:
I give Scarlett a quick hug and smile at how happy she is.
"Happiness suits you Johansson," I compliment her.
"Thank you. So did you finally bite the bullet?" She inquires gesturing to Lizzie.
"Not yet. I'm too much of a chicken and I still have this confusion with Florence. But then I look at Lizzie, she smile and I just want to stop getting in my own way. I don't know," I sigh.
"She'll prove to you that she's worth the risk and she'll make you happy just wait," Scarlett assures me.
"Are you singing tonight Scar?" I inquire.
"I will if you do," Scarlett smirks.
"Deal. Do you think I can convince Lizzie to sing?" I ask.
"I think she might just surprise you."

I'm stood at the bar waiting to get a drink when I feel a hand on my waist.
"It's good to see you're no longer sulking," a strong British accent says.
"Florence it's good to see you," I laugh hugging her.
"So do I get to hear you sing again?" Florence smirks.
"I'm not entirely sure," I sigh. Scarlett comes rushing over to me.
"I told you she'd surprise you," Scarlett starts pointing to the stage to see Lizzie. Lizzie takes a deep breath beginning to sing looking at me (Don't give up on me

I will fight
I will fight for you
I always do, until my heart
Is black and blue

And I will stay
I will stay with you
We'll make it to the other side
Like lovers do

I'll reach my hands out in the dark
And wait for yours to interlock
I'll wait for you
I'll wait for you

"Go on. This is what you've always wanted," Florence encourages me. I look at her apologetically.
"I'm sorry," I apologise.
"Don't be. I knew this would be the outcome I just loved spending time with you so I didn't care. I hope she treats you well," Florence adds hugging me quickly. I walk towards the stage keeping my eyes on Lizzie.

Cause I'm not givin' up
I'm not givin' up, givin' up
No not yet
Even when I'm down to my last breath
Even when they say there's nothin' left
So don't give up on

I'm not givin' up
I'm not givin' up, givin' up
No not me
Even when nobody else believes
I'm not goin' down that easily
So don't give up on me

And I will hold
I'll hold onto you
No matter what this world'll throw
It won't shake me loose

I'll reach my hands out in the dark
And wait for yours to interlock
I'll wait for you
I'll wait for you

'Cause I'm not givin' up
I'm not givin' up, givin' up
No not yet
Even when I'm down to my last breath
Even when they say there's nothin' left
So don't give up on

I'm not givin' up
I'm not givin' up, givin' up
No not me
Even when nobody else believes
I'm not goin' down that easily
So don't give up on me

Lizzie steps off stage instantly cupping my face. It's as if the whole world stops.
"Please don't break my heart," I beg.
"I won't as long as you don't give up on me," Lizzie pleads.
"I couldn't even if I wanted to," I agree. She smiles brightly pulling me in for a passionate kiss. Lizzie pulls me in by my waist not caring we're in public just enjoying the kiss. We're snapped out of our daze by the cheers of our friends.
"That makes so much sense now," Mackie declares making Lizzie and I laugh.
"Lizzie I can't believe you stole my wife," Ashley sulks.
"She's mine now Ash and I'm not sorry," Lizzie smirks pulling me in close to her.
"Can we get out of here? Just to talk," I plead.

Lizzie's POV:
We get back to my house where Y/N looks nervous.
"Ok before we jump in head first I just want to check a few things because I'm terrified of getting hurt Lizzie. I want to know that you'll be honest with me. I want to know that you're 100% sure that you want to be with me," Y/N requests.
"Y/N I am completely wholly and unequivocally in love with you. I've wanted to be with you since we were kids but I never let myself admit it until Scarlett pointed it out. I will always be open and honest with you even if I think it'll hurt you. I've never wanted anything as much in my life. I want to take you on wonderful dates and show you off to the world. I want to support your career and make you believe how incredibly talented and beautiful you are. I want to hold you and never let go. I want to love you forever if you'd let me," I ramble honestly.
"I love you too. Never let me go," Y/N begs.
"Never. Now come here I want more of those kisses," I plead. Y/N smirks pulling me onto her lap as she kisses me. She holds my waist against her roaming her hand through my hair. I bite her bottom lip earning a moan which I quickly turn into another as I kiss her neck gently. Y/N moans fill the air as I mark her neck. She's mine. Y/N eyes look at me with pure lust.
"I want to do this but I want to do the romance first," I decide climbing off her.
"Really?" Y/N mumbles blushing.
"Really. I love you Y/N. That's the most important thing alongside making you happy. Sex can wait," I assure her.
"You're cute but I don't want to wait. You've proven to me that you're about more than just sex. So if you want me Olsen you've got me. I'm all yours," Y/N smirks biting her lip.
"Are you sure?" I check.
"100%," Y/N consents.

Author's Note: To those who got the don't give up on me a few chapters back I had this planned for ages so well done for referencing it. Spicy next chapter? 😏🤔

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